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Past Step Daddy Updates

Happy New Year's 2013 !!! It's New Years Eve right now , the last day of 2012 !!! 2012 was a BLur for tha J Child !! I made a lot of money this year , I got laid so so many times by my New and Improved Wife Laurie . I Love You Laurie !!! Me and Laurie had a baby , beautifull Paulina !!! Step Daddy J's 12 th Album came out : The Double C.D. : " 2012 " . So on and so on . People come and go . Duece stopped talking to me . I guess he's pussy whipped now that he is a married man . I have never met his son . I did so many things for so many people over the years , but I guess they used me . Doesn't matter , things are going real good for me now , so Duece and my Ex Wife Charlene can live their lives without me , Tha J Child always adapts . Thankyou God for my great Life ! Thankyou God for my Beautifull Faithfull New Wife Laurie and our beautifull daughter Paulina . 2012 was a blast , Paulina was born , 2012 came out ... 2013 is next . " Pimpology " will be J Child's 13 th Album coming out December 2013 . I'll probably have another baby on the way with Laurie too . Step Daddy J and Laurie are like bunnies !! We hump A Lot :) .







Happy New Year's 2013 !!!!!! I Love You All !!! Monday 5:07 pm December 31 2012






















I hope you have a holly jolly Christmas 2012 ! Tha J Child Released his 12 th Album this year : " 2012 " a double album . Bumpen Bumpen album ! Step Daddy J had some babies born this year !!! Things are fine and dandy , go to my youtube page at : and see why I am getting 500 page views a day and I have over 70 , 000 Views as of December 23 2012 . . Much Love and Props going to my Number 1 Lady : Laurie . What a great cook !! What a beautifull woman !! I definatly am a lucky man ! Step Daddy J and Sexy Laurie gonna get married real soon ... So keep in touch for the wedding plans ... Have a holly jolly Christmas 2012 ... This Year !!! Merry Christmas from Tha J Child 12/24/2012 6:35 P.M. Van City B.C.


























































Step Daddy J 13 th Album : " PIMPOLOGY "






















Johnny Juuann's 2 nd Album : " Johnny Juuann's Boyfriend "





J The Rippa's 4 th Album : " Johnny Rippa "






















Peter Black's 6 th Album : " Siccc With Tha Dick "




















Wazzup Wazzup . It's J Child .

2012 is moving and grooving !!

My You Tube Page at has 40 000 + Views and is getting good reviews .

A 3 Man Proffesional Camera crew got together with Step Daddy J on Tuesday August 21 2012 in Richmond Minoru Park and recorded Step Daddy J for over an hour . It was basically an Interview about my life . They where asking me questions and I was answering them at great lengh .

In the middle of the Interview , David Tarnow ( Richmond High Grad 1998 ) was running by and he said " Wazzup J Child " . I got David to come back and tell the camera men about Tha J Child for a minute .

Later , I got the 3 man camera crew to go and visit Walter The Tailor ( My Dad Vlado Jugovic ) . They recorded my dad for about an hour and it was classic !!

The Camera crew tracked me down because they where watching my videos on . So , yeah , My Youtube Channel is bringing fame and renasonce to Tha J Child !!


Also of great note and importance , I had a baby girl born May 12 2012 . Paulina Jugovic was 7 Pounds 10 0z and she came screaming into the world a healthy baby girl !!

I now have a Son ; Rapheal Jugovic . And a Daughter ; Paulina Jugovic . Life is grand and I love it and I Love My Children !!

Big Thankyou's to My Children's Mothers !! You guys do a great job ! Thankyou !

Step Daddy J's 12 th Album is about to drop and it's gonna be solid !

The Name of J Child's 12 The Album is : " 2012 " . 2012 is a Double CD Album and is Step Daddy J's 2 nd Double CD Album . ( 2011's Double J was Step Daddy J's 1 st Double CD Album ) .

The First Single to 2012 is " Boys Town " and Features Johnny Juuann .

" Boys Town " Will Be Step Daddy J's First Official Video .

Tha J Child has saved some money and is preparing to buy a nice Video Camera from London Luvs . Not Some $ 200 Cheap Camera that Dan Foley would buy . No No , Step Daddy J would never be that cheap like Dan Foley . No , I give my fans and everyone the best Quality , All The Time !!! So Check out many cool Fresh Videos coming soon to .

It was a nice winter 2011-2012 but a horrible cold rainy spring and a crappy summer 2012 . But that's tha way the cookie crumbles . It's been hot and sunny all summer long in Toronto . Oh well . . . :( . .





August 23 2012 Thursday J Child

































Happy New Year's Eve 2011 !! That's right , today is the last day of 2011 !! And what an incredible year it has been !! I've never had a year like this in my life , EVER !!! .. !!! . So Let's Go Back and see how it all started ...


December.31'2010 I was at Ford Mountain living in the A Hut , as the A Hut Rep , which meant I looked after the place , the guys and everything in between . Ford Mountain was a tranquil peacefull place that at times felt like Heaven . The Snow Capped Mountains , the gorgeous Chilliwack River Valley Serene , the dozens of rare bird species that you never see in the city and the sound of the Waterfalls at night lolling you to sleep . It was gorgeous .

As the clock hit Midnight and I banged on some bowls and spoons , I looked out to the stars and cresent moon in the black sky .. What was ahead in 2011 ? Well , apparently , a lot of stuff !!!! I wasn't shure what would happen in 2011 , but I knew that it would be interesting .


I left Ford Mountain , in the Chilliwack River Valley , on February 2 2011 . All the boys said goodbye to me and they where quite impressed by my suit !

. February 2010 was a month of ups and downs . Me and my wife spent time together , but she seemed a lot distant from me than she once was . We made love once but it didn't seem the same .

My two sons , Jaden and Rapheal where happy to see me , but I wasn't living there anymore , cause where they live , Hailey Place , there is some crazy old broads there and they do not like me so they told Charlene they do not want to see me around . Charlene cried , and I know she wanted me with her , but because of those stupid old people , I had to go back to the Richtown ..


I was living in South Richmond , by Steveston Hiway and Rverport way , right on the Fraser River . It's gorgeous there and the weather can be wild . Duece lived mayby 20 blocks from me on Steveston and 4 . I was close to 6 Road . So it was cool living close to Duece .


Towards the end of February , on February.25'2011 to be exact , I was hanging out with Charlene and asked her if I could hang out with her and her sister Paula . Charlene asked Paul on the phone and Paula said she just wanted to hang out with her sister Charlene . SO than I went with Plan B and I went down to MetroTown Mall at the Starbucks at Chapters and I met an Angel called Laurie .


While Laurie is a bit on the plus size , she is a beautifull woman and she is extremely intelligent . Me and Laurie hit it off right away and talked for hours at that Chapters Starbucks , even as a little white mouse ran around looking for dinner .. After Starbucks , Laurie asked me If I needed a ride to the skytrain and I said shure . While driving , Laurie asked me If I wanted to go for a drive .. I said " Okay " . Laurie drove us to this river side south facing park that I had never been to before . We went on the long pier and talked which eventually led to a hug which then led to us kissing which than led to us making out in Laurie's car which than led to us going to Laurie's place and having sex 5 times in a 24 hour period !!! It was fricken fantastic !!! - For both of us !! The sex was great !!! - And Itlasted for the remainder of the year !!!! - That's why I'm telling you 2011 was a great great year !!!


I'm not shure , but at least , 2011 was a " top 5 sex year " for me !! I had so much sex !! - And the sex got better and better as the 2011 year progressed !


I was still in love with Charlene of course ( I always will be in love with her ) so me and her had sex too , here and there . - And the more sex we had , also the better and hotter and wetter the sexual intercourse got ..

Me and Laurie broke up 3 different occasions in 2011 and than got back together . Every time we got back together , we would have sizzling make up sex . Man was it good !!!

Laurie got a lot of orgasims from me , especially in the spring .. I remember one sexing , I gave Laurie 5 Orgasims !!! With one shot !! Man , Tha J Child was on a Roll !!!!


My oldest son , Jaden , played on a baseball team that won the regualar season Championship , and the Playoff Championship , so Jaden won his first 2 Championships , as a 9 year old . I made it to the Semi Finals twice for Baseball in West Richmond , but never to the Championship game . Jaden's baseball team the Orioles destroyed their oppenant in the Finals 13-0 .The Orioles where a special team !!!

Jaden's Ball Hockey team was called the Bruins and they went to the Metro Ball Hockey Semi-Finals and lost 5-2 .


I spent a lot of time with Rapheal , my youngest son , in the parks , playing with my clever and entertaining 2 year old . We would go to Chapters Downtown and Rapheal would fight kids to keep them away from the Thomas The Train Set . It was quite halarious ! At around , 9:30 pm we would leave Chapters and walk into the thousands of people gathered outside celebrating another Vancouver Canucks Playoff victory . Rapheal would yell out " Go Canucks Go !!! " while high 5iving the thousands of Canuck Fans . Jaden would just sit in Rapheal's bugey and sleep with the blanket over top of him ...

We would go to Robson Sushi a lot . Sometimes me and the kids , other times me and Laurie and the kids , sometimes me and Laurie , sometime me and Charlene , and so on and so on . Yes , Robson Sushi is my favourite restaurant , even if the manager left and some young prick wankster replaced him ... I love the food first and foremost . !! Wassabi , Salmon Roll , Temura Sushi !! So So Yummy !!!! I love Robson Sushi !!!



Music wise , I started recording with Duece in March and that got me warmed up for Step Daddy J's 11 Solo Album : " Double J " that came out in the Spring of 2011 . Double J was Step Daddy J's first Double C.D. album . Double J was full of hits !!!! - I really enjoyed listening back to the album and hearing all the cool tracks and beats ...


The second album from Jugovich Records in 2011 was the Debut from Johnny Juuann . " Johnny Juuann " was a very different kind of record and it was full of orinality and very tight beats !!! Duece appeared on a few tracks , and so did Step Daddy J , Peter Black and even Crazy Vlado . Johnny Juuann was a very fun Album !!!!!

The other album that came out from the Jugovich Entertainment Umbrella was Peter Black's 5 th Solo Album : " Black Friday " . Black Friday was full of hits and sick hallarious perverted skits . Duece is a big part of the album as well as Step Daddy J and Johnny Juuann .


Step Daddy J and Peter Black also appeared on the 4 Downlow Records Albums that came out in 2011 . Duece's 14 th album : " Second To None " and Duece's 15 th Album : " Can't Stop Won't Stop " . That's right , in 2011 , Duece came out with 2 brand new Double C.D.'s !!! - So it was quite the Year for Duece !!!! Downlow Records also released The Sickest : " Sickness Within " and Deeper Than Blood : " Layen Down the Law " . The Sickest is Peter Black and Duece . Deeper Than Blood is Duece and Mista Mead . So yeah, there was a lot of tight music created in 2011 for shure !!!!!!!





2011 was a heck of a year for the J Child . So much sex !! May 2011 , September 2011 and December 2011 where the 3 most hottest months when it came to sex . May , Septmeber and December there' was just so much sex going on !!!!!!

So yeah , 2011 was a great year !!! It was full of ups and downs , but the up parts where really really up !!!

The J Child even got 2 girls pregnant yo !!! Step Daddy's gonna have 2 babies born in the spring of 2012 !!! - So that will give Tha J Child 4 as of 2012 .. and counting .. he he ..

2 kids in the Mainland of Van , 1 in the south land of Surrey , and another across the Salish Sea ... Tha J Child is spreading his seeds big time now boys and girls !!!!

Here's to a fabulous 2011 year , and here's to a prosperous 2012 and more pussies and more sexes and plenty of hot heat action !!!


Happy New Year's Eve 2011 !!! Have a Lovely New Year's Day 2012 !!!

I Love You All !! The 2011 Holidays have been to good to me !!! I've had so much fun and entertaining banter . All the best in tha 2012 , 2011 Gonna Miss ya !!!!!!!





John Danijel Jugovich Tha J Child Mr Step Daddy J December.31'2011 1:00 P.M.























































Well it's a big night tonight in tha Van city and for all British Columbians across the globe . For only the second time in Vancouver Canucks 40 years history , they are playing in a ice hockey game where if they win the game , they have the opportunity to win the Stanley Cup . Only the most important Championship in the game of Ice Hockey .

The only other time the Canucks had this kind of chance was back in June 1994 ; 17 years ago when they where playing the New York Rangers in Game 7 for the Cup . The Rangers won that one ..

