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Pics of The Infamous Christmas Party @ My House!

Hmmm...yes...well...there's more 2 this than meets the eye. Min, Nat, Andy, Zac, and James gathered @ my house 4 a somewhat formal Xmas celebration. LOL...formal...yeah rite. I say about James being drunk/high isn't true, it was just funny 2 make up cuz James' pics look like he is. =) So yes, these r the pics from the evening. They're not good or anything, just funny.

My friends r nice, trust me. Andrew's just...screwed.. Lol..I DUNNO! He doesn't like pics...what can I say?

Andrew is also an idiot...Come on! He's surrounded by pillows and tries 2 block himself out with his hand? God Andy...COMMON SENSE BUDDY!

=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

Andy's still screwed. Look how much fun Min's having? She's on the ride of her life here...GOD DAMN MIN! Y don't u look like ur having fun...? =(

Andy has a fixation with the bottle...Wonder y...Yeah, we all know what happened...As u can c...Min is afraid of the bottle. Hey Min...TREE!!!!!!!!!!!*trying not 2 laugh* She's..."sneezing". More like trying 2 hide from the camera!!!!!!

Awwww it's Nat! She said she'd hurt me if I put this pic up...Uh oh...did I "forget"?

Zac's got such a nice smile....and then there's Andy...Judging by the pointing hand...I'd say these guys didn't want their pics taken...O well tough shit. It's not being taken down boys. Get used 2 it.

Zac is both hiding from the camera and showing off our favourite party game....*cough* Truth or Dare *cough* O wait...what about that old party game Spin the Bottle....? comment...

Zac was going through a tough time that evening...Leave him alone...Until the next pic I'm about 2 show u of him...Then u can make fun of him. =)

I was laughing 4 a while when I first saw this pic... O don't know what 2 say...Where u trying 2 look like this?

Was James Stoned? The following pics provided me with a great little story 2 go with; James was stoned @ the party. LOL...sorry James...I just had 2...

James started out normal enough when we were all playing Twister. LOL...Nat...u and me and our thongs..."Ur thongs r showing" *we both try 2 pull our pants up and stay standing* *we fall*

Then things started going wrong...He started giving us insane smiles...I swear that little glint in his mouth is a fang or something. Meanwhile, Nat and Andrew get in2 a fight over pillows.

Things started 2 go very wrong. Something was up with Shorty...

He started modeling 4 us...It was scary. He struck odd poses and looked frightening.

Then he harrassed Min. She's trying 2 smile 4 the camera, but u can tell she's scarred 4 life after that experience.

God knows what happened...all I know is that some of things he did were sexual and scared us all badly. This is a pic of him...doing something...By the way..where's his face?

Fortunately though, James' insane energy started draining from his body. This is him @ his calmer stage.

Eventually, James collapsed in small mass on the floor. We ignored him 4 the rest of the evening and I put him outside on the lawn when everyone went home. He was mysteriously gone the next day.

This is the bottle James brought with him 2 the party. Unknown substances were found in it. All we know is that he wasn't drinking Coca Cola...The bottle has gone 2 the police laboratories 4 a closer examination.

Once again. None of the above was true. It's just that Shorty's pics looked so much like he was high on something that I had 2 do this!

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