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B&EC Business & Education Consulting

B&EC is a division of E-Business Mangement Consulting


B&EC's Mission

"B&EC is dedicated to optimizing business operating efficiency, achieving maximum market reach, providing excellent customer service, and generating sales by providing its clients with full organizational support in carrying out the activities required to be cost effective, profitable and to achieve business goals."

B&EC Company Profile

B&EC places a high priority on quality service based on a personalized relationship and treating clients as unique and distinctive with individual needs, operating requirements and goals.

B&EC's Managing Director, Dr. John T. Whiting has a background that includes hands on staff and management assignments in both business and education. Prior to B&EC, Dr. Whiting was a principal in The Business Research Company, a three office full service management consulting firm with offices in New York City, Wayne, PA and Morristown, NJ.

Prior to this business experience, Dr. Whiting was an educator with teaching, building and central office administrative experience, and taught at the graduate levels at Seton Hall University, Kean College of New Jersey and Rutgers University. His graduate degrees were earned at Rutgers University where he graduated with honors and was the recipient of the school's "Distinguished Student Award."

Contact Information

For more information or an introductory meeting, your are invited to contact B&EC as noted below:

Telephone: 973-764-0375
FAX: 973-764-4562
Electronic Mail:

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