Could the Canucks have 1 Stanley Cup by tomorrow's sunset ?? Me and Rapheal went back as I pondered these important questions . I had a great weekend and it was a great topper to end it hanging out at with my youngest Rapheal . I love being a dad !!

We eventually made our way down to Victoria Park . Rapheal just loves that park !! We hung out there till it got dark . On the walk back home , me and Rpaheal saw some Racoons ! I looked at the darkening sky . Could this be the last sunset that the Canucucks have 0 Stanley Cups ? Later on , we hung out at the Metro town Chapters for a while , than I dropped off Jaden and his buddy and I picked up my youngest Rapheal and me and my youngest son went for a little walk . We saw kitty cats , which Rapheal loves to see and pet .

I spoke to one of the coaches of the teams and he said his son played against Jaden this moring . We had a good conversation . He told me his son has played in 6 ball hockey games over the past 2 days ! His son , by the way , scored a few goals against Jaden on Sunday mornings game at Bill Copeland . Later on , me , Jaden and his friend Sethi went to Metro town and saw more of the 4 on 4 ball hockey tournament that was going on there . The kids the same age as Jaden , the 9 year olds , played in the " dekers " division . We watched them play and Jaden know a few of the kids from Ball and Ice Hockey . They had explosive offence and great defence !! They beat Jaden's Bruins 7-1 ! After the game , me and Jaden hung around Bill Copeland Arena ; in Burnaby , and watched the other 2 playoff games . They where very exciting contests and the parents/fans where very emotional . We where also doing some scouting . Seeing who the top players and goalies where ... It was fun !

I went to sleep Saturday night at 12:30 a.m. and got up Sunday morning June.12'2011 at 6:20 a.m. as Jaden had another playoff ball hockey game at Burnaby Lake . Jaden played a great game in net and made many stellar saves but the team that Jaden's Pup Bruins team played against was so powerfull !!

After that me and Jaden went to Metro-town and checked out the 4 on 4 ball hockey tournament that was going on . There was all kinds of divisions . There where adults playing and kids leagues as well . Me and Jaden watched these exciting matches !! There was free gatorade and pizzaz as well !

Hastings poured it on , loaded the bases and subsequently won the playoff baseball game 13-12 . It was a fun game , back and forth . I was proud of the Trout Lake Orioles ! Great game ! After we had pizza from Boston Pizza . Boy did I get full . It was a playoff game against Hastings Minor , who field very strong teams . Jadens team was winning 7-1 in the third but Hastings eraced that lead with some great pitching and hitting and where up 11-7 in the top of the 6 th . Jaden's team the Orioles than got 5 runs and took a 12-11 lead into the bottom of the 6 th .

Saturday Jaden had a ball hockey playoff game at Killarney and they won 3-2 !! It was against his old coach Sukhi Greywall . Sukhi is a great coach and a super man ! I always enjoy talking ball hockey with him ! I even saw him at the Surrey Vaisakhi and we chatted for a while . Later on Jaden played playoff baseball at Pailais park on Grandviews High way and Rupert .

So after the canucks win , me and the kids go to party central . Rapheal loves to high 5 everyone !! Everybody takes pictures of him , it's so cool !! I take pictures and video of everything going on as well . Than after a while , I drop off the kids at home and go back and celebrate some more with the Canucks mob ! It's so cool seeing everybody happy and smiling , high - fiving each other !!

I had quite the weekend !! The Vancouver Canucks played game 5 against the Boston Bruins and won 1-0 !! I was at Chapters the whole time with my sons Jaden and Rapheal . It seems to me that everytime I go to Chapters with the kids , it brings good luck to the Canucks and they win !! It's also right beside Robson and Granville ; Party Central !!!

Truthfully , the Edmonton Oilers are my favourite ice hockey team . Always have , all ways will be . But in retrospect . I was raised and grew up here in Vancouver and I've see many many Canucks games' on t.v and as well on the radio .. This franshise has been trying to win the Stanley Cup for 40 years !! This is only the second time they have a chanch to do it !!

I've heard of the 1982 run , I've seen the Canucks almost beat the enventual 1989 Stanley Cup Champion Flames on a Stan Smyle Breakaway .I saw Pavel Bure's Game 7 overtime breakaway goal on Mike Vernon in 1994 . I've watched a bloody Trevor Linden hug an exhausted Kirk Mclean in the 1994 Run .

I've seen Cliff Ronning and Geoff Courtnall play their hearts out in the 1994 Stanley Cup Final against the New York Rangers . I've seen Marcus Naslund and Todd Bertuzzi blow a 3 games to 1 lead in Round 2 against an upstart defensice minded Minnesotta Wild in the 2002 playoffs .

I was at the Strathcona Community Centre watching on the big T.V. scream where finally , after losing 2 straight years before in the second round to the Chicago Blackhawk , the Vancouver Canucks finally beat them . And it wasn't easy eigther . The defending Stanley Cup Champion Blackhawks never quit or gave up ! After losing the first 3 games to the Nucks ' the Blackhawks stormed back and won the next 3 to force a game 7 which ended up in sudden death overetime . The Canucks got the goal in the overtime , finally beat the Blackhawk and started their roll to the 2011 Stanley Cup Championships ... Against the Bruins !!

Vancouver has been winning by the slightest of margins , but the Nucks' have won all 3 of their games on home ice !! In Bean Town however , the Bruins have hammered the Canucks . 8-1 in Game 3 and 4-0 in Game 4 .

Tonight at 5 p.m. June.13'2011 is game 6 . I can feel something in the air . Something special ... But it's all up to the 2010-2011 Vancouver Canucks to show us what they can do ..

It's up to Daniel Swdin , Henrick Sedin , Alexandre Burrows , Phil Kessel and above all else , Roberto Luango has to come up perfect tonight !!! Roberto , you got to earn that $ 10 million you're getting paid tonight . This will cement you're legacy and give the Canucks Nation their very first Stanley Cup !! Come on Roberto . No Pressure . Just play you're game man !!! Give it to us , Give it to the city of Vancouver , Give it to the Province of British Columbia !!

It's on Tonight ! It's On Tonight !! Man , such an ellectric feeling in the air , with a gasp of antisipation and a little nervousness ... June.13'2011 Monday , it's going down Canucks Nation !!!










$ John Danijel Jugovich June.13'2011 Monday Go Canucks Go !!!







Hey wazzup , this is Step Daddy J . How about those Vancouver Canucks eh ? Man , that was an epic game there on Tuesday when the Blackhawk where in town for Game 7 . It was a nailbitter down to the end with Chicago tieing the game up with two minutes left on the clock . The Blackhawks had a power play in Overtime in a Game 7 but they couldn't get anything past Luango . Later , a Chicago player gave the puck away and Burrows from the Canucks did a slap shot winner glove hand on Crowford the Chicago Goalie . It was an amazing moment and feeling with the Canucks jumping on each other .

The city was wild Tueday night April.26'2011 . I was walking down Granville Street and the place was packed !! Everybody was high 5iving each other . It was so cool !!

It's been the coldest April ever !! Very Chilly Month !! My oldest son Jaden plays baseball and most of his games are in the evening , and man , it has been windy and cold !!

I've only had the pleasure to sun tan one day so far this 2011 . It was April.21 st at Wreck Beach . April 21 st is the beginning of suntanning season by the way .

I love my wife . She's always hot and cold around me latly . My major goal for 2011 is to be the most romantic man I can be for my wife . Mother's day is next week and me and Charlene's wedding anniversery is May.20 th . It will be our 5 th ...

I made a lot of mistakes in the past . I was a kid still , in my 20's . I wasn't really ready . Now I'm ready for lot's of love . I'm ready for my wife Charlene ! I'm ready to step up and be the man I need to be . I'm ready to be faithfull to Charlene , to be nurturing to her . She means everything to me . I want her to fall back in love with me again .. That's my goal baby in 2011 !!!!

Hope everyone had a great Vaisakhi 2011 ! Me and Jaden where in Surrey . I recorded some great stuff with my 8 mm Video Camera but unfortunatly I lost it that same day . Oh well , guess I'll have to get another one from Craigslist .

Hope ya'll had a good Easter 2011 . I shure now I did !! I got 5 hours of sleep in a span of 3 days . It was Awesome !!!!

All the best ya'll !

Double J April.29'2011 4:26 a.m.





























Hey , what's up . It's Step Daddy J . Yo , Duece's brand new album just came out . It's a double c.d. for the 2011 called : " Second To None " . It's chalk full of hits !! First Single was " Till My Parnter Gets Out Remix " featuring Mista Mead , IZK and Van Dogg of the 604 . The Second Single was " 604 Till I Die " featuring Step Daddy J . Man , I love all these songs and there are so much more on the way .

Props to Duece ! Second To None is a classic from Downlow Records !!!

I spent all weekend with the kids . We had a lot of fun ! Jaden's ball hockey has started up . Jaden Jugovic looks really good in net !! He's so tall now and he fills the net as a goalie really well . It's really fun to watch him play .

Jaden wants to play Baseball so I'ma try to get him sighned up for Vancouver Minor Baseball as well . Jaden Jugovic plays Ball Hockey and Baseball in the Spring and Ice Hockey and Soccer in the Fall . He's a Two sport per season kid .

And Rapheal , boy is he growing !! He is so strong . He is almost 30 months , 2 n half years ! Man do I love him and spending time with him ! he is just so cute !!! So into sports too !!

It's still raining and windy and cloudy and cold in Van . I can't wait for the summer to come !! I'm on E.I. right now so I have more free time then usual . Can't wait to hit the beach in the summer . It's gonna be awesome !!

Life can be hard and good . Right now it's pretty good !!

I love God and I love life !!!

God has given us life !!

Peace , one luv ! J Child Monday 4/4/2011













Hey , wazzup , this is Step

Well , nice to be back on here again . is the original Step Daddy J web site . Since I started it 12 years ago , I've experienced many many things . I met Duece . I started making albums on C.D's . Soundclick and Myspace came out . I met a beautifull first nations girl and we got married . I had a baby . I now have 2 sons . I met Mista Mead and IZK . I went to Ford Mountain for 1 year . Now I'm back from the Mountain and back in the Vancity .


I've been here now for 29 days .

It's been a blessing and a course

I learned a lot of stuff at Ford Mountain and made a lot of new friends . It was definatly a experience I weill never forget .

Negative - wise , my wife told me in September that she wanted out of our relationship . Now I was a world away so I couldn't do anything . I couldn't be with my wife to talk things through like we always do .

The last 4 months at Ford where tough but luckily I had friends to help me weather the storm . Homiez like Jackson , Keve , Pete , Mel . They where always there for me .

I got out and spent the weekend with my wife and kids and everything was going smooth ! We made love Saturday night . Went for a movie on Sunday night . But the problem is the people that live where my wife and kids live are old hags that hate my guts and do not want to see me on the property . They heard I went to Ford and now they are scarred of me . The following Monday , the landlord Shawna spoke to my wife and told Charlene that if they see me at Hailey place that Charlene will be evicted .

Now in reality , they can't do that . Shawna and the old hags are just trying to scare Charlene and keep her and me away from each other .

So I guess I'm gonna have to get some money together , get my own place so Charlene and the kids come and hang out .

Charlene is a woman . A strong First nations woman . But she has her bad days , well a lot of bad days . She's very grumpy when she 's working and also grumpy when she is tired and doesn't get enough sleep .

Plus when I was at Ford Mountain , I think a lot of people brainwashed her and told her that I was no good . Nobodies perfect , but people don't know all the facts .

And relationships are sopposed to be 50/50 .

Yeah , in the middle of September , Charlene told me that she wanted out of the relaionship . But at the same time , I was worlds away at Ford Mountain and It was my mother that instigated the whole thing .

My crazy mother left a nasty message on Charlene' phone and tha caused Charlene to cry and I guess Charlene couldn't take it anymore and she just wanted nothing to do with my mother of course , but me too .

Now I love Charlene , I am crazy about her .

I still want to be with her . I want to work things out

Only time will tell what happens ...

At least I have 2 great sons . Jaden Jugovic and Rapheal Jugovic . They mean so much to me and I love taking care of them .

