In a world controlled by a higher power, constantly living in fear of doing or saying something wrong. Any unpure thoughts may make you "disappear". Constantly being watched, and observed without knowing.A tele screen watching every facial expression and recording any abnormal body language and movement every where you go. Even in your home there is no escape. Not able to get away or turn off the power of the Telescreen and "Big Brother". This seems frightening but unknowingly it is possible that we all are being watched by the government or a "Big Brother" of sorts and may not even realize it. Through the front of your cable Tv box "Big Brother" may be peering into you room, receiving information about you through their fiber optic network. The wiring in your house may be being used as a listening device by the government to keep tabs on your plans, lives and business. Tapping of phone lines is easily done, people listening to your every word. Cameras and security devices are found every where you turn, under freeway underpasses to catch you speeding, and atop street lights to track your every move. Helicopters that are equipped with infrared and listening devices able to hear a mouse fart on the ground from 1000 ft up. Spy satellites able to take detailed photographs from space.The list is endless, there could easily be such a thing as "Big Brother" like in Orwells 1984. And if the right person wanted you to disappear they could easily do so with the technology available today. Technology has become so advanced that it could be possible to monitor your every move twenty four hours a day. My computer screen is recording everything I do as I write this and is sending the detailed information through my internet service provider straight to "Big Brother"! One could become very paranoid if they believed all this to be true. Do you think we will ever know for sure? Probably not. Was there even such a thing as an outside world apart from Oceania? If you believed the government had fed you, which you had no choice in doing, they constantly lead you to believe that there was. News of wars with Eastasia/Eurasia would lead you to believe there are other lands outside of Oceania. There is public transportation via "the tube" but no means of Travel. This of course was not part of being a outer party member. No leisure time is allowed. And vacations or travel outside of Oceania would be of course be forbidden and unheard of. It may have been different years before the revolution, but there weren't many people left who's ideas were formed before the Revolution. "The older generation had mostly been wiped out in the great purges of the fifties and sixties, and the few who survived had long ago been terrified into complete intellectual surrender." (pg.74) So, in reality, these conditions may only exist in Oceania and not the rest of the world. The only solid evidence of an outside existence or people are the Eastasia/Eurasia prisoners bound in chains and transported by truck through the streets for all to see heading for who knows where. Are these even prisoners of war? Surely no one would ever be able to talk to them without being carted off themselves. These people may not even be prisoners of war at all, just the members of the outer party or proles that "disappear" every day due to "thought crime" or are thought to be dangerous and are sent off to die at the hands of Big Brother. Oceania could possibly be a self contained country controlling its people and feeding them lies, they would never have any way of knowing otherwise or any reason to think so. The rest of the world could be "free" and no one would be the wiser. Just toys in a game being played with and discarded at will being pushed around and controlled by a master hand from above. This reminds me of an episode of the "Twilight Zone" where a man wakes up to find himself in a world that looks familiar, and appears to be the same as it has always been, but everyone has disappeared. He cannot find another living soul. As it turns out, he is being kept by an alien as a pet and toy. His whole existence was under false understanding. His world was in actuality an outlet for someone else's amusement. This in a way shows the same type of a higher power of Big Brother and the country it controls, Oceania. The subjects or citizens have no idea of their true surroundings and is blinded of seeing past the force that controls their fate. As it is in our universe, we may also be subject to this type of "higher power" with out knowing. No one may ever know. The Universe is infinite, and the earth may just be a leftover cheerio in a box of uneaten cereal not yet consumed by an existing larger force. The purpose of newspeak by the oceania government is to simplify the language and unify thought in the public. To unify their way of thinking and speaking. If this is accomplished there would be no room for "Thought Crime" and every one would become the model worker / citizen. As Syme said to Winston about the revision of the Newspeak Dictionary, "Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shal make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it". "How could you have a slogan like "Freedom Is Slavery" when the concept of freedom has been abolished"? (pg.46) They are basically trying to take away the last form of freedom that any outer party member could poses, Their personal thoughts, even if it was a crime to "think". Simplification of words also takes place in today's society but not as drastic as Orwell's notion of Newspeak. Peoples use of slang for instance. Newspeak is a whole new language being forced into the society of Oceania obviously in an attempt for Big Brother to retain ultimate control over its people. The conditioning process of big brother strives for its party members"purity of mind"extracting