================================================================== The following is a sample letter: [but it is always best if you write it in your own words] =================================================================== Congressman __________ U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Senator __________ U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Congressman/Senator: As your constituent, I am very concerned over the treatment by our Executive and Judicial Branches of government regarding inventor Joseph Newman. Over a period of more than two decades, Joseph Newman has sought to bring forth a new electromagnetic technology which will revolutionize our access to energy and provide all Americans with the opportunity to use inexpensive and abundant energy alternatives. As our legislative branch of Government, Congress retains the original power to grant patent protection to inventors, a power which Congress normally assigns to the Patent and Trademark Office (executive branch). But just as the Patent Office refused to issue a patent to the Wright Brothers and fought against these courageous inventors for many years, the Patent Office has also failed in its duty with respect to inventor Joseph Newman to provide him with constitutionally-mandated patent protection for a limited period of time. Although Joseph Newman sought relief in the judicial branch of government, he was denied relief by a federal judge who even ignored the findings of his own Special Master and Technical-to-the-Court (and former U.S. Commissioner of the Patent Office) who stated that the evidence was overwhelming that Joseph Newman's energy machine worked. Even a test of one of Joseph Newman's prototypes conducted by the National Bureau of Standards was incompetently-performed under questionable circumstances by an agency which even admitted its bias against the new technology _before_ any testing was conducted. Over the years, more than 30 scientists have signed legal Affidavits attesting to the successful operability of Joseph Newman's technology. In effect, the executive and judicial branches of government have personally cost Joseph Newman hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, administrative expenses, bureaucratic red tape, etc. And these branches may have cost the American taxpayer the opportunity to have access to a revolutionary source of inexpensive, abundant energy -- a savings which would represent billions of dollars in energy costs for all American citizens. In an earlier session of Congress, eleven different U.S. Congressmen (both Democrats and Republicans) introduced eleven different Private Relief Bills designed to circumvent the above-described injustice and issue Joseph Newman a Pioneering Patent for his technology. The wording in the Private Relief Bills was identical and read as follows: "A BILL For the relief of Joseph W. Newman. "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, is authorized and directed to immediately issue a pioneer patent to Joseph W. Newman for the invention described in the patent application numbered 179,474 and filed in August 1980. Such patent shall be accorded rights equal to the rights accorded to patents issued title 35, United States Code." During that Session of Congress all eleven Democratic and Republic Congressmen pressured then-Congressman Robert Kastenmeier to hold hearings on the Private Relief Bills. Congressman Kastenmeier refused to hold such hearings on the grounds that litigation was still pending in the Courts and Congressional action would be premature. Kastenmeier, who later lost his seat in Congress after over 30 years, never acted on the Private Relief Bills and they died in that Session of Congress. His excuse for inaction is no longer valid since such litigation is no longer pending. Furthermore, as an American taxpayer I would ask, why would Kastenmeier (in the Legislative Branch of government) predicate his actions with respect to holding hearings on actions taken by the Judicial Branch of government? Such inaction belies the separation-of-powers intended by our Constitution. As the Republican Study Committee of Congress wrote: "Joseph Newman has received arbitrary and unfair treatment at the hands of the Patent Office and Federal Judge Jackson. Congress should act because the Executive and Judicial branches have failed this American citizen. In light of Congress' oversight responsibilities and the fact that it is empowered by the Constitution to issue patents, the fact that the preponderance of evidence is in Newman's favor, and the fact that this invention is potentially beneficial to hundreds of millions of people, it is totally in order for Congress to grant Newman a patent and to allow the American marketplace to decide the value of this invention." As your constituent, I ask you to please introduce a Private Relief Bill on behalf of inventor Joseph Newman. Such an action would cost the American taxpayer nothing and could very well enable everyone to have access to inexpensive and abundant energy which would be a benefit to the entire country. Sincerely, Your name and address