Coutney Little — Profile

Name:  Courtney Little
Location:  greenwood mississippi
Birthday:  31 January, 1990
Bio:  Im 5'4-long brown hair-and green eyes-14 years old and in the 8th grade but all that stuff about me is boring so lets talk music
Interests:  ummm...i like hangin out with my friends-my best frinds are SaM n the JEN and SaMMi and Alyx--------- but that stuff is bornin to- my favortie bands are korn (of course but not really there new alum)and static-x(even though they dont have a lot of songs but thas aight) i like some of mudvanye and then mushroomhead(they sound cool)n dont make fun of me but i listen to megadeth a lot and i listen to disturbed,ill nino and weezer amd metallica(master of pupphets) chimaria and bunches of other stuff
Blog Created:  Thursday, 29 January 2004
Last Updated:  Thursday, 29 January 2004 - 2:10 AM
Blog Entries:  1

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