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Dedication of Federal Employees Memorial

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The dedication of the Memorial statue was held May 4, 2000, at 11:00am during Public Service Appreciation Week.

In 1994, Boy Scout, Jeremy Nuanes, a student at Golden High School, envisioned an ambitious project to honor the men and women of the Federal Government, who gave their lives while performing their duties.

The project grew beyond the scope of a Scout venture and Jeremy's mother, a Federal employee, established the Federal Employees Memorial Fund to complete the monument. Denver artist, Joe Cipri, was commissioned to create the dynamic and symbolic statue that now graces the grounds of the Denver Federal Center. From the many donations generously given from all over the world.

Today the 12-ft monument is a testimony to the volunteer spirit and humanitarian effort that America gives to the world daily. In its talons, the 5-ft eagle carries the American flag draped around and cradling the globe to symbolize the protection and security that we the American people strive to provide throughout the world.

Susan Damour, GSA Regional Administrator, was proud to dedicate this peacetime memorial to all Federal workers, military and non-military, who gave their lives while selflessly serving the public.

The statue is located on the island on 4th Street in front of building 40.