I've got to sighn up Jaden for the Metro Minor Ball . It's a ball hockey league for youth and they play in floored rinks ( the ice has been taken out for the summer ). It's a great league with playoffs and championships . Well , the fish plant is slower and slower every year . I spoke to Gord today and he told me they don't need me this year because it's going to be slow . He told me to call in July just in case though . So now I've got to rely on E.I. Which isn't that bad cause I'll be able to spend more time with Jaden and Rapheal and mayby at the beach with Charlene , who knows ??

Life is funny and it gives and takes away . I lived many different lives in my 31 years and it's a been a heck of a ride . Yesterday , Sunday March 6 ' 2011 I spent all day with Rapheal . We had so much fun at English Bay feeding the seagalls and crows . The sea water is exliterating ! I love raising little Rapheal . It's the greatest feeling on this earth !!

I love being a father ! I love my oldest Jaden Jugovic

I love being a man ! I love Charlene , but I have no idea if she loves me or not

She's been mad at me ever since September 2011 when my mother left that nasty message on her phone

I love Charlene and I care for her deeply ! I hope we can reconsile .

It's Monday today , March.7'2011 . Rapheal is 29 months today ! It was a gorgeous sunny day . E.I. is on it's way . And that's how we are gonna do it today !! We keep it so fresh in the 2011 baby !! It's Step Daddy J baby !! 3/7/2011



J Child 3/7/2011





Step Daddy J's 11th Album : " Double J " (Double C.D.)

J Tha Rippa : " Johnny Rippa "

Peter Black : " Black Friday "

Johnny Juuann : " Johnny Juuann "



















Wazzup , it's Step Daddy J . This past Winter has been wide open to say the least . After a 5 year hiatus , I got back into the solo rap album game by releasing my 9 th album : " Croatian Sensation "

What a hit album this is !! I'll really happy about it and it took 5 years to come about .

I wasn't gone or nothing . I was just busy with side project like European Mafia albums and BCGZ and Compilation Albums Like Richtown Luv , Heat 4 Tha Street , Jugorich , Nature Boy . I also worked with other solo rappers on their albums like Peter Black , J The Rippa , Duece and IZK . A lot of stuff goes into being Step Daddy J . I don't just rap solo , I do a plethora of other stuff as well . On top of the Music , I also have 2 sons to look after , the older one plays Ice Hockey , Soccer in the Winter and Ball Hockey and Baseball in the Spring . The baby is 16 months now , walking running everywhere and I'm always with him . I love Raphael Jugovic so much !!

I've had Day Jobs at SMP , Mt. Seymour and Lake Side Packers the past 5 years . That takes up a lot of my time . I also love gardening ( Hence that's why I'm the Nature Boy ) . I also plays sports . I do ball hockey and pro wrestling . A healthy body makes a healthy mind makes a great rap rhyme !!

In 2010 , my 10 th Album " Mamma's Bad Boy " Came Out !! This is another very good album to listen too . After having no solo albums for 5 years , it's real nice to have 1 in 2009 and another in 2010 . I keep things going when I'm Hot !!

My homie Duece released his first album in 4 years in 2010 in February . The Album was called : " 5 C Legend " Duece is a pioneer in the West Coast Gangsta Rap sound and it feels great to listen to this Kingpen Again ! 5 C Legend is Album # 29 from Downlow Records !!

Well this was the warmest Winter of all time 2009-2010 . And we deserved it after 2 straight cold winters . This winter brought Step Daddy J back to his love of writing albums and releasing them . What a cool time , I'll never forget the winter of 2009-2010 !!

I hope you guys check out Step's 2 new albums and Duece's new one too !! Have a great Valentines !

Peace ! 2/1/2010


Step Daddy J








What an awesome Summer 2009 I had ! Perfect Weather , man , we had back to back to back 30 + Degrees Celcius Days Here in Vancouver . We set the all time record high in Vancouver at 34.4 Degrees Celcius . It was such a dry hot summer , the gardens of flowers and vegetables where just basking in it ! - And the m.c.'s , where ripping up tha tracks and the beats .

JDJ Beats ; , has been a complete sucess for Jugovich Entertainment . JDJ Beats has been getting 50 to 100 hits a day for people wanting to listen to tha J Child's Beats and Funny Skits that go down on JDJ Beats . And it's been a pleasure and a real fun time doing all this . And we just keep on going , making more beats , having more fun !!

Rap - wise , So Far to this point , October Thanksgiving Long Weekend , we've had 3 albums drop in 2009 ! : There was Peter Black's 4 th album " Black Lagoon " , IZK's debut album on Downlow Records " Canada's Most Hated " and the just released brand new hot off the charts Double C.D. Group album : " 604 " . 604 is a rap group composed of Mista Mead , Step Daddy J , IZK , Van Dogg and Rush Tha Second . The Self Entitled debut album has 16 tracks on CD 1 and 16 more on CD 2 . That's 32 Tracks All Together ! The first single was " Let Me Tell Ya'll " a soulfull cool song . The second song was a crazy chorus tight beat by Step Daddy J called " So Siccc Remix " which along with the 604 rappers also features Peter Black . Buy the new double 604 Album now !!

Me , I'm enjoying time with my 2 sons . My oldest Jaden , is playing Ice Hockey and Soccer right now , the winter sports . Last spring , he played baseball and ball hockey . Jaden turns 8 in a few weeks on October.20 . My youngest boy , Rpahael , just turned 1 ! On October.7 . He also just started walking / running after cats . He's such a bundle of joy and it makes me so happy to be and spend fun filled times with him . I love Raphael !

My wife , I don't know man , she's been acting pretty crazy for a while . She's always yelling and screaming . I'm a positive person , I love life and want only happyness . I don't like being around negative , unhappy , lound and abnoxious , lazy people . Sometimes my wife is good , but more often then not , she's spewing negativities at me . She's also 39 , I'm 30 . I've been craving something young for a while , you know what I mean , mayby something 19 . I shure deserve it . Man , woman gotta respect good men like me Step Daddy J and treat me right .

Duece , he's pussywhipped , always spending time with his fiancee , Crazy K' s sister . Everywhere she goes , he goes . Never calls a playa up , doesn't want to rap . Man , thankgoodness for tha 604 Homiez !!! Mista Mead , IZK , Rush Tha Second and Van Dogg and good friends and they love to be involved in Hip Hop !!

Brand New Downlow Records Albums For 2009 Out Right Now !!! :

IZK " Canada's Most Hated "


604 " 604 "


Keep It Hot , Keep It Street , Downlow Records 2009






Coming Soon ! :




J Da Rippa " J Da Rippa 3 Mentally Unstable "


Step Daddy J " Croatian Sensation "


604 " All Eye$ On 604 "


IZK " Tha Dictator "


Step Daddy J " Mama's Bad Boy "


Mista Mead " Revolution "


Step Daddy J " Double J "


Lot's of new updates and new web sites !!!! Check them out : New Soundclick Singles : .. New Jugovich Entertainment Web $ite$ :




Well happy Thanksgiving 2009 ! Enjoy this life , Keep You`re Head Up , stay away from Negativity . Peace !


J Child October.11`2009 9:45 a.m.









Hey Ya'll , It's Been A Crazy Sunny Weekend Once Again !! It's the 3 rd Straight Weekend that it's been sunny every day !! This May has been so dry and sunny man , I'm loven It !

Peter Black's Extremly Inticipated 4 th Album " Black Lagoon " has it's 1 st Single " So Siccc " released on the Internet at :

" So Siccc " Is A Bumpen' Thrilla Type Song . It's Real Tight !

This will be the first ever single release from Black Lagoon Records . Peter Black's First 3 Albums where released on Jugovich Records . In June 2009 Peter Black's 4 th Album is Released Under Black Lagoon Records

Also , go to Step Daddy J's Soundclick to check out tha June 2009 Jugovich Entertainment Single$ . Lotta Good Singles This Month !

It Don't Stop Babe !!

J Child's Oldest Son Jaden Jugovic made numerous great saves today as his Metro Minor Youth Ball Hockey Team ; The Metro 3 Peanut Canucks beat Metro 4 Delta 5-2 ! Metro 3 Had a 5-1 Lead in the Fist Half .

This is Jaden Jugovic's First Win as a Goaltender and he played marvelous in his 2 nd ever game as a Goalie .

Next Game is Wensday June.3'2009 at 6 P.M. at Trout Lake in Vancouver B.C. . Go Metro 3 Peanut Canucks Go !!













Wazzup People ! I hope all of you are doing great ! I sure am . It's the end of April 2009 , and it's spring time now !! I really love the spring . Everything is so fresh and so new !

And me , tha J Child , you know how I do . I always been keepin it 100 . I always be up to something . Over the winter of 2008-2009 I've been working on 2 new aspects of the Jugovich Entertainment Umbrella . I started working on JDJ Radio in December

JDJ ( which stands for John Danjel Jugovic ) is the best newest releases from the world of rap mixed in with a few unerground releases as well . I made a web site : where you can go and check out how the front and back covers of the albums for JDJ Radio Look Like . Look for JDJ Radio Albums in the streets for Sale Rea Soon !!

On the streets ... That's right tha J Child got some soldierz slangen and bangen his C.D.'s on tha streets !! The C.D.'s cost $ 10 each . The street vendors keep $ 5 and give $ 5 to J Child for each sale .

Jugovich Records Is Making Much Money In Tha 2009 !!


The other thing Step Daddy J has been working on is a Beat Production Company called JDJ Beats . Step Daddy J has made many many samples of beats over the years and now , for the first time , he lettin people listen to the beats on :

These beats are top notch so definatly check them out !


Music wise , we are still eagerly awaiting the release of Peter Black's 4 th Album " Black Lagoon " . You can check out how the lyrics for the album are coming on :

Black Lagoon will definatly be a hot hot album !!

On the family side , John Danijel Jugovic's baby Raphael Alexander Jugovic is almost 7 months and is doing excellent . Raphael is a healthy baby boy and he likes to play , eat , touch and suck !!! I love him and I am so happy God put him into my life . Being a dad and watching you're children grow up is such a great experience ! I love my two sons and my beautifull wife !!


Spring is here and summer is around the corner . Always check out Jugovich Picz for the latest pictures of Step Daddy J and his friends and familly at :

Peace out and God Bless !!

Remember , Jugovich Entertainment Is A Huge Umbrella with many parts to it : Jugovich Records , Downlow Records , Black Lagoon Records , JDJ Radio and JDJ Beats . We Give You The Best In Entertainment and Quality !!!

CEO John Danijel Jugovic

April 26 2009 Sunday 3:45 P.M.













Hey ya'll , I like to wish all of you a merry Christmas 2007 and a joyous happy New Year 2008 . Step Daddy J and the whole Jugovich Records Camp have been very busy over the Dark Wintery Months of October to March . Step Daddy's been maken ton's of beats the last couple of months and has been hard at work constructing web sites for his new record company : Downlow Records . Look at the links and check out Downlow Records on , and . Before 2008 comes , Step Daddy J produced the whole return album from Downlow Records . Album # 25 from Downlow , the first album from Downlow Records in 2 n half years , is the second album from J The Rippa called : " Richtown Mentality " The Step Daddy J produced album has 11 bumpen songs and features the likes of Duece , Peter Black , Medicine Man and Jaden Jugovic . This is a killa album in more ways than one !!

For more on J The Rippa's new album , please check out J The Rippa's New Web Page at :


Happy Holidays once again to everyone !! Pick up the New J The Rippa album " Richtown Mentality " now for $ 10 as the album has been released on Thursday December.27'2007 .


Peace yo , we rollen !!


12/27/2007/Thursday/7:49 P.M.





















Hope all ya'll have a great Labour Day Long Weekend 2007 . I met my wife Durring the Labour Day Long Weekend a couple years back so this is a very special time of the year !!!

Just released on Jugovich Records , it's album # 54 : The Double Album with 25 songs : Richtown Luv 11 .

The first single off of Richtown Luv 11 is from European Mafia called " Summertime 2007 " . Check it out and Download it from .

Richtown Luv has 25 songs and is a tight ass Double C.D. Peep Game . Happy Labour Day !

J Child 9/1/2007








In the very busy month of July 2007 Jugovich Records CEO Mr. John Danijel Jugovic purchased Downlow Records . This transaction gives Mr. Jugovic the entire Downlow Records Catalogue which includes 24 albums ! This coupled with Jugovich Records Record Roster of 53 Albums give John Danijel Jugovic total ownership of 77 albums !!!!!!

