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(Rev) Blade's Web Page

Yes, I am aware that the red is gaudy. I like it, so it stays. The text used to be blue, on the red background... so it could be worse.

My Favorite Links
I need to check my big money investments at
Datek and at eTrade every now and again.
Hotmail: Microsoft's web based E-mail server.
Login Page for Net Address. Another online e-mail acct.
The Onion: An irreverent parody news source.
777-FILM: This is THE link for finding a movie in a theater. I use it every week. It is current and has the info you want. (If it doesn't, it links to other related movie sites.) I've also found that has useful movie information. BBS for Chevy trucks and [the real rig for 4x4] Blazers... and this leads to another Blazer BBS by Colorado K5.
Dave Barry is someone that almost always writes a funny article. This is an index to some of his recent stories.
Sierra At Tahoe: I ski here. Good beginner to intermediate level skiing. SOME expert stuff. Friendly staff. Links to Bay area weather and road conditions in the Sierra mountains.
This is a link to my other personal website.

I am a Straight White Male. I like women. Always have. I expect to for the rest of my life. Guys are fun to hang out with, but I won't be having a "relationship" with one. (I think that pretty well covers THAT!)

For outdoor sports, I like downhill skiing, waterskiing, and most recently SCUBA diving. I also like to go camping/ exploring with my 4x4. I used to read a lot (fantasy and adventure books mostly), but now I'm "into" my computers. At home I fool with a Gateway PentiumPro 200mhz desktop, but my work system is a Dell 1.8 gHz P4 laptop. (I haven't decided if I want to load Traveler onto my work system. I'm in the tech department, so I guess I could recover if it trashed my system. On the other hand, most Fortune 500 companies don't want games installed on their computers.

I used to be "addicted to the web", and chatting with people on ICQ (but I've pretty well recovered). I've met some fun people, from all over the world that way. (I met my friend Carolyn on ICQ. She wrote this nice poem for me.) Lately. I've started playing with a virtual reality world. OnLive Traveler is quite cool. I only speak English, so I have a handicap there. Fortunately, English is a popular language on the web, so I'm not TOO bad off. If you don't speak English, you'll have to use your brain or go to a translation site.

I'm a 6'1", blue eyed, bald guy, with some brown (used to be blonde) hair around the sides. I'm around 180 lbs., and try to stay in decent shape.

I was born in Minnesota, and moved to California when I was a baby. I grew up about halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento, in a town of about 50,000 people. I like medium sized towns. They seem more wholesome than big cities, and yet there are plenty of things to keep you busy/ entertained.

Click here if you want to hear what I sound like.

Here I'm going to include a story of the elk hunting trip that I took with my father, and my brothers Mark and Steve. I'll have to fix it up a bit, after I scan some photos from my trip. (At the moment it is using the "standard" titles and default images from Angelfire's format page.) ...and this links to a story about my first attempt at the Rubicon trail.

If you want to see pictures of my sister and her family, click this text.

If you want to see the kind of comics that make me laugh, click this. (Cartoons take quite a while to load. Patience is a virtue. The cartoons aren't all that hilarious either. They just tickled ME!) ... and here are some jokes that really seemed extra funny to me.
This links to some quasi-political ranting thing that I thought should be on the web.

These are links to stories or other types of messages people e-mail to me, or that I scanned from articles in magazines or newspapers: Good vs. Evil, Dance like no one is watching, Cat Silliness, My Sister's Drawer, The "Sunscreen" Speech, Tandem Writing/ Chamomile Tea, Today.

Where do you want
to go today?

This will take you to a random site on the web.  Use your back button to return here, or right click the image, and open the link in a new window.

(This is a random URL generator.)
