Test Your Multiple Intelligences

This inventory is based on Howard Gardner's theory that we each have seven different intelligences that we draw from when we learn, play, and work. Sometimes we use one kind of intelligence more than another; at other times we combine two or more to help us learn something or to perform a task or activity. Most of us have a couple of strong intelligences, several medium, and a few weak areas, but we all have some ability in each one of the areas.

The inventory you are about to do will help you to identify how you use the seven multiple intelligences. There are no right or wrong answers and you may change an answer at any time. The inventory will ask you to compare yourself to ideas and descriptions. If the statement describes you MOST of the time, then check it. The seven intelligences you will be exploring are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, intrapersonal, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal. You will have two scores in each intelligence, one intelligence on each page. By adding your total in each intelligence, you will be able to compare scores to see which is your strongest intelligence, and so forth. You may want to transfer your scores to the scale below (for those of you who are dominant in logical-mathematical or spatial intelligences) so that you can see how they compare. This inventory is basically an INTRApersonal activity, but, for those of you strong in INTERpersonal intelligence, please feel free to discuss this with your family and friends.



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June Kaminski, RN MSN DynoWomyn Enterprises TM dynowomyn@angelfire.com
All rights reserved 1998 - 2001 Last Revised: July 24th, 2001