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<b><I>Florida Inspection Associates, Inc.</b></I></h1> <hr> <h1 align=center>Since 1987 - Our 11th Year!</h1> <basefont size=4> <hr> <center><img src=""> <center><fontsize="2"><fontcolor="blue"><a>Mountain Time Zone</a></font> <Picture></center> <hr> <!-------------End Code---------------> <center> <!-- BEGIN LINKEXCHANGE CODE --> <a href="" target="_top"> <img width=440 height=40 border=1 ismap alt="LinkExchange" src=""></a> <br> <font size=1><a href="" target="_top">LinkExchange Member</a></font><br> <!-- END LINKEXCHANGE CODE --> </center> <center> <hr> <p>Florida Inspection Associates Inc. provides nationwide mechanical breakdown inspection services for extended warranty companies across the United States and Parts of Canada. Mechanical breakdown inspections are completed by ASE certified inspectors. Our certified mechanical inspectors offer 24-48 hour processing time on each claim. <p><center><fontsize="4"><fontcolor="blue"><a href="/biz/AutoInspections/GoodCompanies.html">Our Clients</a></font> <hr> <p>As you know, guidebooks often trail the market by several months. Typically, guidebooks tend to undervalue expensive, correctly restored cars and do not give any additional value for the work you have put into your vehicle. The only way to accurately determine the value is to compare it directly to market prices at the time of the appraisal. Our appraisal philosophy is based on the conviction that a perfect and original automobile with maximum options almost always represents the highest values. Fully certified by the I-A-A-A, our appraisers can give you a fair accurate appraisal of your automobile or motorcycle. Our excellent prices feature full photos and a detailed report of all findings. Appraisals are recognized by all insurance companies. Automobile appraisals are also available worldwide. Call for more information and price quotes. For more details phone FIA at (813) 588-0331 or FAX us at (813) 588-0580 <center><img src=/images/animate/globe2.gif></center> <hr> <p><center><fontsize="4"><fontcolor="blue"><a href="/biz/AutoInspections/staffpage.html">Meet Our Office Staff</a></font></center> <hr> Employment opportunities do exist with FIA. We are always looking for <b>MECHANICAL INSPECTORS.</b> It's great part-time work and hours vary depending on your locations within the United States or Canada. For consideration FAX your resume to (813) 588-0580. You may also phone us at (813) 588-0331. We hope to have you inspecting soon! <p><center><fontsize="4"><fontcolor="blue"><a href="/biz/AutoInspections/employmentpage.html">For more detailed information please click here</a></font> <hr><p>For our clients and inspectors, we greatly appreciate your support for the past 11 years! Without you there would be no FIA. Thank you! </center> <hr><p>Keep an eye on those fax machines and mailboxes for the March 1998 edition of Inspections, FIA's Corporate Newsletter.<hr> <p> <center> <font size=+2>Inspections, Consulting and Worldwide Appraisals</font> <ul> <li>Mechanical Damage <li>Classic Cars <li>Lease End Inspections <li>Diminished Value <li>Stated Value <li>Estate <li>Mechanical Breakdown Inspections <li>Reconstruction <li>Classic Cars and Motorcycle Appraisals <li>Pre-Purchase Consulting <li>Automotive Court Consultations </ul> </center> <hr> <p> <center><font size=+2>Entertainment and Client Links</font><p></center> <center><img src=/images/animate/srchanim.gif></center> <a href=""> Create Your Own Home Pages - FREE!</a><br> <a href=""> CNN Interactive</a><br> <a href=""> GEICO Direct Automobile Insurance</a><br> <a href=""> PRNews Wire - Updated Every Minute</a><br> <a href=""> ESPN</a><br> <a href=""> The Weather Channel</a><br> <a href=""> National Auto Care Corporation</a><br> <a href=""> Latest Sports Transactions</a><br> <a href=""> Oakland Raiders Official Web-Site</a><br> <a href=""> Microsoft Network Travel Agent</a><br> <a href=""> Jiffy Lube International</a><br> <a href=""> Western Diversified</a><br> <p> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=AutoInspections_index.html"></center> <p> <center>Email: <a href=""></a></center> <center><img src=/images/animate/handbox.gif><center/> <center> <!-- begin MetaSearch form interface --> <FORM ACTION=">" METHOD="GET" <FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR="#FF0000"> <b>PowerSearch</FONT><BR> <A HREF=">" <IMG SRC="" border=0 width=139 height=43 align=top alt="Starting Point(TM)"></a> <p> <input type="text" name="query" value="" size=25> <input type="submit" name="S" value="Find"><br> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=search VALUE="web" CHECKED>The Web <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=search VALUE="pwrsrch">Other Search Resources </form> <!-- end MetaSearch form interface --><!--BEGIN TEXT VOTING LINK--> Click on the graphic to vote for this <BR>page as a <a href="">Starting Point</a> Hot Site <BR> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=category VALUE=personal> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=vote VALUE=""> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=title VALUE="Florida Inspection Associates, Inc."> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=email> <INPUT BORDER=NONE TYPE=IMAGE SRC="" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=60> </FORM> <!--END TEXT VOTING LINK--> </center> <hr> <FORM method="get" action=""> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="_v" VALUE="2"> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" width=105 height=34 alt="HotBot" border=0></A> </TD> <TD align=center valign=middle> Search the Web for<BR> <INPUT type=text NAME="MT" SIZE=25 VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=100> </TD> <TD> <INPUT type=image src="" name="" value="Submit Search" width=78 height=29 border=0> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <hr> <!-- Begin Yahoo Search Form --> <form method="GET" action=""> <img src="" width=104 height=21 align=top alt="[ Yahoo! ]"> <input type="text" name="p" value="" size=18> <input type="submit" name="name"> <font size=1> <a href="">options</a> </font> </form> <!-- End Yahoo Search Form --> <a href=""> <img src="" width=150 height=23 align=middle alt="[ Yahoo! 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