A band from Southern Finland, formed back in 1994, that performes melodic but still very aggressive black metal . The influences scale is very wide, from nature sounds to brutal death black metal so there is no limits to make music, as the members are in a high top lebel musianchip. The lyrics deals with the same music feeling and are written in the Finnish mother lenguage. And the biggest influences are death, despair, damnation, satanism and other dark things. During these years, the band has released three demos and the latest ” Minä Olen Tie ” leaded them to sign for their debut album. That will be released before the end of this year
M. Hyytiä – Drums & Synths
J. Hännine - Cuitarr & Bass
T. Hatakka – Guitarr & Bass
M. Tyni – Vocals


Debut CD 2000 " INFERNO "

Tracks :
Puhtaasti Pahoja
Valosta Pimey teen
Ja Mustaan Tyhjään Kuiluun
Maa, Tuli Ja Henki
Beetlehemin Saasta
Joukko Unholan

110 SEK - SWEDEN / 16 $ - EUROPA / 20 $ - WORLD