Downlow Records was started up in the summer of 2000 When Original CEO Dan Foley released the first album from Downlow Records which was entitled " Richtown Eastsider " which was released by Duece . This and 23 other albums would follow from 2000 to 2005. There where many classic songs and hits but nothing could compare to the blockbuster classic album Released By Crazy K entitled : " Playaz Life " That was the album of albums . Duece produced and joined Crazy K on many of the songs . The whole album is just so listener friendly that after 1 take you just wanna listen more and more .

John Danijel Jugovic will now be working on Re-releasing the 24 albums on the Downlow Records brand , as well as desighning web pages for Downlow Records . Mr. Jugovic has also said the NEW album from Downlow Records ( Album No. 25 ) will be from the Artist J Da Rippa and the album will be called : Richtown Mentallity .



From Jugovich Records side of things , look out soon for album # 54 called : Richtown Luv 11 . This will be a double album !!



From tha Third Record Company in tha Richtown , Peter Black´s Record Company : Black Lagoon Records . Look out for Peter Black´s 4 th album : Black Lagoon . Coming Soon !!!



Tha J Child and his wife are chilling right now on Mexico´s West Coast . Hope everyone´s having a great summer !!!



August.19´2007 1:10 A.M. Sunday .
















Tha Compilation : Richtown Luv 11


J Da Rippa : Richtown Mentallity


Peter Black : Black Lagoon






Hey Step Daddy Headz , hope everybody surviving this horrible winter 2006/2007 we've been having . I mean , rain , snow , wind , rain , wind , snow , rain and more dam rain , it just doesn't stop ! This crappy weather is relentless !! A lot , alot of peeps are depressed over this crappy weather man !!

Another thing to be depressed about is the Edmonton Oilers and how they've come crashing down to earth in the past couple months . I mean the defending 2006 Western Conference Champions started the 2006-2007 N.H.L. Season off good . They where in first place in the North Western Division through the first 25 games and everything seemed good .Then December came and the Oilers Started playing real real real bad !! I mean , come one , what the heck is going on here man !! This is a team had a 3-0 lead inb Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals 2006 just last year , and now they are one of the worst teams in the league and in the last 10 weeks , they HAVE been the worst team in the league . Yeah the Canucks are doing real good and I'm proud of them , but the Edmonton Oilers , that's Step Daddy J's team man !! Come On !! What can you do , - oh well , there's always 2007-2008 N.H.L. Season for the Edmonton Oilers


I've been playing Ball Hockey for 6 years now and finally I'm on a really good team !! There called the Rusty Trombones and we play in the Fraser Valley Ball Hockey League which is the best ball hockey league in Western Canada . We started the regular season 0-4 and we weren't looking that good . Then we got a couple new recruits and our younger players started maturing a little and playing some real good hockey !! I can kind of compare the Rusty Trombones to the Pittsburg Penquins as we are a youg team and we started off losing a whole bunch of games and finally now we are winning , and boy are we winning !!! We finished the Winter Langly League in third place with 9 Wins , 6 Losses and 2 Ties . THat means in our last13 games , we have gone 9-2-2 . Pretty dam good and that also makes us the hottest team in the damm league !! We have 3 awesome forward lines that can all score and 3 lines of D that can hit the opposing teams forwards and help out our awesome Bones' goalie who just recorded his first shutout , in playoff action !!

In my fist ever playoff ball hockey game , and many of my teamates where also playing in their first ball hockey playoff game , we played our hearts out and won big !! We won game 1 5-0 !! To win a series you must win 2 games so we play again next week at the Langly Sportsplex I believe at 6:45 P.M.

That 5-0 game was our best game of the year so far and our 10 th victory of the year as well . The Rusty Trombones are really gelling right now and we are in top form !!

Of note , I will be playing as the Number # 50 throughout the playoffs as my # 77 was stolen one Saturday Night in East Van ... You , everybody wants a piece of Step Daddy J memorabeleay so they grabbed my # 77 Trombone Jersey as well as my Nike Air Ball Hockey Shoes and Nike Air Ball Hockey Helmet and my gloves as well . I've got backup gear that I'm using now ...

Spring is right around the corner and Suntanning season begins early this year and we forward our clocks on Sunday Morning March.11'2007 . I believe to my memory , usually we spring forward our clocks to suntanning season in April but this year we're doing it a month earlier , which is fine with me !! I love those long Summer Nights at Erington Park !!!


Music wise , JDJ radio is on the Internet and full of Chartopping And Underground Urban Music . Check us out :

and at our myspace page at :

Step Daddy J's myspace page has added 4 of Step Daddy J 's best songs . You can listen , comment on and even download them at :


Step Daddy J and Jugovich Records have also released all of the Unrealesed tracks from out Vaults . We put em all on various albums . There are now 53 albums in the Jugovich Records Catalogue . That's right , 53 !!!! Jugovich Records Albums which can be seen Front Cover and Back Cover at :


Tha J Child will be returning to his regualar day job as a fisherman next week , It's gonna be anotha smelly 8 months ya'll playaz feel me ?? Actually , 7 months , as J is gonna be taking July 2007 off to finally go on his long - awaited honeymoon with his Beautifull Wife Charlene Jugovic .

The 2 are planning to go to Italy , Croatia and Greece !! - And the 2 are also planning to start making a big familly on this Summer 2007 Trip !!!!

. just interviewed my homie Shorty - B and Shorty gave a real in depth interview that let's ya'll know a lot of stuff you didn't about Dangerous Records , Tha Dangerous Crew and Short Dawg himself , Mr. Todd Shaw A.K.A. Too $hort . It's a real good read man ! I copied and pasted it here !! Much props and love going out to the best rap web site in the world :

You can download the latest hit rap music as well as underground tracks from the homies at !!



Here's the interview ya'll , have a good one !!

Peace ! Step Daddy J March.7'2007 Wednesday 6:40 P.M.





SHORTY B (March 2007) | Interview By: Noncentz

It’s been a long time comin’ but we have finally tracked down none other than Dangerous Crew producer, Shorty B. Shorty B took the time to talk with us for an in-depth and exclusive interview. We discuss what he’s been doing lately, and what’s in store for the future with his projects. We talk about Shorty B’s beginnings in music, how he met Too $hort, and get in-depth about the Dangerous Crew. We end the interview with his thoughts on the current state of Hip-Hop. Those are just a few of the things we touch on in this exclusive interview with Shorty B.

Please note that this interview was conducted by a Dubcnn Community ( forum member - Dubcnn:. He and a team of members have been heavily discussing and promoting the work of the Dangerous Crew as a whole. Thanks go out to; Lamont, Raiders, Akcranker, SJ, GP and EazyE for their help and support in bringing the Dangerous Crew back into relevance. There will be more from the Dangerous Crew on dubcnn over the coming weeks.


Interview was done by phone on February 28, 2007

Questions Asked By: Noncentz (Guest Contributor)


Dubcnn: This is Dubcnn:, hookin’ up with none other than Shorty B, of the famous Dangerous Crew. Shorty B, What’s up? How you been doin’, man?

Aw, it’s pretty good man. Just workin, man, tryin’ to keep my career up and runnin’. Yeah, I’m doin’ pretty good man. I’m still Platinum!

Dubcnn: I hear ya! What projects are you workin’ on right now? What artists are you workin’ with?

Yeah, I’m producin’ right now workin' on the Ying Yang Twins solo project and the new Ying Yang album.

Dubcnn: Ok, Ok…what are doin’ for them?

Just producin’ some songs for them. I already done about 18 or 19 songs for them so far.

Dubcnn: So you puttin’ in some work, huh?

Oh, man I stay busy, you know what I’m sayin’? The phone never stop ringin’.

Dubcnn: Well lemme say this , Shorty B…you gotta be the funkiest bass player in the hip-hop/rap game, hands down! Do you feel like you get recognized for that? Is that what people in the industry know you for?

*laughs* Well yeah, that’s everywhere I go, you know what I’m sayin’? It kinda messes me up though, cuz I don’t really like playin’ that bass shit, but you know I do what I do. But I’m actually a better producer than I am a bass player. It’s just like I put that funk down so hard that I guess it just stuck on everybody’s brain.

Dubcnn: Keepin’ with that, I guess a lot of people don’t know or realize that you play drums, keyboards, etc…are you self-taught?

I play a little bit of everything. I don’t read at all. I learned to read in junior high school, but hell, I done forgot all that shit now. *laughs*

Dubcnn: Lemme go back in time with you a little bit...


Dubcnn: Tell everybody where & how you grew up. And who you’re influences were coming up in the music scene and all that…

Well, I grew up in Washington, D.C. I came up in the Go-Go scene, Go-Go music, ya know. I used to play in a group called Hot/Cold Sweat, and another group called Heavy Connection. You know, Go-Go first started like when EU, Rare Essence, Chuck Brown, all those Go-Go groups that really never made it nationally, but they would be in the local area. So you know I did that for quite a few years up until I was about, I think 18. And, uh, this is a helluva story. Believe it or not, man, uh, I don’t even know that I should tell you all of this. *laughs*

Dubcnn: Well, you tell me what you wanna tell me…

It’s all good, you know what I’m sayin? When I was young, right? I was actin’ a lil’ bit of the ghetto, you know Palmer Park, Maryland/Washington, D.C., you know everybody was basically tryin’ to come up any way they could. I had actually hit a lick, and I had been off and on messin’ with George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic, like Michael Hampton and Eddie Hazel, and really Michael Hampton and I are best friends, and Michael Kid one of the guitar players with Funkadelic, and I had just talked to Mike yesterday. And Eddie Hazel, we, hold on (call interrupted). Yeah, Chad, where’d I left off dog?

Dubcnn: You was talkin’ about Michael Hampton and all them…..

Yeah, Eddie Hazel he did a lotta guitar, he was like one of the first guitar players for Funkadelic, and he was like my fishing buddy. We used to go fishing, then come home and jam for hours, then go fish some more. We was stayin' at D.C. at the time, and so eventually I ended up doin’ a few gigs for Funkadelic here and there in different cities, and stuff, and me & Mike ended up living together in Long Beach for a while and after that I actually, uh...what year was that...I left D.C...I hit a lick...had went to California. I hit the bus station out there D.C. and said gimme a ticket to California. The dude behind the counter said “where to?” I said ANYWHERE! So he said “how about Oakland?” And I said I don’t care! You know what I’m sayin, I just wanna go to California, I’m leavin’ D.C. startin’ a new life, so I really don’t care. So he gave me a ticket to Oakland, and it was the best thing that had actually happened to me because, if he woulda sent me to L.A., there’s no telling.

I prolly woulda end up gangbangin’, Crippin’ or Bloodin’ or whatever. But he sent me to Oakland, and I ended up hookin’ up with Shock G of Digital Underground. And I had wrote a song, ‘cause I had already been in & out the Funkadelic, and Shock G, he always wanted to meet George Clinton, and I told him I was one of the band members. And as a matter of fact, George and them was doin’ a show up in San Francisco that weekend, so I told Shock to come with me and I would introduce him to George. And I did just that. And to this day Shock G and George Clinton is pretty good friends. So after I finally arrived in Oakland, I ended up workin’ at the guitar center downtown. I think it was on 18th street and San Pablo or somethin’…and that’s when I started meetin’ all the cats from Oakland. Hammer, Toni, Tony, Tone, I mean everybody because everybody came into the guitar center and I was runnin’ the guitar department with a guy named Rusty Alex, who was actually the bass player for Sly & The Family Stone. He replaced Larry Graham after he left.

Dubcnn: Oh, OK

Right, so I remember getting’ off the Greyhound Bus, it’s about 2 blocks down from the guitar center, and I had a couple guitars and a couple of bags. And I remember I had just went to a show right before I left D.C. at the RFK stadium with E.U., Con Funk Shun, Frankie Beverly, Maze…alotta people. And I remember I was standin’ on stage, watchin’ Frankie Beverly playin’, and that’s when the drum machine had just started to come out, and they was tryin’ to use the drum machine. I think to start this song called Starlight I think it was. But the drum machine kept actin’ up, right? And I’m standin’ right there, and I remember that.

So the show had went on, a couple days later I get on the bus and went to Oakland, California. When I got off the bus, I walked up the street and I walked by the guitar center, and I said to myself, “damn, look at all those guitars!” So I backed up a lil’ bit, went in, put my guitar and bags up against the wall, walked up to the counter and said, “hey man, lemme play one of these guitars.” He said, “pick whatever you want. What amp you wanna play to?” So I grabbed a nice guitar, I think it was a Jackson or somethin’ I’m not sure. He plugged me up, and man I went to wailin’ away. I went to showin’ off, man. Did a lil’ Eddie Van Halen, you know…

Dubcnn: You was in heaven, huh?

