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University of Santo Thomas Alumni Association of British Columbia



The University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association in British Columbia was founded in February 1986 by an Ad Hoc committee composed of Art Bustria, Engineering '71; Rick De Guzman, Commerce '63; Fe Flores, Education '53, Jesus Gonzalez, High School/Engineering,'50; Josefina S. Gonzalez, Engineering '55; Jo Floro, Science/Chemistry,'54; Jeannette Reyes, Commerce'77; Edwin Palapuz, Faculty, / Engineering,'74; Gerry Gatchalian, engineering '55; Goni Manalastas, Education '62; Lydia L. Jimeno, Commerce'64 and Geronimo Jimeno, Engineering '71.

The first set of officers elected were Josefina S. Gonzalez, President; Rick De Guzman and Art Bustria, Vice Presidents; Edwin Palapuz, Secretary and Jeannette Reyes, Treasurer. They were inducted on October 11, 1986 at the Capri Hall, Fraser Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Ninety (90) members were listed in the roster. First guest speaker and inducting officer was Francisco Reyes, then dean of UST, Manila Faculty of Engineering.

USTAABC became a duly registered non profit organization in July 1987 in the province of British Columbia , Canada.

At the beginning of USTAABC's inception, its main objective focused on promoting fellowship, in fostering camaraderie and in encouraging community service among its members. Over the years its purposes have expanded to promoting activities that will stimulate personal and professional development of members and members' families, in promoting our own Filipino culture in Canadian society and in being instrumental in obtaining proper accreditation in B.C. the degrees and credentials obtained from the University of Santo Tomas , Manila. USTAABC communicates with its members through an official newsletter called "Alumnews" which was first published in April 1988. Author of the name of this newsletter is Joselito Zapanta, Architecture'68. The first USTAABC logo was officially adopted in June 1990, however this was modified and officially changed into a new one in 1998 which is now in current use. In the same year 1998, the Scholarship Project which was initiated in 1987 was pursued into high gear and the first scholar was granted Cash entitlement in the person of Francis Reyes Nixon who is now in his senior year at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Arts.

The 90's saw significant increase in the number of members recruited for membership. To date, at the turn of the decade and beginning of the new millennium, we have approximately 300 members and growing.

Over the past 15 years, USTAABC has grown in number, has increased its community involvement and achieved a heightened stature as a strong association committed to pursue its mission and objectives its founders have envisioned.

As we enter the new millennium, there is so much promise and potential for growth in terms of community service, networking brought about by information technology and expansion of services this association could render this province, British Columbia.

View Page 1 (2.51 MB) and Page 2 (28 kB) of the July 2002 issue of our quarterly newsletter (Microsoft Word)

Click to view newly added pictures of the 2002 Picnic at Fleetwood Park

Click to view the pictures from the April 2002 Annual General Meeting

Click Here For a Membership Application! (337 KB pdf)

View the Yearbook Sign the Yearbook