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*~The Bitch's Domain~*

What up my name is Liz n this is my awesome web site! for those of ya who dont know me why the fuck u lookin at my site? i'm 18 n i graduated from grandville high school. i am who i am so get over it.



*SaRa L*~ hey girly! u are one awesome chica! i loved workin with ya at good ol Villa P! haha ur awesome to hang out with too! we soo need to chill more! for sure! haha love ya tonz chica!

*KiEsHa*~ what up ho? u are my main chica! i love ya so much!! thank u for always bein there for me when i needed someone to talk to. i kno we're gonna be friends for ever...dont worry girl when i get my car i am so goin to PA n we're gonna chill! i'll get u so high u wont come down! lol fo sho! love ya tonz girl dont u ever change!

*DyLaN*~ hey woman! man u are the coolest cousin a girl could ask for! it sucks u live all the way in Texas. but fo sho when i go down there we are hoppin that border to mexico n buyin us some cheap ass Mary n bringin it back here n me, u, hadar, n aunt santa will all be flyin back to michigan...not on no airplane tho! haha holla!!! fo sho girl i love u so much!!

*AnDrEa*~ hey hun! girl we hardly ever get to hang out anymore and it sucks!! haha i miss ya tonz! we had so much fun that one night at ur apartment! ur bro n his lil pothead friends! well now we can smoke wit them! fo sho!! lol love ya like a sister!!

*ChRiStInA*~ hey there chica! i'm so glad we got to chill a lot this summer. all good things must come to an end tho like you said! thanks for those jager bombs that one night! haha that was pretty fun. well we had our fun gettin all fucked up together...but i need to get my life on track right now. as soon as i get my ass settled in tho....its gonna be partyin everyday! fo sho!! u n josh are so invited too! haha fo sho well i love ya like my mexican sista! peaces =)

*KyLa*~ hey Krazy Kyla! haha whats up? girl ur so awesome! i'm so glad i got to kno ya!! haha it was fun workin with ya at Villa Pizza! u made my time there seem so much better! haha specially at "CLOSING TIME!" hehe n all our disco dancin in front of the custies! haha love ya tonz girly!! =)

*JaCeY*~ hey chica! ur one awesome girl n ur fun as hell to chill with! haha i'm so glad u came to my party girly we had so much damn fun! haha we so need to chill more often! haha fo sho girly i love ya! hehe always remember 6th hour! haha yeah buddy! love ya tonz girl

*KaTy*~ hey chica! whats up? haha ur one cool girl to chill with even tho we only chill like every other week. but hey its all gravy! haha lets go blow up some more lighters at Kyle n Tyler's house! haha yeah buddy!! love ya tonz girly!


*TiMmY*~ hey sexy! well we no longer work n u quit together! haha hell yeah man! i'm gonna miss u so much when u go off to college! i'm so gonna come n visit u! for sure haha then we can party! hehe love ya tonz babe!

*NaTe J*~ hey hun! ur a cool guy n we should party again sometime! haha even tho we've only partied once! it was fun i guess lol even tho u were drunk n u didnt know what was goin on! but thats ok! lol it was still fun!! haha we've had a lotta fun times together! i hope we can make some more!! lol love ya babe!!

*ChAd M*~ hey poopyhead! i miss you!!! we never talk anymore! u work too damn much!! we need to party again! lol that was some fun times!! hehe love ya tonz hun dont be a stranger!! keep in touch!

*AnThOnY*~ hey hun! you are one of the best guy friends i've ever had! i'm so glad we got to hang out before you leave! thats gonna be sad! u cant go to Arizona. i'm gonna miss you too much! haha well anyways i love you so much n u better keep in touch.

*BeN*~ hey Rican...what up? man i miss talk to ya all the time like we used to! u are one cool guy! i love ya like a brother! ur awesome n i wish u n stephanie the best of luck!! love ya babe!!

*ToNy*~ hey dude whats up? man it sucks that i dont live out in standale anymore n u cant come to my house everyday like u used to. lol that was some fun times! i've been friends with u for such a long time its awesome! u've always been there for me n i love ya for it! ur like my lil bro...thats 2 weeks younger than me! hehe love ya tonz!!

*CoDy*~ i finally got to say everything i ever wanted to you and you know what....i'm glad we're never talking again. for once in my life i have realized that you were always the one to bring me down. and now that boulder has been lifted and believe it or made my life better....i'll never talk to you again and i'm the happiest person on this earth. i'll see you in hell.