I really ain’t no joke with these instruments, man! But as I looked around, there was about 30 people standin’ around me, right?

Dubcnn: Uh-Huh….

So I looked and I’m like “damn!”’ Cause you know I was just jammin’, getting’ the feel of the guitar, and the amp was soundin’ good. I was just wailin’ away, and I had looked up and seen 30-35 people standin’ around me, and I had seen this one black dude who looked familiar to me. So, I just told you I had hit a lick, haha, and I’m lookin’ like damn, this guy looks familiar to me. I seen him in D.C., did this guy just follow me all the way out here?

Dubcnn: *laughs*, no shit…

He walks up to me and says, “man, are you playin’ that guitar without no effects or nothin’??” I said, “yeah man, just me and the wood.” He said, “maaaan..” …and I think it was the drummer from Frankie Beverly…damn, what’s his name? I think his name was Billy White, I think it was. I said, “man, you gotta be kiddin’me! I just did a show with y’all in D.C. at RFK Stadium, I remember y’all kept tryin’ to start this song called Starlight and the drum machine kept messin’ up.” So he start laughin’, right? And he said, “Yeah!” So I felt better, and I said, “No wonder, ‘cause you look familiar to me, and as a matter of fact, I was standin’ right next to you.” I was standin’ right next to him, on stage. He said, “Oh, that’s why I know you!” Cuz when he had walked up to me, I knew I had seen him before. So, I figured out who he was. And then he says he wants me to meet somebody. So we walked into the back to the pro audio, and it was the bass player named Robin Duke. He said, “yeah, man, I hear you playin’ that guitar” and said, “yeah, man, I used to play with E.U., and I just left D.C. 4 days ago. I was just standin’ on stage with y’all, when y’all was playin’.”

So, just while I’m talkin’ to him Chad, the guy, the manager, he was also the VP of the guitar center now, his name is Don Rider. He walked up to me and said, “Hey, man, my boss wanted me to ask you if you knew anything about guitars.” I said, “man, I could take a guitar apart and put it back together with my eyes closed.!” *laughs* he said, “well, he told me to offer you a job.” And I’m standin’ there with drummer and bass player for Maze ain’t been off the ground but like 10 minutes 15 maybe and I said, “man, I don’t even know where I’m at. I just got off the bus…I ain’t never really been here.”…so I asked the bass player if he kinda…well actually I had about $16,000 and a few other things in my backpack. so I had some money, but I didn’t wanna tell nobody…so I asked him if he could give me a place to stay, that’s kinda cool in the area, so I can kinda find me a job, or somethin’ ‘cause I don’t know my way around right, but I just had to come to California. So he said, “Is that your stuff over there?” I said, “yeah, that’s my stuff.” I told the guy, that I really didn’t have no place to live. He told me to grab my stuff and come fill out this application. So filled it out, put name on it, and he put his address and phone number and he said, “you can come on and stay with me at my house.” Just like that! Now mind you, I ain’t even been off the bus 15 minutes, and I’m playin’ in the guitar center, and 20 minutes later I got a house up in the hills, to stay. It was just absolutely crazy.

So I grabbed my stuff, jumped in his Porsche, and rolled up in the Oakland hills. And two days later, it was a Friday, and they told me I could start Monday morning. I said, “Damn, Robin, I’m fresh out here and I don’t know nothin’.” I ain’t got no friends really, I got a lil’ money, I mean I could buy me a lil’ car but he said nah man, I’ma draw you a map. He lived a very good life. He got about 5 or 6 cars Porsches and all kinds of stuff. So he gave me a Mustang to use. a classic, it was green. I think it was a ’61, but it was clean! He Drew me a map to the guitar center, gave me a car. So my first day on the job, I think sold about 3 or 4 guitars, right? Because they had never seen nobody like me that could really relate to the customer. You know play it, and tell’em all about the guitar, what kind or style of music, because, and you might interested in this, but because I was actually comin’ from a guitar playin’ standpoint, you know what I’m sayin’? And I could relate to the people. So what happened was, after the first day, on the second day this girl had walked in and she had two lil’ kids with her. And she was fine, right? So, I got the name and she gave me the phone number and invited me to dinner. So after work I went out to dinner, and the next thing I know, boom! She had gave me the keys to her house.

Dubcnn: Damn! So in this short amount time, you was already up in the scene and everything!

Yeah, all this shit had happened in a matter of days. So before I knew it, I was meetin’ everybody! Toni, Tone, Tone used to come out there and this is before they even got a record deal, before they was even thinkin’ about bein’ large. So, I was at a Funkadelic show ‘cause they had come out to Cali, so I went to the show to hang out with the band, right? And play with them. And this was at the time I had met Shock G. I recognized who he was from the Digital Underground. I introduced myself, and we exchanged numbers. Shock asked me how long I had been playin’ with the group. So, you know I gave the history and what not. To make a long story short, we ended up becoming friends and I told him I could introduce him to George Clinton ‘cause they was doin’ another show out here and we gonna go to the show and introduce him there. So that’s what I did.

Dubcnn: Ok, cool…

So then, it was so many cats in Digital Underground, but what was funny is I had wrote a song and produced it, and Shock put it on the Sons of the P album, and it’s called Tales of the Funk. I wrote the rap, I did the beat, I wrote my rap, and Humpty Hump’s. It’s me and Humpty Hump doin’ the rap on that album, right? You can go listen to it, it’s called Tales of the Funk. So I did that, the record had come out, and it was kinda weird ‘cause I was the newest member of the group. You know, 2Pac was there, Money B all them…me and 2Pac became REAL tight!

Dubcnn: Oh yeah? Tell me about that…

Me and 2Pac, we used to run together everyday. I was about 10 years older than them, and they used to call me Unc'. And ‘cause I had my money on, they respected me ‘cause I was a hustler. I had about 50 g’s on me, I was in the street a lil’ bit hustlin’, ya know, I ain’t gonna lie, I’m getting’ it. So, uh, I used to go to Pac’s house everyday. He used to live right next door to another member named Edward Cooks, we called him Smoov-E. It’s all Digital Underground. We used to all hang out. So it was like so many people tryin’ to get in the position of bein’ a writer, or a producer in the group. But all the sudden Shock just let me produce and let me put my song on the album and everything, so it kinda tripped everybody out. They didn’t hate on me or nothing, they was just like damn!, this nigga come outta nowhere and just did it!

Dubcnn: Right, Right...

So one day I’m in the hood, I used to live in west Oakland, I used to hustle in the projects called Acor(?) projects in west Oakland. So, I had a homeboy named Kerm, who had came to my house to get some weed, ya know, I used to keep a lil’ weed shit for when you came by. I think it was on a Sunday I think it was, I asked him where he was goin' and he said he was goin’ back over to Jerry’s house, which is actually Myrtle street, where we used to make all our records, right? I’m gonna be over there with Too $hort watchin’ the game. I said, “yeah? I wanna meet him.” I grabbed up a ounce of weed, and told him I was gonna follow him up over there, and go over there and smoke him out. So when I went over to the house, Kerm introduced me to Too $hort. Told him I was Shorty B, and that I played with the Funkadelic.

At the time I had so much equipment in my house, you know, I had amps, guitars, I had a whole room set up like stage or a band...I had every instrument you could think of from drums, amps, keyboards, just everything. So Kerm was tellin’ $hort how much I played, and $hort liked the Funkadelic so much that he couldn’t believe he had actually met one. So I took him back to my house, and I played every instrument in there and just killed it...the drums, the keyboards, guitar, bass, everything. So $hort was so impressed. I had just met $hort. This musta been 1989, 1990, or somethin’ like that. So from that moment on I would hear, like at about 9 o’clock in the morning, a horn blowin’ outside my door. I look out the window…it’s $hortdog. I thought he was comin’ to get the weed, but he wantin’ me to roll with him. So me and $hort start rollin’ together everyday. And $hort had booked some studio time, and the first song I did for Too $hort was a song on the Shorty The Pimp album, I did Shorty the Pimp too, but the first song I ever did for Too $hort was called In The Trunk.

Dubcnn: That song was a banger right there!

Right! I had done alotta other songs on that album, but that was the first one I did. And then I messed around and caught a case and had went to jail for 6 months.

Dubcnn: Damn...

$hort stopped the album. He didn’t do no recordin’ until I got out! I Couldn’t believe it.

Dubcnn: I remember that between $hortdog’s in the House and Shorty the Pimp, there was a long gap between those albums. I always wondered why that was cuz $hort was always good for releasin’ an album about every year or so, and it took about 2 – 2 ½ years before Shorty the Pimp dropped following $hortdog’s in the House…

Right, but as soon as I had got out we went back in and finished up Shorty The Pimp the album, and the rest is pretty much history. I just kept makin’ records and doin’ my thing. I been multi-platinum ever since. All that just gives you a short little summary of how all that went down.

Dubcnn: Yeah, that was cool. That’s exactly what I was lookin’ for….

Yeah, that’s the background I came up with.

Dubcnn: Now, when you had hooked up with $hort, you guys started doin’ the whole Dangerous Crew thing…?

Well $hort had already had the Dangerous crew. I think he had 4-Tay and a few other people, that I think he had already recorded a Dangerous crew album, if I’m not mistaken.

Dubcnn: Right, he did, he did….

So he was ridin’ with 4-Tay, and uh, basically, the next Dangerous crew album I basically produced myself. I think I did about 10 songs for that, all by myself. So that was basically my album.

Dubcnn: See, that’s what I was gonna ask you bout because when that album came out, Don’t Try This At Home, that was the first time we had all seen you with that much production on one album.

Right, right...I couldn’t be denied! You know, basically, ever since we hooked up, I was doin’ all the music anyway! Another thing is, I had met Ant Banks before I even met $hort. And me and Ant Banks had did a couple of records with a guy named MC Ant. And actually, me and Banks had brought Pooh-man to $hort, ‘cause we had already did a song called Fuckin’ Wit’ Dank with Pooh-man before we had introduced him to $hort. So I had introuduced $hort to Ant Banks.

Dubcnn:: Oh, Ok...I see...

Ant Banks was with me! Ant Banks, you know, he could mix and stuff , but he couldn’t really play nothin’. But he was good with turnin’ the knobs. And I was good with creatin’ the music. So that was like a good combination. I hooked him up with $hort, and then, so uh…I had so many songs…a lot of OUR songs, ended up on $hort’s albums. Songs like Gettin’ It, I’m A Player, Somethin’ To Ride To…I mean just tons. Alotta my songs, $hort was just like “lemme get that.” ‘Cause you know, I was gonna come out with my own album ‘cause you know I used to rap back in the day. I never wanted to be a rapper, but I could. I was pretty good at it. I could write real good. Like on Tales of the Funk.

Dubcnn: That’s what I was wonderin’ after the Dangerous Crew compilation came out, cuz me personally, I was expectin’ after that showcase of you, Goldy, Fatha Dom, Pee-Wee and all them, I thought we was about to get hit up by the Dangerous Crew.

Well, see, lemme tell you one thing about $hort. $hort’s my homie, but $hort didn’t have good business skills. $hort led us to believe he knew what the fuck he was doin’, but he didn’t. ‘Cause the album went gold and $hort, basically he was a hustler, he was signin’ shit just to get him some money. Without really realizin’ who we were and what we were, and how the people was standin’ behind it. So basically, the music I was makin’, it couldn’t be denied. And I know that it couldn’t ‘cause $hort would start gettin’ my songs and puttin’em on his albums. “Lemme get that song Shorty B!” It was nothin’ about givin’ him a song ‘cause that’s what I do, I make records. Makin’ music is nothin’! it’s just what I do. It’s like breathin’ air. So uh, I say to him, that we didn’t have no keyboard player. I played keys alright, but we needed a pro keyboard player. And I said I got a homeboy with Digital Underground named Pee-Wee. And that I was gonna get him to come over here with us. I told Pee-Wee that I was over here producin’ Too $hort, and told him he should come over here cuz we ain’t got nobody doin’ keyboards and shit like you do.

