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The Power to Heal Is Within You

The plan rebuilds the immune system, the ONLY system in your body that gets you well and keeps you well from virtually EVERY disease.
We all develop cancerous cells in our body every day. If our immune system is working properly, the immune cells will destroy the cancer cells. However, if the immune system is NOT working properly, the cancer cells will build up and we will have a tumor, either of microscopic size or one that is palpable (it can be felt) or one that shows up on some diagnostic test.
So if cancer is a result of the immune system NOT working properly, how do we rebuild the immune system so it WILL work properly? We rebuilt it naturally by the 10 step method

The Ten Best Immune System Boosters

  1. The antioxidants: If you supplement, keep doses small. Beta-Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Bioflavonoids.
  2. Minerals: Zinc, Iron- excess iron depresses the immune response,Copper, Magnesium,Selenium.
  3. A Low-Fat Diet: lowering estrogen naturally, eat high-fiber diet- fiber binds with fat in the intestinal tract and causes it to be eliminated from the body.
  4. Medicinal Herbs, Spices and Cancer-Fighting Food: Shitake Mushrooms, Reishi Mushrooms, Garlic, Licorice, Echinacea, Ginseng, Aloes, Astragalus(Bei qi), Green Tea, Saffron, Ginger, Turmeric, Cumin, Cruciferous Vegetables, Soybeans and tempeh, soybean Products, Beans(legumes), Fruits.
  5. Exercise: at least three times per week.
  6. Stress Reduction: Pray, Meditate, Laugh More, Warm Bath, diaphragmatic Breathing, Write Journal, Positive Thinking and affirmation,
  7. Beliefs and Attitudes that heal: Develop positive attitudes toward other people and toward life in general. Stop hostile thoughts, feelings, Listern more, Be tolerant, Forgive, Have Confidant, Laugh at yourself, Pretend today is your last.
  8. Intimacy and Relationships: Having sex at least once a week boots levels of the antibody immuno-globin(IgA) by 30 % and helps ward off colds and flu. Since sex causes viruses and bacteria to pass between partners, the immune system counter attacks by producing more anti-bodies. Don't get carried away, though, as sex more than three times a week lowers your immune resistance. Become active in a cause you believe in such as art, travelling, surf internet, join support group.
  9. Staying out of Harm's Way: Avoid as much as possible toxins in your environment. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, antibiotics, heavy metals, Ultraviolet Light.
  10. Creating Balance: Be good to your body, seek out small pleasures in life and revel in them, get good night's.

Immune system Destroyers:

A High-Cholesterol Diet - People with high-cholesterol levels had more minor illness, such as colds and flu, than those with lower-cholesterol levels and the illnesses seemed more severe and lasted longer. Keep cholesterol low in your diet. Choose a diet low in saturated fat, a high-fiber diet, garlic, lecithin, B complex, proper weight and do exercise.

Heavy metals - heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium all depress the immune system even at low levels. Cadmium comes from cigarette smoke and as a toxic by-product of metal plating industries, which can get into the water supply. Cadmium slows down the speed of the B-cells' producing antibodies in the immune system. Lead slows T- and B-cell response. Mercury reduces the number of T-cells and reduces activity in the immune system. All three of the metals reduces the activity and speed the macrophages, thus increasing susceptibility to infection. For all of these metals, food supplements can provide some degree of protection and possible removal. They are zinc, vitamin C, selenium, calcium and fiber.

Fat - Diets high in saturated fat are associated with cancers, such as colon, breast, ovary and prostate. Saturated fat makes the cancer T-killer cells unable to recognize "self" cells gone badly. So keep saturated fat intake to a minimum.
Cancer is a disease of immune failure; therefore, foods that depress the immune system should be avoided. Unprotected polyunsaturated fats can cause the T-cell factory (thymus) to shrink, and to slow down the production of the T-cell. Theses fats undergo lipid per -oxidation (a process similar to the development of rancidity in fats). This releases free radicals that promote the development of tumors it should be protected. The protectors are beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium. Vitamin E and selenium give the best oxidation protection to unsaturated oils. Low-fat diets make the blood less sticky and less likely to clot. It also lowers estrogen levels, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Alcohol- Alcohol by itself does not cause cancer, but substances in wine; some are carcinogens, such as fuel oil and nitrosamines. Substances in alcohol act as immuno-suppressants and stimulate those free radicals.

Over-consumption of sweets and junk food - A high sugar intake can reduce the response of the whole immune system. It has no nutritive value and only adds calories to your diet.

Tobacco smoke - Cigarettes can contain over 1,000 different chemicals, many of which can impair your immune system.

Toxic environmental chemicals - pesticides, herbicides and chemicals from our industry can have an adverse effect on our immune systems. Most food supplements can help to neutralize or eliminate a number of these chemicals.