*JuStIn V*~ hey hun! it sucks that we didnt get to party this summer =(. well u better come n see me next time u come back up here to visit. have fun at college n dont get too drunk! lol love ya tonz.

*RyAn Vg*~ i'm sorry we didnt get to hang out this summer. i still love ya like a bro! i remember when u used to come to my house whenever u got into fights with ur parents or ur gf's. haha those were some good times. it sucks that u cant come over to my house all the time...cuz we used to live so close. haha ya tonz!

*KeLsEy*~ hey papa oso! how r u? lol how about i roll ur car down my hill again! that was a good time. u need to come over n party with me some more lol. u and the rest of the guys! for sure hehe its gonna be sweet! lol ur awesome n so fun to chill with lol love ya tonz hun!

*ShEp*~ GOD DAMN CAR! Get Off Muh LUCE! oh jeez paul i miss all our stoney cruises on Luce lol. those were some good times...even tho they were with the bad people lol. ur frickin awesome! dont u ever change!! love ya tonz hun!

*SeArS*~ hey there...ur one cool guy to chill with. i'm gonna miss ya tonz too. we've had some good times together! haha all that Captain u brought us. hehe love ya tonz babe!

*aLeX*~ hey GoobZy! whats up! u r an awesome kid n i love chillin wit ya! i'm glad i live closer to ya now! haha its awesome! love ya tonz hun n stay outta trouble!! haha

*KwAnT*~ awww its a matt! haha ur awesome. thats the only word that can describe u! fuckin awesome! lol ur the coolest guy ever n i love chillin with u all the time. i wish we could chill more...but we will be soon! haha fo sho as soon as we get our cars n shit. haha i love ya tonz hun!

*NiKk*~ whats up yo? haha ur a pretty cool guy! i'm glad i got to kno ya a lil more! we are gonna hang out sometime!! lol love yaz

*Q*~ hey mexican! ur an awesome guy to chill with n ur a funny motherfucker! lol dont burn ur hand on my cigs anymore! haha thanks for rubbing my back! hehe love ya tonz hun!!

*DuStIn*~ what up yo? ur a cool guy n fun to chill with! we need to hang out more for sure! lol love ya!!

*DaN*~ hey well we dont really talk much anymore n i dunno why but yeah lol. ur still a pretty cool guy n i like hangin out with u. u work too much tho. anyways ur awesome! haha love ya.

*TyLeR*~ hey there! whats up? ur one cool kid lol. i'm glad i got to know u! ur a lot of fun to chill with n i'm glad i got to party with ya over the summer n at my party! haha ur cool. love ya tonz!!

*KyLe G*~ whats up yo? haha ur a pretty cool kid. u just need to stay out of trouble! haha remember that! lol i love chillin with u n the rest of the guys. u guys rock! lol stay cool! lol love ya!!

*MiKe Y*~ hey kid! whats up? haha ur a cool person n fun to talk to! i hope ur havin fun all the way up in MSU n gettin plenty trashed! lol cuz i've been doin the same thing here! haha u should come here n visit me sometime! lol love ya hun!

*MiCaH*~ hey man ur one cool mofo lol. ur fun to hang out with n party with too! u best stay outta trouble cuz ur already in enough as it is! haha love ya tonz!!

SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:07:09 PM): awww jorge is asleep
JUMPMAN JY (11:08:09 PM): how do u know?
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:08:19 PM): i just called him
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:08:36 PM): lol no we live together now
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:08:49 PM): didnt u kno we're gettin married in a couple months?
JUMPMAN JY (11:10:49 PM): yeah right??
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:10:56 PM): no i'm serious
JUMPMAN JY (11:11:12 PM): u guys are seriously getting married
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:11:15 PM): yup
JUMPMAN JY (11:11:32 PM): how did this happen?
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:11:44 PM): well we hooked up a while ago
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:11:55 PM): n i dunno one thing led to another
JUMPMAN JY (11:12:07 PM): when did he propose?
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:12:14 PM): like a month ago
JUMPMAN JY (11:13:01 PM): i don' know why...but for some reason im real happy for you two
JUMPMAN JY (11:13:18 PM): its weird
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:13:44 PM): lol well dont be too happy
JUMPMAN JY (11:13:54 PM): why not
JUMPMAN JY (11:14:00 PM): jorge is my man
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:14:08 PM): well i was just kiddin
SxY JaKiRa 69420 (11:14:11 PM): lol
JUMPMAN JY (11:14:40 PM): haha....your real funny, l'm laughing my ass off

Go Here BiAtCh!

*~BiAtCh Of ThE yEaR~*
