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My name is Yewen Took.
I love The Lord of The Rings and to show my appreciation of it, I write fan fiction.
I also surf the web in a desprate serch for a scrap of writing or artwork that I haven't seen yet.
I am a Hobbit lover! (especialy Sam)

I'm also obsessed with Star Trek, though I have never been able to write ST fan fiction.
Wierd, eh?
But I say we're all wierd, it just matters to what degree.

I love links, I'm an obsessive collector of links.
The only problem is that most people want you to ask before putting a link to their page on your page.
So my links page will be slowly growing as I ask, plead and beg for links.

I also love HTML, as it is the only 'language' I can program in.
I do everything in Notepad because I had a bad experience in grade 7 with wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) editors.
Luckly in grade 10 I took computer science with a teacher (Thanks Mr L.) who taught me how to write HTML in Notepad.
I've been writing HTML ever since, but this is the first page that I've put on the net.

Now that I've blabbed on about me for long enough, here's the rest of my page.

Updated Jan. 31, 03
fixed Shire calendar

Started Jan. 11, 03