So I brought Pee-Wee, and Pee-Wee came on and got down with us and the new Dangerous Crew basically between me, Pee-Wee, Fatha Dom, Ant Diddley Dog, Rappin’ Ron, and a few others. I just decided to put alotta songs together, cuz I was always in the studio, and I just put all the homies on’em. Alotta different songs, and before we knew it we had about 30 songs with everybody in our camp on’em. So me and $hort decided we just gonna go ahead and put this album together, and I had basically already put the album together, but you know, I make music that’s what I do so wasn’t nobody really in our crew that was really as talented as I was. They couldn’t play nothin’. They didn’t really know about music like that…like I did. Cuz I had been in these bands and everything. So I had already basically put an album together for $hort to say, “well let’s just go on and call it the Dangerous Crew!”. But, yeah, I had done the title track called Don’t Try This At Home, and I was actually tryin’ to put a rock band together called Ebony Stone, which, you know, is another word for Black Rock.

Dubcnn: Right, right….

And then $hort wanted to put that track, Don’t Try This At Home…that was for my album, and the title, that was the name of my album. So $hort ended up gettin’ that song from me too, and put it on the album. So I think I did about 9 or 10 songs, that I produced myself for that album. I played every note.

Dubcnn: Ok, lemme ask you this since you brought up the Black Rock and Ebony Stone, is that still something you’re experimenting with and somethin’ you still wanna try to bring out?

Yeah, that’s just something…as a matter of fact, I’m gonna complete that this year. I just got an endorsement from this company, and since you puttin’ this together, definitely mention them in this article, they’re called XENOPIE, they just gave me some amps and stuff so…I was just talkin’ to Mike Hampton the other day, we thinkin’ about goin’ ahead and puttin’ our own lil’ group together that’s gonna be a lil’ bit of everything...there’s gonna be live, I’ll get some hip-hop, drums, just sounds cuz we can do anything we want to. But I’ll give that Ebony Stone thing another try cuz I never really wanted to travel a lot as far as flyin’ cuz, I don’t mind flyin’ but that turbulence shit be fuckin’ with me...I can’t stand that shit! Let me stay on the land!

Dubcnn: Oh, me too! I hate flyin’…I ain’t blamin’ ya on that shit!

Yeah man, I mean it’s beautiful when the plane is flyin’ smooth, but when that muthafucka get to jumpin’ around!!

Dubcnn: You gotta knock me out to get me on a plane! I’m like Mr. T, you gotta knock me out before you put me on there!

Yeah, man! Shit, I just say let me just stay on the land and just keep it comin’ but right now, I’m willing to actually do my thing if I can get this ebony stone off and runnin’ and we can get them big large concerts, get us a couple of hit songs and I’m really willing to give it another try cuz my plan is right now my chops is bugged, man I’m like a M. Gray (???) if you ever heard of him. I’m the black M. Gray (???) - I’m killin’ you know what I’m sayin? *laughs* So, I really wanna take it on the road believe it or not, man I’ll be 46 years old, Sunday, the 4th of March…

Dubcnn: *laughs* You’re still young….

Yeah, hell, I’m lookin’ 28…*laughs*

Dubcnn: Let me ask you this, you brought up Bad N-Fluenz (Rappin’ Ron & Ant Diddley Dog)

Riight... ?

Dubcnn: RIP to Rappin’ Ron, he was one of the flyest dudes I ever heard on the mic.

Yeah, I used to love Ant Diddley and Rappin’ Ron!! I don’t know where in the hell Ant Diddley is! I ain’t seen him in like 15 years.

Dubcnn: Yeah, that’s a question alotta people have is what happened to Ant Diddley, cuz he was raw too….

I don’t know, I really don’t know, it’s like what happened to him?? Alotta cats, it’s like I was tellin’ you the other day, alotta cats didn’t weather the storm. I always figured that as long as there was music, I’ll be doin’ fine. I didn’t just rely on rappin', I played everything before I ever thought about rappin’.

Dubcnn: And you’ve hooked up with everybody from TLC, to...

I’ve hooked up with everybody; T.I., TLC, Lil’ Kim, Nelly - uh, as a matter of fact I just did 3 songs for the Lunatics album. Big Gipp just called me the other day from L.A. and let me hear 2 of the songs with Nelly on’em, and he says he writin’ to another one, so I don’t know, it might turn that I might be, uh, I got so many tight ass beats that I’m gonna hit him with next time he come back cuz if he fell in love with the ones I gave him, you know what I’m sayin, it may somethin’ that can’t be denied.

I may end up gettin’ 4 or 5 songs on the Lunatics albums. Maybe a couple on Nelly’s. Yeah Gipp from the Goodie Mob, you know I work real close with Rico Wade, he’s a good friend of mine, he also like me, but it’s just that, uh, he kinda be too slow for me you know I’m an independent, I’m an entity to myself, so I can’t really put myself up under somebody else’s camp, cuz I do me just fine. But these my homies. Alotta cats I got hit records with, they all show me love, respect, AND admiration, so that kinda keeps me goin’ too.

Dubcnn: With so many classic albums and songs, like Shorty The Pimp, Get In Where You Fit In, The Big Badass, In The Land Of Funk, Don’t Try This At home, Cocktales, Gettin’ It….

Yeeeah, all that!

Dubcnn: What happened? I know you touched on it a bit about $hort not really being a good business man, but...

Yeah, and we really kinda thought he was, but I guess $hort had to fake it as long as he could, you know what I’m sayin’ *laughs*. But he really wasn’t a business man. Like I’m still in a deal with Zomba, and they don’t wanna let me out! I been signed to Zomba for 16 years! And these muthafuckas do not wanna let me go. They gonna drop everybody from the contract that I got, except me. You know why?

Dubcnn: Cuz you make hits…

Cuz I’m the muthfucka that still make hit records! To this day! So it’s like they won’t let me go, or give me a new deal, so I’m like actually gonna start recordin’ - I created Don (?) - I’m gonna start recordin’ under a new name, I’m tryin’ to get this shit right, you know, gimme a million or two for what I do, or I’m gonna start cuttin’ you muthafuckas short cuz I’m gonna start recordin’ under another name. I’m gonna have to quit Shorty B all my fans’ll know it’s m .but I’ma get it done so legally Zomba can’t get their hands in my pockets. In 2004 I just paid the IRS, Zomba had sent me a check for $70,000, right? They sent a W-9 that had a misprint that said $700,000. the IRS go crazy, and they take $78,000 out my bank account!

Dubcnn: Damn!!

And I been strugglin’ ever since. I’m just now getting’ back on my feet. I mean I’ll hustle and make me some money one way or another, and I sell beats, but who can afford to lose $78,000, in one day? It taught me like *laughs* do your taxes if you makin’ any kinda money over $30,000/$40,000, like I always was you wanna do your taxes. Cuz them folks will come and take your paper.

Dubcnn: Hell yeah they will, they won’t even wait on that shit!

Yeah, they’ll come and take your paper. I just got them to release it off me about 2 or 3 weeks ago I just started receivin’ checks again for about $10,000 and I usually get about 4 or 5 checks a year for about $17,000, $20,000, maybe$ 30,000 in royalties, I usually get about $125,000 a year…and that’s just royalties, you know? And I’ve always been able to live off my talent, you know? Nice house, nice car whenever I want it. My talent has actually provided enough for me to be comfortable with my lifestyle. But I’m about to come out hard again, man. I never was a “Hollywood” cat. I never did interviews, or took alotta pictures I just did a few videos. I was never an industry cat, you know what I’m sayin’? I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to be rich. Cuz if you was famous and rich, you couldn’t enjoy your money. But I knew if you was rich, and nobody knew you, other than your name you could live like you wanted to.

I knew that from hustlin’ at a young age, and havin’ alotta paper and sayin shit like when Young Jeezy be talking, I done every word in life he speakin’ of, at the least. It’s like when I listen to Jeezy, I damn near think he’s talkin’ about my younger life! Cuz he say so much shit, that I lived, it’s like he talkin’ about me. Cuz that’s the life I lived before I came up in this music. And since I did, I been stickin’ to it, you know, hustlin’ hard...but shit, Chad, you know, just ask me questions you wanna know and I’ll run it off to you, dog...

Dubcn:: You’re straight, dog…I’m enjoyin’ listenin’ to you. I gotta few more questions for you though. Like this one: Do you still keep in touch with members of the Dangerous crew, like Pee-Wee, Fatha Dom, etc..?

Oh yeah, yeah, I ain’t seen Goldy in a while. I went to Oakland last year and bumped into Goldy at the uh, you know alotta them cats, man, it’s like they my homies, but if you didn’t weather the storm, as far as you’re still eatin’ off this shit this wasn’t what you was supposed to be doin’. Cuz alotta them cats, it was just like, the trend at the time , if they coulda came up at the time then they woulda. But the fact that didn’t weather the storm, and that you don’t hear from’em to this day, this isn’t what they was cut out for. A lotta cats didn’t weather the storm. And all these cats, I got nothin’ but love for’em, they friends of mine, but this is what I do and what I been doin’ when you met me. And cats from the Dangerous Crew, or any other crew for that matter, it’s like life is about opportunities and I guess after a while you don’t get’em and you just give up. I can’t give up. Cuz this is what I do.

Dubcnn: In one of your e-mail responses, you mentioned that Ant Banks had contacted you a few months ago and…

I can give you all they numbers if you wanna interview them to, you know what I’m sayin’ I can give you, uh, I got Ant Banks number, I got lemme see, lemme go through my phone and see what I got, I think Fatha Dom went crazy, I think he’s in the, ast I heard he was in the crazy house. He went crazy

Dubcnn: Damn! That sucks...but I mean, I’ll take any of their contact information, so that way I can track them down and bring you guys, the Dangerous Crew and all that back up in the game for those who don’t know, and make sure they check you guys out..

Yessir, yessir!! As a matter of fact, I’m gonna call Ant Banks and let him know I’m gonna give you his number and you can call him and get some information outta him. Ain’t no tellin’ what he knows.

Dubcnn: Ok, yeah that’d be cool right there! I’ll get that from you at the end of the interview, if that’s cool...but, um in an interview with Too $hort about a year ago, he mentioned that the time frame from Shorty The Pimp up to Gettin’ It was the most fun he ever had making songs. How do you feel about that era? How was it being in the studio with those guys?

Yeah, I guess it was cuz let me tell you somethin’ that’s funny. Me & $hort fell out in like ’95, right? He kept offering everybody all these wack-ass exclusive contracts, and I wouldn’t sign it, and I wouldn’t sign it to this day. I told him I do however many songs he wanna do, but I ain’t signin’ with you exclusive cuz you gonna give me $70/80,000 and that’s gonna be it for me. And I can’t work with nobody, so when that $80,000 gone, I’m through! It ain’t goin’ down like that, so I never signed the contract. Everybody signed that muthafucka, but I wouldn’t sign it. So it’s like the minute I left, $hort ain’t been platinum since. It ain’t nothin’ but the truth, you know what I’m sayin? And you can print that!

When Shorty B left, it all went down hill. It’s seems like I took a million sales with me, just by lookin’ at the record sales after I left. $hort didn’t even go gold after I left like 4 or 5 albums. And I came back and did Chase the Cat, and I don’t know how many that did. It may of did 300,000/400,000. But Jive wasn’t really fuckin’ with $hort, after a while they wouldn’t even answer his phone calls. We had did Album Number 10, and he thought that was gonna be the biddin’ war, but they wasn’t trippin’ on $hort. And then the funny part, this is the God-to-honest truth, Jive gave Ant Banks a record deal thinkin’ he was me!

Dubcnn: Are you serious??

Hell yeah! They gave Ant Banks a record deal, but Ant banks wasn’t makin’ the music. Ant Banks was just mixin’ the music. I don’t know how they thought that shit, cuz it was fucked up. A lotta shit that was sold, soley mine, $hort kinda played me out of it, and put “Produced by The Dangerous Crew.” That wasn’t no goddamn Dangerous Crew, that was produced by Shorty B! Period!

Dubcnn: So in the credits, if it says Produced by The Dangerous Crew, it’s really Shorty B?

Yeah that’s me, cuz them muthafuckaz didn’t play nothin’!! Goddamn! The reason why Ant Banks ain’t poppin’ is cuz Ant Banks, I think he got confused himself and started to think that he was really gonna be, he wanted to be Dr. Dre, but how you gonna be Dr. Dre and it’s me! But see, Jive didn’t know that and that’s why they dropped him after they found out that Banks couldn’t deliver. That’s it, they dropped him. I was like, “you stupid muthafuckas, it wasn’t him from the beginning!” Cuz Banks don’t play nothin’.