Inadequate rest - We need to slow down and get adequate rest, or our immune system and ourselves will suffer.

Stress in general - We seem to be in the stressed society. Stress, can be it mental, physical or environmental, is a killer for the immune system. We have to deal with our stress. If we can't handle it alone, then seek help. Most of the nutrients that I mention can help to cope our stress. They won't cure our stress, but they will help us to work through it.

Immune system depressants - Most food additives can be a problem, but it is impossible to avoid them totally. We can buy the product with the shortest list of additives.
Obesity depresses T-cell response and movement of the macrophages. One of the dangerous "food additives" is excess food.
Other immune system depressants are drugs, too much sunlight and exposure to radiation. Exercise is good for the immune system, but when done to excess it is a suppressor.

Supporting our immune system:
Balancing hormones:
- Including blood sugar balance, estrogen and progesterone balance, thyroid hormone balance and adrenal, or stress, hormone balance.
Digestive health
Optimizing our detoxification mechanisms
Reducing stress and managing its impact on the body

Suggestion To Building A Powerful Immune System

Diet Boosters:

  • Eat plenty of foods rich in the following antioxidants:
    *Foods containing beta-carotene (vitamin A), including dark green, yellow, and orange vegetables. Eat at least two servings of one or more of these vegetables daily.
    *Vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C, such as broccoli, green pepper, cabbage, collard greens, and citrus fruits.
    *Grains and vegetables containing vitamin E, especially seeds and nuts, whole wheat bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes and beans.
  • To get adequate minerals, make the following foods a staple part of your daily and weekly diet:
    *Whole grains, such as whole wheat, brown rice, barley, corn, miller, oats and buckwheat.
    *Green vegetables.
    *Beans, tofu, tempeh and other bean products.
    *Fish and shellfish.
    *Seeds and nuts.
    *Sea vegetables (seaweed). Include small amounts (one to two tablespoons) at least three times per week.
  • Eat a diet low in fat. (Not more than 30% of your daily caloric intake) Include low-fat protein and complex carbohydrates in your meals, so you can worry less about caloric intake and more about nutrients.
    *Choose fish and chicken instead of red meat; if you do eat red meat, do so no more than once per week, and keep the portions small, about the size of your palm.
    *Make the majority of your diet vegetable foods, especially whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans and whole grain snacks.
    *Eat a high-fiber diet, with a total intake each day of 40 grams. Fiber binds with fat in the intestinal tract and causes it to be eliminated from the body.
  • Include immunity-boosting herbs and condiments in your diet,
    *Eat two to three shiitake or reishi mushrooms two per week. Eat more than seven per week causes stomach upsets.
    *Eat cooked or raw garlic three to five times per week.
    *Drink at least one-cup daily of green tea.

  • Lifestyle Boosters:
    *Exercise at least four times per week
    *Walk at least four times per week.
    *Enjoy dancing, golf, bicycling and so on.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques. Choose one that you like that gives you a sense of internal calm and peace. E.g.
    *Progressive relaxation exercises
    *Diaphragmatic breathing
    *Positive imaging and affirmation
  • Develop positive attitudes toward other people and toward life in general
    *Write in a journal
    *Write affirmation
    *Listen to inspirational songs and poems.
  • Seek out supportive groups and social outlets.
    *Join a support group that focuses on issues that you concern.
    *Join a social, ethnic or religious group.
    *Become active in a cause you believe in.
  • As much as possible, avoid toxins in your environment.
    *Do not smoke cigarettes.
    *Avoid all recreational drugs.
    *Avoid all needless over-the -counter and prescription medication.
    *Avoid or minimize exposure to toxic environments.
  • Practice balance in everyday life.
    *If you take vitamin and mineral supplements, take only small amounts that meet the recommended daily allowance for that particular nutrient, with the possible exception of vitamin E.
    *Drink alcohol moderately.
    *Find pleasures in life.
    *Get enough sleep.
    *Eat before and during times of stress, when your body is pulling reserves from your immune system to feed other body systems

The above suggestions have specific reasons why they help to strengthen the immune system.

Protein Power
Protein is the essential component in building cells and supplying enzymes and hormones. Only after your intake of protein has supplied all the other tissues of the body with their needed share does your immune system get its share. A diet without enough protein will short change he white blood cells that comprise your immune system.

Adequate carbohydrates are also essential because they are broken down more slowly into simple sugars, resulting in longer lasting energy. If we intake of carbohydrates is not enough to meet our body's energy requirements, it will begin to draw on proteins as a source of energy, robbing the immunological cells of the materials they need to reproduce and grow. In addition, a balanced, nutritious diet will provide our body with the vitamin and minerals that are so necessary to maintain the correct metabolism at the cellular level.