Work At Home Selling AVON
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Work At Home Selling AVON

Hi! My name is Kelly Cason. I am a stay at home mother of 19 month old Austin Jeremiah and wife to Navy Hospital corpsman Ray (the love of my life). We are stationed in Weymouth, MA right now but will be moving to Portsmouth, VA next March. I am an Independent Sales Rep for Avon in Massachusettes. It has been a wonderful opportunity! I get to work at home, make my own hours, and have plenty of time to spend with my son. I earn commision and get great benefits (health insurance, dental, discounts on hotels, etc...). If you are interested in becoming an Avon rep in your area just e-mail me and I will be happy to refer you to the manager in your area at NO COST!! I hope I can be of service to you!! Anyone interested in giving me ideas for a military spouses newsletter please let me know. We can add parenting tips, recipes, etc.... ----Kelly
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Being a stay at home mom is a fulltime job but a blessing in itself. It requires A tremendous ammount of patience, caring, hard work and love. I just want to commend all those moms out there who chose to stay home with their children.

Kelly's Parenting Links and More

Parent Soup
Osh Kosh B'Gosh Parents Club
Sgt Mom's- for military parents!!!
Parent's Place
Great parenting page for military spouses!!!
Mommy Times
Spouse Net for military spouses
Great resource for teachers and parents
Page for young parents
Cyber Mom
Ovulation and Pregnancy Calendar
Cammy's Page
Military Spouse Support Network
Baby Net
Baby Bag online
Stork Site
Strollers and Playpens
Teaching/Parenting Resources
Parents Magazine Online
Consumer Product Safety Commission
My husbands 80's site
Days of Our Lives
1001 Ways To Be Romantic
Education Place
Military Wives Corner

Kelly's Favorite Things
