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Clients' Letters

November 12, 2004.
Dear Kirby,

          With my dogs soon needing grooming again, my thoughts turned to you and the great service you provide. I would love for other people to know how impressed I was with your home grooming visit. Your equipment set up was fast and efficient. Your ability to deal with the diverse temperaments of my three dogs was admirable as well.

          I do not hesitate to recommend you to other pet owners!

Darlene Tataryn

June 23, 2004
Dear Kirby,

          On behalf of my adorable golden retriever, Winzer, I wish to thank you for the terrific grooming job you performed for him in May 2004.

          Winzer is normally skittish when it comes to bath time, however, the gentleness and patience you had shown him alleviated this feeling and the bath procedure turned out to be fun. It was also tremendously convenient for me to have you come to our home and keep him in his familiar surroundings when conducting his grooming.

          We look forward to calling you in the future and having you come down once again to groom him, that is once his coat needs it again. As for now, he is looking great!

Christine and Winzer Schultz

July 18th, 2003

Dear Kirby:

          Thank you for grooming Oomah.   It was his first experience of this nature and if it were not for your manner and gentleness, we are certain he would not have found it a pleasant experience.

          You certainly understand and have the ability to relate to animals, in particular, to a dog such as Oomah - who is not exactly docile in nature.  :-)

          Your knowledge and expertise is sincerely appreciated by us and by Oomah, who is now more comfortable in this hot weather.

          Thank you again.  We hope you will attend to his fall grooming and look forward to seeing you at that time.

Margaret & Vic Zadworny

Sunday, January 5th, 2003


          I felt I had to write you regarding the wonderful experience we had today with you, regarding the first time for grooming our puppy Sammy. We would like to thank you for the considerate way you handled both our pet and our daughter's inquiries regarding pet care and grooming. Pets are very much family concerns and when it comes to a pet of your child, there are several levels of expertise one looks for in quality service. I will recap them from my perspective.

          First, is the care the animal receives. The way you handled Sammy, {she as well as her owners}, knew she was in good, confident hands. She was guided to behave properly, by patient, clear commands. She was handled with care as well.

          Second, is the care and concern you gave to her owners. As new puppy owners, I am looking for more than service, I am looking for resources and ways we can as family serve each other needs better. Thank you Kirby, for excelling in this area. We got info on many areas of dog care.

          Thirdly, we really appreciate the convenience of the service in our own home, both from our pet's perspective as well as our own. It was enjoyable to be able to be a part of the grooming experience for our pet and was especially great for our daughter to see what the groomer and pet goes through when matting etc. occurs.

          Fourthly, we very much appreciate your sense of humor, your willingness to teach and great abilities in communication of the knowledge you possess.

          Without a doubt, we would full heartedly recommend your services to any pet owner that cares for their pet. They will not be disappointed!

~ The Carters ~

Friday, January 10, 2003

Dear Kirby,

          It was a pleasure & a relief watching you cut Buddy's hair.  The love and kindness you showed him made us as owners (parents) feel very good.  We will recommend you to anyone that we know that need their dog's hair cut.  Once again, we want to thank you.

Paul & Pat Desautels

          We would like to say we were very pleased with your kind and gentle grooming of Ginger.  We couldn't believe the undercoat you got off, especially since we brushed her nearly every day.

          Will certainly call on you again come spring, or anytime we want our dog to look especially nice - and would be pleased to recommend your services to our friends.

Kindest Regards,
Shirley & Roy

To Whom it May Concern,

This letter is in reference to Kirby Pearson and her business,
Husky Howllow Mobile Grooming.

          My husband and I have a two year old Cocker Spaniel named Halys. Halys is particularly nervous and defensive around non-family members. Specifically, she does not like her feet or head touched by strangers.

          The first time we took Halys to Kirby for grooming, Halys was seven months old and approximately 10 pounds.  She resisted so much that, with my husband and I each holding down one end, Kirby was only able to groom Halys's legs.  Subsequent groomings have been more successful, but even so, it is only after two years that Halys can be groomed without first being sedated. The luxury of having Kirby come to our home makes the situation more relaxing, both for my husband and I, and for Halys.

          While most groomers would have long since refused to deal with Halys's temperament, Kirby has undertaken to gain our dog's trust.  We are grateful for Kirby's creativeness and handling skills in working with our dog.  Not only do we get a beautifully groomed dog, but we are also getting a dog that is more tolerant about being touched.

          Each dog has his or her own special needs when it comes to grooming. We have referred Kirby to friends in the past, and would be happy to refer her in the future.  We believe that Kirby is fully capable of adapting to any grooming situation.

Joan Schmidt

Attention:  Kirby Pearson

          I would like to submit the following recommendation for your grooming business:  Husky Howllow Mobile Grooming

          I have used Husky Howllow Mobile Grooming Services for my dog, Zee, since it first opened.  I do not hesitate to recommend the services offered by Kirby.  She has no problem keeping Zee in excellent shape at all times.

          Dog-training experience for a number of years and having four dogs of her own gives Kirby a natural bond with your pet.  They adopt a mutual understanding, and this makes the grooming process run smoothly for both the dog and the groomer.

          It is wonderful not to have to leave my dog at a grooming shop all day, where she is caged, and no doubt wondering why she is being punished.  It is much better for Zee to be groomed in the comfort and security of her own home.  I have no hesitation in recommending Husky Howllow Mobile Grooming for your best friend ..... your dog.

            Muriel James

To Whom it May Concern

          It is my pleasure to recommend "Kirby" of Husky Howllow
Mobile Grooming for your pet's needs.