Dubcnn: But what about his TWDY albums…?

I mean, you know he producin’ doin’ alright. And then Banks got a song called 4 Tha Hustlaz, with 2Pac on it, that’s me, that’s my shit - I did that song! That’s all Shorty B. So there was some old faulty shit goin’ on, but I knew it couldn’t really hold me back cuz I knew it was comin’ from my fingers. I knew where it was comin’ from. Even if my homies had confused themselves, I knew where it was comin’ from, and everybody else knew. Cuz it’s my sound to this day. It’s like I did a song on T.I.’s last album, the last song on Urban Legend. Me & Daz. I did it, Daz rapped on it. But if you listen to that song that’s like I just gave T.I. that old Dangerous Crew sound. If you listen to that, it’s called My Life. I told him I was gonna give him that old Dangerous Crew sound, and it worked. And the record was so big, that T.I. didn’t know what to do with it. He just put it on his album. It was the last song on the album and he just put it on there, it was so big, man. I dunno there’s just so many cats out here man that are so faulty and confusin’ I’m from the old school where if it ain’t about loyalty, it ain’t about nothin’. If you ain’t gonna do what you say, and say what you do, then it ain’t sense even fuckin’ with you.

Dubcnn: Yeah, I got some homies I be fuckin’ with, tryin’ to do some things...and they be sayin they gonna do this and do that, but then you don’t hear from for like days and shit...

Right! Yeah, you know it’s like the industry know me, but I ain’t never been an industry cat. I say what I do, I do what I say. Period!

Dubcnn: And get paid!

Yeah! Simple as that! I ain’t bullshittin’ or got time to be bullshittin’. And I don’t bite my tongue. I say exactly what’s on my mind. I dunno, but it’s like the only thing I been tryin’ to tell Ant Banks, see Ant Banks is gonna finally realize that it ain’t him it was me and I’m out here still cuttin’ records. I’m still platinum as a muthafucka, I don’t know when the last time Ant Banks went Platinum you know, that’s my homie, I love Banks, but it’s like they waited too long to realize did what. And by not realizin’ it, they fucked it all off. And so I had to leave cuz muthafuckas had their hands in my pockets , and they acted like they didn’t really realize what it was.

Dubcnn: Do you think we will see some sort of a Dangerous crew “reunion” happen where you, $hort, Banks, PeeWee and some of the other rappers from the Old Crew get back together, is that a possibility?

Oh yeah, yeah, the only thing is it would have to be some straight up money upfront and it has to be stipulated what’s asked of me. And I need my money right now! Every muthafuckin’ dime, cuz we can’t get down all the way. $hort my homie, but he like, kinda soft to me. $hort know he gotta play real ball with me because $hort done seen me do some shit that he don’t really want. He don’t want no part of. And I don’t really want it to have no part of him, when you get on that side of me, you know what I’m sayin’? What was that group he had out here, with the guys from all the different place?

Dubcnn:: Oh, Badwayz? With Studd, Joe Riz , Murda One??

Yeah! You know, I ended up pistol-whippin’ Joe Riz at Lake Hav?? In front of $hort into a bloody pulp. And I think that kinda registered with $hort like “Ok, Shorty B is not playin’!”

Dubcnn: Yeah, Shorty B’s for real *laughs*

Shorty B is not playin, man. And I’m not fuckin’ with him on no bullshit no more. So when $hort come to me, it gotta be straight upfront. Ain’t no ass kissin’ cuz I done made a 100 records that went platinum since I ain’t fucked with you, been on everybody’s records. So, $hort respect and I don’t think, I wonder about that Dangerous Crew shit cuz ain’t nobody really gonna put no money behind it, I don’t think. You know because if it’s up to $hort, since I guess he owns the name, the business ain’t gonna give us nothin’ but problems. Cuz one thing I notice about $hort, and I love $hort, but he don’t know how to take money and make money. $hort just know how to make money and spend money. He don’t know how to take the money he made and make it make money. Cuz to me, $hort done fucked off 2 record labels: Dangerous Music and Too $hort Records. And what will fuck me up with $hort, is that we would get a nice video budget, and $hort would spend all the money and then shoot a wack-ass video!

So that’s what hurt $hort a lot cuz he was so greedy, that he would spend all the money and then give the people bullshit. Shootin’ them wack-ass videos and I was like man, we gotta stop this. After that I was like I don’t need them, they need me, so I’ma take my shit and go on, and I been doin’ my thing ever since, man.

Dubcnn: Well, let’s kinda start wrappin’ this up a little bit. If you want, you can go ahead and give me those numbers you was talkin’ about earlier….

*Gives Contact Details*

Dubcnn: Cool, yeah ! I’d like to holla at him too, so...

Well just hit him up, call him up. Tell him you just did this interview with Shorty B about the Dangerous Crew, tell him I gave you his number, so you can put it on the front line.

Dubcnn: Here’s another question for you…

Yeah, go ahead, man….

Dubcnn: What’s been the one song, out of all these songs you’ve worked on, what’s been you’re favorite?

Uhhhh, shit man, that’s a hard one right there, man. I’m not sure I can even answer that one. Let me see for a second, a song that I had the most fun doin is I guess, uh I don’t know man cuz we had so many, I guess, I think it was We Do This, with 2Pac, on Too $hort album. I had ran in to him at Rimshop one day in Atlanta, and I said, “Yo, Pac!”, and he said “Shorty B! What’s up?” I told him to come over with me to Dallas Austin studio and I’m finishin’ up $hort’s album and I need you to come put a verse on it. Pac said, “sure man, come on!” And he followed me over to the studio and he laid the verse on it.

We had fun, smokin’ and shit all night. He went and laid it, wrote his verse in 30 minutes, just laid it and we kicked it and had fun. But it’s so many sessions, man! And Gettin’ It was cool, cuz George Clinton was there, Parliament Funkadelic we has havin’ fun, singin’ in the studio, so I guess, I dunno, Gettin’ It and that Pac session.

Dubcnn: So the atmosphere when you was recordin’ during that particular time was just all fun and just playin’ music….

You know, it’s like, we were winnin’. All my records were goin’ platinum, Pac was doin’ good and he was a real good friend of mine. And you know, I put Pac on $hort’s album. $hort really didn’t even know Pac like that. He knew of him and had seen him and stuff, but he ain’t never know Pac. Cuz you know, me and Pac used to run together, live together and all that, so you know, it’s like umm…

Dubcnn: With Pac, did you do anything on any of his albums?

Yeah I did a few songs with Pac! I did The Life I Lead, I did…I gotta go back and look cuz I don’t know titles anymore....I did Lil’ Homiez...I gotta look at the titles and I can let you know exactly what songs they are. But yeah, Pac and me had did about 10 songs together.

Dubcnn: Wow! That’s something I wouldn’t have known right there. Cuz I know you was with Digital Underground for a bit, but I guess I wouldn’t have thought that cuz that was before Pac was big, but that makes sense that you guys were close like that.

Oh yeah! Me and Pac was like the closest cuz we had used to run, you know, when we wasn’t in the studio, we was runnin’ together in the streets. Man, I had so many pictures I had left up in storage and they had took my shit. But I had sooo many pictures of Pac. I mean me and Pac. Me and Pac was homies before Pac even had one tattoo.

Dubcnn: Damn, that’s way back!

You know what I’m sayin’? That’s what I’m tryin’ to tell cats. When I knew Pac, Pac ain’t have no tattoos. Not a one. So I did a lot of stuff with Thug Life, I did a lot of stuff with the Outlawz. I just talked to Big Syke the other day, cuz they all my nephews. Outlawz, Thug Life, they call me all the time, I hear from them quite often. All of’em call me Unc. “What’s up Unc?” Big Syke just called me the other day, “What’s up, Unc?”...”What’s up, Syke baby?!” Pac’s mother, Pac’s sister, they all love me. They always show me love and hug me and kiss me every time they see me. Afeni Show me love every time she see me. You know, Pac’s sister Setra show me much love every time she see me like, “Shorty B, how you been?” just hugs me and kiss me. They always treated me like family. I remember, lemme tell you this story one time, man, so make sure you record this...

Dubcnn: I got it goin, homie….

What I did, I was at our studio, me & $hort, we had a studio out here in Atlanta. And Biggie came through one day, right? As a matter of fact, first I was at $hort’s house when he was livin’ in his first house in Gifford Forest and somebody knocked at the door. I told $hort somebody was at the door I’ma get it. When I went to the door, it was Biggie. He was standin’ there with his cane and had a lil’ black suit on. He gave me five and shit, he came on in, we sit down, smoke a lil’ weed, and so $hort say he goin’ to the studio cuz he wanted me to let Biggie hear some beats, right? So we went to the studio and I let Biggie hear some beats. Then Lil’ Kim showed up at the studio. So I played this beat, for the Booty Call Soundtrack called Call Me.

Dubcnn: That was a tight song!

Yeah, I did that. I produced every note of it. And Kim fell in love with it. She keep sayin’ “I want that beat! I want that beat!” So, then Puff showed up. So basically, he said I’ma fly you out to New York in about 3 days, which he did. He flew me, $hort and my homeboy P.O. out to New York. And $hort was in one studio with Puff doin’ *sings, “the world is filled with pimps and hoes*, you remember that song, that they did?

Dubcnn: Yeah, it’s called The World Is of Biggie’s Life After Death album…

Right! The World Is Filled...they was in the other studio next door doin’ that one, and me and Biggie and Lil’ Kim was in the other studio doin’ my song, right? So Biggie had came through, he had this big-ass muthafuckin’ jar cuz I had bought Biggie a ounce of weed because when he was out in Atlanta, he used to be like "Is that California weed we havin’?" So I had brought him an ounce of weed to New York. But when I got to the studio, Biggie had this big-ass, like a jelly jar, full of chronic! And I said, “Shit, well you don’t need this!” He pulled it out, and said, “Yeah, I’m BIG.” But he went ahead and got it. I gave him the ounce of weed and we was kickin’ it, stayin’ there all night.

So, Biggie had kinda taken a likin’ to me. I told him to let me see that ring that he got on his pinky finger. I wore his ring for like a couple of hours during the session, you know we was just kickin’ it. I asked him what he was doin, cuz Biggie don’t write rhymes. He was actually writin’ the rhyme he was about to do in his head! I’m sittin’ next to him like “what you doin’?” He says, “Wait a minute Shorty B, I’m almost through. Ok, I just had to do my rhyme. I’m finished.” And I said, “so you just wrote a rhyme while I was sittin’ right here next to you?” He said, “yeah…I’m finished.” And he let me hear the rhyme and shit. So I said to him, “It’s true? You really don’t write no rhymes?” He said, “Nah, I don’t write rhymes.” And I notice T.I. kinda does that too, when I be in the studio with T.I. It’s kinda like he freestyles it a lil’ bit, but it’s more like he writin’ it the way he put it down.


So, anyway, We stayed out there for about 3 days and did the song. So when I got back, the night that I got back, Biggie called me. He told me Mary J. Blige was havin’ a birthday party, and invited me and $hort to come down. He said he’d pick us up from the airport. I told him I was with it, and I’ll call $hort and see what’s up? But I really think they was tryin’ to get me up on the production team or something, you know what I’m sayin’? I mean, Biggie had just kinda taken a likin’ to me. But I was fucked up because in the back of my mind, I know Pac was my nephew. And I know the shit gonna come out sooner or later, but I just left it alone.

So, anyway, I had called $hort and told him and $hort was like, “You sure you wanna go up there? Cuz them cats might found out how tight you are with Pac...” And I had thought about that then and I was like” Whhooo..! I didn’t think about that!” $hort said, “one of them fools might find out how tight you is with Pac, and then it goes into some other shit!” And I never felt like that’s what was happenin’ cuz I felt like Biggie had taken a likin’ to me as a friend, and as a person, and as a man. And I was good at what I did, you know, I made music. You know, anybody wanna be around somebody who what they do...if you’re good, you know what I’m sayin’? But I Had to call Biggie and tell him we had another show and we wasn’t gonna be able to make it. And he said that he was just callin’ to make sure he keep in touch. That was the night I got back. 8 o’clock the next morning. Guess who called me?

Dubcnn: Who was that?


Dubcnn: No Shit?

