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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®


Who are the Faculty?
  • Authors of type materials, workshop materials, and research articles using type
  • Professionals with extensive experience in using and teaching the MBTI
  • Organizational consultants, licensed psychologists, career counselors, and educators
  • Outstanding trainers and facilitators
  • Experienced and thoroughly trained in offering APT's programs

In your session, they will draw on their wealth of experience and knowledge to:

  • Model effective presentation and use of the MBTI
  • Expand your understanding of type theory
  • Share their expertise in using type in their own work settings
Judy Aanstad, Ph.D. - ENFP
Organization Development

Sarah Albritton, M.S. - ENTP
Organization Development
I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just Not You

Scott Anchors, Ph.D. - ISFJ
Applications of the MBTI in Higher Education; research articles in Journal of Psychological Type and education journals

Nancy J. Barger, M.A. - ENFP
Organization Development
Type and Change Leader's Guide; WORKTypes; The Challenge of Change in Organizations

Robert Boozer, D.B.A. - INTP
Organization Development & Education

Susan A. Brock, Ph.D. - ENTP
Organization Development
Using Type in Selling; FLEX Selling

Sue Clancy, M.A. - ISTJ
Organization Development
"STJs and Change" in Developing Leaders

Larry Demarest, Ph.D. - INTJ
Organization Development
Looking at Type in the Workplace

John DiTiberio, Ph.D. - INFP
Introduction to Type in College; Writing and Personality;
MBTI Applications;
revised MBTI Manual

Catherine Fitzgerald, Ph.D. - ENTJ
Organization Development
Developing Leaders

Judith Grutter, M.S. - INTJ
Career Counseling
Strong and MBTI Guide for Career and Management
Development; Strong and MBTI Career Report

Sandra Krebs Hirsh, M.A., MAIR - ENFP
Organization Development
LIFETypes; Life Keys; Work It Out!; MBTI Team Building Leaders' and Members' Guide; Introduction to Type in Organizations

Karen Keefer, M.A. - INTJ
Type Development
Articles in Journal of Psychological Type

Linda K. Kirby, Ph.D. - INTP
Director APT Training
Introduction to Type Dynamics and Development; WORKTypes; MBTI Applications; revised MBTI Manual; Type and Change MBTI Leaders Guide; Developing Leaders

Jean Kummerow, Ph.D. - ESTJ
Organization Development & Career Counseling
Introduction to Type in Organizations, LIFETypes, WORKTypes, MBTI Step II Expanded Interpretive Report; revised MBTI Manual; Strong and MBTI Career Development Guide

Gordon Lawrence, Ph.D. - ENTP
People Types and Tiger Stripes

Laurie L. Lippin, Ph.D. - ENFP
Organization Development
Article in Journal of Psychological Type; training manuals

Roger R. Pearman, Ed.D. - INFP
Organization Development
I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just Not You; Hard Wired Leadership;
research articles

Judy Provost, Ed.D., LMHC, NCCC - ENFP
Counseling & Education
Work, Play, and Type; Applications of the MBTI in Higher Education

Naomi Quenk, Ph.D. - INFP
Beside Ourselves; In the Grip; MBTI Step II Expanded
Interpretive Report; MBTI Applications;
revised MBTI Manual; research articles

Daniel C. Robinson, Ph.D. - ENFP
Research articles in education journals

Sondra Van Sant, M.Ed., LPC - ENFJ
Career & Personal Counseling
Psychological Type in Schools

Flavil Yeakley, Ph.D. - INTJ
Education & Religion
Why Churches Grow; research articles

For more information:
APT · 9140 Ward Parkway, Suite 200 · Kansas City, MO 64114
Voice: (816)444-3500
Fax: (816)444-0330

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and MBTI®
are registered trademarks of
Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.

Association for Psychological Type
A non-profit professional association supporting the
appropriate and ethical use of psychological type.
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