          I found her to be very, very patient, kind, and extremely efficient.  She had a massive clean up to do on my huge bearded collie.  With her constant chattering, petting, the dog behaved better than ever before.

          I trust you will be as satisfied as we were.

Yours truly,

Dear Kirby,

          This is a letter to let know how pleased I am that my owners decided to have you do my grooming.

          I could tell you horror stories about being driven to the groomers at 8:00 am, sitting in a small cage for 2 - 4 hours, then finally getting my hair cut.  Once, my owner shampooed the rug while I was gone, and when I came home my paws were bleeding (because they cut my nails too short) and I got bloody paw prints all over the nice clean rug.

          Now, you come to my house, my owner fills me full of treats and says nice things to me, AND I get a gorgeous hair cut.


          I have had Kirby as my dog's groomer for over a year now. I have no hesitation in recommending her service to one and all.

          Her service is very convenient and more comfortable for my dog, as she comes to the home.

          I find she does a very thorough job of cutting and trimming, and is very patient when my dog gets "unruly".

          She has helped me with medical and behaviour problems when I first adopted him.  She has always treated my dog with care and concern.  Also, she has been very accommodating whenever I have wanted to change the type of cut he has.

          Most of all, Kirby loves her job and the animals, and treats them with love and kindness.


Dear Kirby,

          I'm sorry it's taken us so long to write and thank you for the terrific job you did in grooming Buddy, our Wheaten Terrier.

          As you discovered, Buddy gets very uptight about being groomed, but having you come to the house made it less stressful for him and us. You were so patient and kind to him, even though he made your job a difficult one. We were very impressed by your professional attitude and expertise, but even more so by your  genuine concern for Buddy's welfare.

          We're looking forward to having you back soon to give Buddy a shorter summer haircut.  We'll also be sure to give you some before and after pictures of his next grooming session.

Marnie & Cam

P.S.  Buddy's had a lot of compliments on the sporty bandana you gave him !

Kirby:  The Dog Lover:

          My dog right now is so loved by whomever comes to my home. He was so, so matted!  And you did such a good job on him.

          I would recommend you any time, to anyone.  And I have done so.

          You are great - and I know my dog thinks so too.

Thank you so much.

The Dog's Love and Mine,

To Whom It May Concern,

          Kirby Pearson is very professional in her approach to her work. She puts both dog and owner at ease.  Kirby does a massage to relax the animal.  The grooming equipment is extremely up to date and safe.  The job she does is great.  The cost is very reasonable. I have only good things to say about her approach to her profession.

          I am sure anyone would be satisfied with Kirby as their groomer, as will the pets she services.

Mr. & Mrs. J. Pearson

To: Husky Howllow Mobile Grooming

          I was very pleased with the service I received from Kirby, of Husky Howllow. I was quite confident in your experience and abilities, knowing that you would do your very best.  You did those little extras really that made a difference. Sheba was quite content and comfortable in the relaxed atmosphere of her own home. I saw how gentle and compassionate you were towards Sheba, which made both me and her feel more relaxed. I took comfort in knowing you are such a big animal lover and you consider your dogs your children. I also feel the same way about my Sheba. She is a very important part of our lives and I know she is in good hands with you.

Thanks for the great service.
Shelley, Rob  and Sheba

Hi Kirby!

          Just a couple of lines to thank you for coming out to clip our puppy Neisha. I wanted to let you know that Neisha and I really appreciated your gentle, caring touch - Neisha seemed quite at ease and was definitely not as afraid as I had expected.  I hope we can use your services again soon!

          Look forward to seeing you again soon! 

Judy Hnatiuk

Dear Kirby:

          Aren't I adorable? However, I wasn't always this good looking. But then Kirby came into my life and made me beautiful.

          As you can tell by my picture, I am a Pomeranian. That's my owner's white hair scrunchie in my mouth. I like to remove it from her hair. My name is Cleo Meeshka Tardiff, the first and last (the background on my name is another story). My owners were told not to bath and groom me unless absolutely necessary. Something to do with my skin!!!!

          Well, I rolled in some yucky stuff and my owners decided to have me professionally bathed and groomed. They think after 10 years, it was time for a bath. However, I want you to know...... I have never had an odour problem. Most Pomeranians have a natural clean smell and that's the truth.

          Kirby arrived in her van with all her gear and beauty products. I didn't know what was going to happen and when I found out..... I have to admit, I was scared. No. . . I was petrified. How could my owners, after 10 years, decide it was time for me to have a bath and be groomed .... after they promised me, that would never happen!

          Kirby was very friendly and empathetic of my feelings of what was about to happen to me! She set up her equipment and my owner gave me to Kirby.

          What was the end result? Actually, the experience was a little trying for me, but Kirby was gentle, patient and very nice, to me. Since Uncle Vet clipped my claws the previous week, Kirby smoothed my claws so I wouldn't snag my owner's pantyhose, cleaned, my ears, got rid of all my knots (I have lots and lots of fur), bathed me (I looked like a sewer rat), blow dried me (fluffed me up very quickly) and voila, I looked beautiful .... no, I looked gorgeous.

          My owners didn't recognize me. I was so clean, so soft, so much blonder, and smelt so fresh and sweet. My owners loved what Kirby did to me. They wished they had taken, a "before" and "after" picture.

          I felt like a million bucks ..... I looked like a million bucks ..... and I didn't want to spoil my new look ..... so I waited for at least 15 minutes until I frolicked through the grass.

          If you want to be pampered and treated like a queen ..... have your owners call Kirby for a grooming appointment. You'll like the "new you" ... and so will your owners!

Cleo Meeshka Tardiff

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