The World Order Beyond Oceania There are three super-states: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. “With the absorption of Europe by Russia, and of the British Empire by the United States”, Eurasia and Oceania came into being (p193). Eastasia, the smallest of the three super-states, emerged after a decade of confused fighting (p193). In Oceania, the philosophy is Ingsoc (English Socialism). In Eurasia, the philosophy is Neo-Bolshevism. In Eastasia, the philosophy is Death-Worship or Obliteration of Self. In the year 1984, Oceania was at war with Eurasia, and in alliance with Eastasia. Four years ago, Oceania was at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia, however the Party denies ever having been in alliance with Eurasia. Fighting never moves beyond the edges of disputed area (p195). Eurasia is protected by its vast land spaces. Eastasia is protected by it fecundity, and industriousness of its inhabitants. Oceania is protected by the width of the Atlantic and Pacific. In equatorial Africa and the countries of the Middle East, Southern India, and Indonesian Archipelago, they dispose of the bodies of hundreds of millions of ill-paid and hard-working people. Inhabitants of this place have been reduced to slaves and they pass from conqueror to conqueror, expended like coal or oil in the race to turn out more armaments or capture more territory (p195). Territory of the three super-states is constantly being captured or recaptured. Dividing line between the super-states is never quite stable. Around “the Pole, all three powers lay claim to enormous territories which are in fact largely uninhabited and unexplored. The heartland of each state remains inviolate (p196). “Balance of power always remains roughly even” (p196). The labour of exploited peoples around the equator is not really necessary to world’s economy and if they did not exist, “the structure of world society, and the process by which it maintains itself, would not be essentially different” (p196). The reason for this is that whatever is produced by these people is used for pointless purposes in war. All three super-states are permanently at war, and have been for over 25 years (p193). They are unable to destroy each other and have no actual cause for fighting (p193).