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Comments From Our Readers

Printed in the January - February - March - 2003 Issue

Benita Glickman: Thank you for selecting my poem "Sight's Echo" for publication in Poetry Depth Quarterly. It is a splendid publication, and I am thrilled that my work appears on the same pages as the work of well-known, wonderful poets such as yourself, Lyn Lifshin and Gerald Wheeler. Thank you also for electing to put "Sight's Echo" on P.D.Q.'s website

Joan Goodwin: I enjoyed the last issue of PDQ and appreciate your hard work getting it ready for publication. Thank you for publishing my poem.

John Grey: Excellent issue. Favorites include Man Feeding Angels by James Mackie and Letter To Stockton From Brunswick by Fredrick Zydeck.

Jerry A. Judge: You put on a high quality magazine. Recently I checked out the web site and was impressed by the chosen poems and the colored drawings, which would be too expensive to have in the print edition. My favorite poem in the current issue is "Glorious Psychedelic Resolution." Daily's (aka Lori Smaltz) line of /I am an evil butterfly/ is inspired.

John Rowe: Many thanks for publishing my poetry in P.D.Q. last year.

Simon Perchik: Received Poetry Depth Quarterly and am so very proud to be included. I'm in good company.

Steven Plewnarz: I do enjoy reading Poetry Depth Quarterly and am particularly impressed with many of the shorter poems within it, as they go beyond merely slapdash-stuff by dashing-out real persons on the hip of nature, commonly valuable as imagined reality.

David Spiering: Your Magazine's like red wine that I would give to someone who says they like red wine, then, I'd sit back and watch the smile grow on their face.

Larry D. Thomas: Thank you for your kindness in featuring my poem, Palimpsest, which appears in the Oct-Nov-Dec 2002 issue of P.D.Q. on your website. Your generous support of my work is greatly appreciated. With regard to the current issue, I found especially impressive the manner in which the poems are arranged. The whimsical artwork of Lizzy Williams is a perfect complement to the poetry. Great job!

(We blush with pleasure for such supportive feedback, from some of the best poets of today. Thank you. Publisher: G. Elton Warrick, Poetry Editor: Joyce Odam, Art Manager and Website Manager: Lori Smaltz)

Printed in the October - November - December - 2002 Issue

Larsen Bowker: I very much appreciate and support the magazines who publish the poems of poets like myself.

Joan Goodwin: I have just finished reading (for the second time) the latest issue of PDQ and enjoyed it very much.  My favorite poem this time was the nature poem: Madam Butterfly by Arthur Gottlieb.

Taylor Graham: Thanks again for another good issue.

J. A. Judge: I am enjoying the latest issue of P. D. Q.   As usual, the poems show depth, passion and craft. Cold Shingle by Taylor Graham is grand. Jane Anderson's artwork adds a tasty frosting to the cake.

Nathan Kerlinsky: Thank you for publishing me in P.D.Q. last spring. I thoroughly enjoyed my issue and especially the drawing, which accompanied my poem.

Michael Keshigian: Thank you again for selecting Autumn Taylor to be part of the latest Poetry Depth Quarterly and also for selecting it to represent your journal on the PDQ website. I hold your journal in high esteem and think you and Mr. Warrick do an excellent job.

Paul McCormick: It was wonderful to be a part of your Spring issue. Very much enjoyed your recent issue as well.

Larry D. Thomas: First, I would like to thank you and Mr. Warrick for the beautiful presentation of my poem, A Matter of color, in the current issue of P.D.Q. I am honored to see my work in the company of so many fine poets.

Jeanne Wagner: Keep up the good work!

Printed in the July - August - September - 2002 Issue

Robert Cooperman: Thanks for the contributor copy of April-May-June Issue.  It's lovely and I'm having a ball reading it, in my usual desultory fashion.  It's especially gratifying to share space with Carol Hamilton, a dear friend and wonderful poet.

Sandra Fowler: I was both surprised and delighted to learn that my poem, "Last Night" has been chosen to appear at the website of your exceptional quarterly.  There are so many noteworthy poems in this issue.  How did I ever get so lucky?  Thank you very much.

Joan Goodwin: The April/May/June publication of PDQ was great.  Thank you for publishing my poem.  The kind remarks of Paul McCormick are much appreciated.  In this issue, I especially enjoyed the poem, "Low Tide" by Taylor Graham.

Taylor Graham:  Thanks for the new issue.  Another good one.

Greg Gregory: I have enjoyed the issues which I have received over the past year and appreciate your dedication and that of your staff to publishing a quality poetry quarterly.

John Grey: I'm pleased to be in another issue of Poetry Depth Quarterly.  An excellent issue as always.  Favorites include the poems of Donald Ryburn, Aaron W. Hillman and Taylor Graham.

Michael Keshigian:  Your selection of work is so sensitive and passionate, that it makes PDQ a most enjoyable journal to read.  I find myself lingering from one page to the next.

Michael Meinhoff:  I was thrilled to see "Native Sunset" along with Sandra Stanton's painting in full color on the Poetry Depth Quarterly website. 

B.Z. Niditch: A beautiful last issue. I'm enjoying and sharing the last PDQ.  I'm letting others on the coast know of PDQ at my readings.

Sam Pierstorff: Thank you for accepting my poem "Foreign Films" for publication in PDQ.  It's an honor and a privilege to be a part of such a beautiful journal.

Colette Jonopolus:  Thank you. Wonderful website. 


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Poetry Depth Quarterly, 5836 North Haven Drive, North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 331-3512.

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