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The Worlds Best Subliminal Message System! FREE SAMPLE

They Reflect off Your Windshield

Wealth.....Greater or Lessor.
Image.......It Depends on Who is Looking at You.
Habits.......21 Days and They are Yours. Subliminal! Subliminal Suggestion System, The Worlds Best...Because it is soooo subliminal...Use these subliminals in your car while you are driving. Put the suggestion on your dashboard, and the subliminals Reflect off your windshield. See for yourself and get your free samples below. They Hint, they Brain Wash, they are always right in front of you and you don't see them. Speaking of Hints, look between these lines and notice how they float over the dots. (It is a Good Thing)

They are small strips written upside down and backwards. You put them on the Dashboard and they REFLECT off the windshield and are almost invisible. After a few minutes, you forget they are there. Of course you want to make sure the image is in a corner, like your oil change, or parking decals.

You don't have to spend time trying to hypnotize yourself with earphones on, listening to waves or boring music. Your spouse won't say that you are wrecking the marriage spending your evenings "efforting" with tapes or videos. They are so amazing... You can see them if you adjust your focus, to up close, but normally, when we are driving, our eyes, are adjusted to infinity and most of the reflections from the dashboard vanish. Even if you are totally into covering your dash with hamburger wrappers, maps and parking tickets. This is a good reason to clean off your Dash and start looking ahead with a new point of view.

You will be on the road to success as soon as you get them. You probably have at least two areas you want to improve and you might be able to think of someone else that you can share the others with (kinda like a breath mint).

Un-solicited testimonies:

"These Subliminals, from the beginning to the end, are upside down and backwards.

"After using the program for withdrawals from the Internet, I noticed that the reflection from a Burger Wrapping was causing me to go to the drive-in window two, maybe three times a day, I removed that Burger Wrapper and I now have more time too be on the Internet (Its only been four days).

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