from them any form of human instinct or nature. If you were to have thoughts of anything outside the party or against Big Brother you would be "erased". "Your worst enemyÉis your own nervous system".In today's society everyone would surely be carted off to room 101 for having committed thoughtcrime. It is in our human nature to think evil, perverted, and disgusting thoughts. The telescreens could detect any form of body language of someone that would have a suspicious air to their movements or facial expressions. Body language plays a big role in reflecting our thoughts in society today, some of which could be misleading or accidental, but dangerous nonetheless. In today's world making eye contact with the wrong "homeboy" could result in obtaining a severely kicked ass. In Oceania, prolonged eye contact could be read by the thought police as having a underlying motive of conspiracy against the party and Big Brother, ultimately resulting in the same outcome of having ones ass severely kicked. Governments throughout time have always tried to obtain a stable platform of control over their people. telling them how to think or what to do. Controlling them with propaganda, military force, laws, and war. That of course is what a government is set up to do. Sometimes abusing their power and ultimately destroying their own people and culture. News programs are the most evil and insidious way that our society today has developed to control and fill the blank minds of americans with lies and hate. It's hard not to believe something that we've seen with our own eyes on the television screen, but images, as well as minds are easily manipulated. Video can be cut in a way, not showing you the whole picture. There is no way of really finding out the absolute truth about something unless you can physically experience it yourself. Someone's mother once said, "you canÕt always believe what you hear, or see on T.V."! I believe this to be true. The best way of gaining knowledge is through experience. Through constant images of death and destruction in magazines, and on the news our senses have become numb. Nothing is considered shocking anymore by today's standards. While walking through the Proles section, Wiston casually kicked the severed hand of a bomb victim into the gutter.This obvious lack of emotion undoubtedly caused by the conditioning of Big Brother. In the party there seemed to be hope for the average thought criminal like Winston and Julia that there was a rebellion force headed by the fabled Emmanuel Goldstien and that one could possibly gain entrance into this anti Ingsoc rebellion. . A revolution targeted at overthrowing Big Brother and its evil ways. This as it turned out was a complete fabrication by the inner party aimed at weeding out the thought criminals who would be of no use to the party. The power and thought behind such an organization of Big Brother has to be looked at as amazing. Every possible angle of deceit was looked into. There could not be any turn against the set ways of the party without being caught. Winston and Julia realized this, and it did not frighten them. They knew there were others like them among their peers, but no way of knowing for sure. Winston would have been more happy dead than living in this society of Oceania. How does one become a Prole, inner, or outer party member? The proles don't seem to have it half bad, that is if you can avoid the occasional "rocket bomb" dropping in on you. They have no law, they can drink, have as much sex as they can handle, party, gamble, allowed to have religion, and all with a minor risk of being touched at all by big brothers hand.Although members of the thought police walk among the Proles spreading false rumors and lies to keep them under control. As Winston said, "Proles and animals are free". I would think Winston would have led a far more satisfying life being a Prole than being in his current role as an outer party member where his only chance of escape would be in the form of suicide. Where did the Proles come from? Who decided who was to be recruited into the "party" and who would remain a Prole when the revolution began? Winston was separated from his family at a young age before the revolution. He was an orphan, and on his own. How did he become a outer party member? Did Big Brother take him from the streets and enlist him into the party way of life? It seems that there is so much separation between the party and the Prole population.They stay clear of each other, and do not inter mingle. Winston says, "the power lies within the Proles" in that if they chose to form an uprising against Big Brother they would have no trouble at all considering they make up over 80% of the population.But the power of Big Brother is so great that the Proles would have no reason to do so because they are brainwashed and blinded to the things going on inside the party. They were only concerned with "heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and, above all, gambling" They could care less about the party. As Julia believed; the rocket bombs came from the government of Oceania in order to keep the people frightened . This was a useful detourant to ensure that the Proles would not rebel against the Party. Big Brother had it all sewn up. No chance for ever being overthrown. The overall message that I got from the book is that one should always question authority,don't let the government control your lives, and strive for individuality. Simple things are lost so easily, as Winston realized as he found so much pleasure in just being alone with no telescreen peering at him, and having his piece of glass with coral in it reflecting an untouched piece of history that big brother had forgotten to alter. Love is gained and lost so easily, and venereal disease will always be a common problem of society.