No wait, I’m trippin’. At 8 o’clock the next morning, Biggie called me. At 9 o’clock, like a hour after Biggie had called me, 2Pac called me! He said, “Shorty b there?” I said, “ yeah, who’s this?” he said, “it’s Pac.” So I looked at my phone, and said, “you over there?” He said, “yeah, I’m at my momma’s house.” I said, “Nigga, I’m on my way, I’m comin’ right through, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He said, “bring all the weed you got!” *laughs* So I’m trippin’ cuz I had just got off the phone with Biggie, and now Pac is callin. I can’t really tell Pac that Puffy just bought a song from me, and had gave me $55,000 for the song! So, I had to go get that money. You feel me? They gave $55,000 for that song! So I go over to Pac’s momma’s house and I knock on the door and Jasmine Guy open the door. And her hair was all over the place, so I teased her and said, “whoooo! My nephew home in major way, huh?” But she started laughin’ and said, “go on boy and stop actin’ silly.” Cuz I had just made a joke about Pac wearin’ her ass out, right? *laughs*


So I went in and just hung out all day with him. It was Thanksgiving, 1995. At Pac’s momma’s house. I had pictures of it and everything. That had just tripped me out that it had all just went down like that. I was like, damn, I had just talked to both of these cats...they trippin’..and Pac is like my nephew and Biggie’s like a friend. You know what I’m sayin? So I never told Pac and I never told Biggie. I just let it do what it do. I’ll never forget that. I always wanted to tell somebody that story. They had called like a hour apart and I just couldn’t believe it.

Dubcnn: That makes another question pop in my head, cuz you worked with Pac & Biggie, 2 of the biggest and greatest rap artists of all time...

Oh yeah, and they was both pretty much friends. I was both of’em. Pac was like my brother, basically. And Biggie was just like my friend. He just took a likin’ to me, and we just kicked it. I never told Pac that cuz I felt so strange, and then now I got Biggie callin’ me wantin’ me to hang out with him!

Dubcnn: Yeah, I bet that was a tough situation to be in...

Yeah, man that shit tripped me out! And I didn’t know what to do cuz I couldn’t tell nobody.

Dubcnn: It almost don’t get no bigger workin’ with both of them…

You know, and I never did get a song out with Biggie that actually came out, but I knew that’s where he was headin’, wantin’ to get into the studio. I had taken alotta things up there with me, and he had liked all of’em! I just wonder what woulda happened if I woulda went up there. But then, I couldn’t really go because I didn’t want that shit to get back to Pac the wrong way. You know, I didn’t want him lookin’ at me crazy, so I just left it alone, man.

Dubcnn: So after workin’ with 2 superstars like that, George Clinton, Parliament Funkadelic, and all the others you’ve collabed with, is there anybody left that you REALLY wanna work with, that you haven’t worked with yet?

Uhh...I would say Prince, just to top it off. You know, I would love to jam with Prince. But lemme see is there anybody else that I would, you know what I would really love to, damn, I done near worked with everybody! I guess, I’d have to go to icon status like Mick Jagger or some shit *laughs* But seriously, I guess I would really have to say Prince. I would love to go in the studio with Prince, and see what we do.

Dubcnn: Damn, that would...

It would just be so hardcore funk! It would be ridiculous.

Dubcnn: Yeah! I don’t even know what to say about that. I don’t even know if I could imagine that!

I know! Me neither! I just wonder what would we create? Me and him in the studio…and just kill somethin’!

Dubcnn: Yeah! I can’t even speak on that, cuz that would be wild!

Yeah, man, me too! *laughs*

Dubcnn: What about Dr. Dre??

Oh, as a matter of fact I’m glad you said that. I had met Dr. Dre one time, but it’s like, I wonder, as a matter of fact, that would be my other choice cuz that’s the only cat in hip-hop, that’s somebody, that I don’t have on my resume. And I would love, I’d have to say Prince & Dr. Dre. That pretty much would do it for me.

Dubcnn: That’d be a great kinda, icing on the cake for you resume right there with those two!

Yes sir! But you know, Dre me havin’ Dre on my record don’t even do nothin’ for me no more, cuz Dre don’t have the respect...I mean, he got the respect, but he ain’t really had nothin’ really in a while. I’m sure he gonna come out with this Detox album and set the record straight or whatever he gonna do. But it’s like, I don’t know, Dre ain’t on the frontline, I guess you could say, no more like he should be.

Dubcnn: Yeah, he’s more laid back with it now….

He done got rich! He can just wait on his album so he can release an album every 5 years. I mean it’s funny, cuz like I learned music. I didn’t get in this game for the money! I got into cuz I had God-given talent. I had no choice. The money would come. But it seems like after alotta cats got money, it’s like I heard Timbaland say in a magazine, that kinda fucked me up, He up there sayin he tired of doin’ beats, or some shit. I’m like you pompous muthafucka! You done got all this money and you would say some shit like that? And as a matter of fact, it was in the Source where they got at the bottom it say “Negro Please!” *laughs* like when cats say stupid shit. One of them thangs. And I was like, how could say some shit like that? This game done took care of you…of course you gave somethin’ back to the game, but that’s how it goes. That’s the name of the game.

Dubcnn: Now, you actually had a song on the Don’t Try This At Home album called Out For The Props...

Out For The Props, exactly!

Dubcnn: Where you was bashin’ The Source for their ratings. Speak on that for a minute…

Yeah and that album had went gold! And they wouldn’t make no more copies of that album. They just refused to sell any more of it. But that’s what it was about. Here we just went platinum, and they give us 3 ½ mics, and these other cats sold maybe 100,000, and they give them 5 mics! It’s like, who was writin’ this shit?...*laughs*

Dubcnn: That’s what alotta people be thinkin’

Yeah, that’s how I felt. I thought it was crazy.

Dubcnn: With Nas proclaiming hip-hop is dead, and Timbaland recently saying it’s been dumbed down by the hooks and jingles, what is your opinion on the current state of the rap game?

I can wrap that shit up so fast, man, it’s like you gotta bunch of young kids that’s gettin’ rich, right? But they ain’t got nothin’ to give back to the game. They just out to get somethin’ out the game, get paper, so they can get paid. But they ain’t givin’ nothin’ back to the game. They not really good for hip-hop. A lotta young kids is getting’ rich, but they ain’t got nothin’ to offer the game and give it longevity. The bottom line for your question is that what’s wrong with hip-hop is like the rules is missing. I mean, the youngsters got the game, but ain’t got no rules with it. You know why?

Dubcnn: Why is that?

Cuz the disappearance of the OG. Ain’t nobody settin’ those structures and the youngsters done gone rampant and they don’t really know how to have that respect and loyalty and to look out for your homies that been there with you all the time. And now that you done got the money, you don’t even know him no more! That shit burns me up! And I know these youngsters today crazy…they ain’t never had no money, so then when they wake up with a million dollars they don’t know how to act.

It’s like Jazze Pha...I raised Jazze Pha! Jazze was up under me and Too $hort for years! That’s why he keep givin’ Too $hort beats , cuz he be doin’ those beats for Too $hort outta respect. And we did a couple songs together, and I give it Jazze, and every now and then he reach back and show a lil’ love and a lil’ loyalty. But a lotta cats out here, man, because there ain’t no OG’s, the OG has to be welcomed back into this game! Or it’s all gonna fade out, cuz we already listenin’ to samples of samples of samples! I mean, where’s the musician? And there’s so many of them, and so little of us, but the game need us!

Dubcnn: It’s like there’s no creativity in the game no more...

Right! Yeah! There’s none because they done eliminated the OG. There’s just cats like me that refuse to lie down! I’m in this for life! I’ma be on the charts forever! Cuz I know what I do, and it’s gonna keep me on the charts forever. But there’s a lotta other cats out here that don’t get that opportunity, so many OG’s that play and got such good music. It’s like rap needs a year of the OG. Like everybody come back. D.O.C., Shorty B, Kool G. Rap you know, cats that made a difference in the game. The OG is missin’ man. The game is full of games that ain’t got no rules. So how long it gonna last? That’s my opinion. And you can quote me, Shorty B said there has to be a year of the OG’s to replenish some realism in the game cuz it’s like I don’t even respect, don’t get me wrong, but you got producers like Just Blaze and all that doin’ that Jay-Z shit, right? But I don’t respect, I mean I respect him as a man, bein’ black or white or whatever, cuz he’s feedin’ his family and all that, and I respect that you came up one way to feed you family. But I don’t respect you as a producer because you gotta take somebody else’s record and come up on it and make a hit that was already a hit?

When cats like me gotta go in there and create and think of what I’m gonna play and what it’s gonna be. I don’t get my hit records from somebody else ideals. I can’t respect you with fifty cents outta that shit. Now I respect real producers, who go in there and play, come up with the ideas and bring it to life! You know what I’m sayin, when it comes from your hands, your ideals, your imagination. That’s a producer to me. I’m not trippin’ on no Just Blaze and shit like that when you gotta go the first thing you do, and I done even see Rico Wade do this, but I been around Rico long enough to know that he IS very talented and he WILL get the job done by his own hands cuz I know he a Pisces and he talented like that. But what I don’t understand is there’s no way I can respect you, no matter how multi-platinum you is, comin’ up off someone else’s shit! And then I’m supposed to respect you. Like you the shit. But then there’s cats like me that gotta go in there and make it up, play it and everything, put all the hard work into it, and then don’t really get the props for it! But you gonna go give him his props when he done took somebody else’s record and put another drum beat to it?!

Dubcnn: Right, right…

I mean, please print that in big letters, man. Shorty B is not respectin’ nor understandin’ that shit. You know what I’m sayin’, how y’all be respectin’ producers that come up off of somebody else’s ideas that’s already been done. I’ll respect you when you come up with your own original shit and it’s fly. Then you a producer to me. And I’m a real advocate about that, cuz man that shit burns me up! And I can name a lotta cats, but I don’t wanna name’em cuz it’s not really against them personally, but it is in a way. It’s like I don’t respect cuz, so what you was in the papers, the magazines, you gotta hit record, you got Jay-Z with a single but ANYBODY coulda did that! Just took somebody else’s record and made it fly! Cuz it was already a hit!

Dubcnn: I agree with you, man...

You know what I’m sayin’, Chad? This shit got me heated as a muthafucka. You can hear it in my voice *laughs*

Dubcnn: I know, I’m like damn, he’s getting heated over there!

Yeah, that shit pisses me off! It’s like the game is so fucked up, that we got to get it back to the OG’s, the originators, the guys that are creative and MAKE music, not TAKE music. I like music makers, not music duplicators. I will say this last thing about me. The kind of producer Shorty B is, Shorty B don’t go out when the electricity do! Like once your drum machine cut off, then that’s it for you. Man, I’ma pick up a guitar, I can play the drums, or play anything else that make noise without no electricity I’ma play it and keep the party rockin’!! That’s a real producer! A cat who can keep the party rockin’ no matter what, electricity or not, all these cats are only as strong as their drum machines. And I want that put in big letters. Shorty B said that! I mean, I’ll give you 50% for bein’ a super-producer, but how can I respect you when you done took somebody else’s record, sounds and shit, that they had to work hard for to make their hit what it wasand then you come along and takin’ all the hard work he just did, and put a drum beat around it, and then get your lil’ rapper to rap to it, and now you the shit! Ain’t no way in the fuck I’m respectin’ that!

Dubcnn: Yeah, I hear ya. I don’t even listen to the radio much at all...

Cuz it’s so immature and I don’t want that shit invadin’ my mind!! Cuz I got to be creative. I don’t want that fake-ass, immature-ass music that’s on the radio infiltratin’ my mind with that bullshit cuz I don’t believe in that, man.

Dubcnn: Yeah, somethin’ like Chain hang Low and all that shit...

Yeah! That stuff’s ridiculous, man! And that *whistles The Whistle Song by Juelz Santana*) this whistlin’ shit, man! I’m like, man c’mon! Is this what music has come to?! Is this where we getting’ at? They done took over the game, but ain’t got nothin’ to give back to the game. They just taking from it. Print that shit, dog. Whatever you do, print that shit. Big bold letters Shorty B said that.

Dubcnn: Let me get this one last thing before we cut off. You wanted me to make sure I mentioned this company you’re getting’ hooked up with…

Yeah, please, it’s XENOPIE, they do custom design products.

Dubcnn: Well, Shorty B, thanks for your time and please check this interview out over at and see the views and responses this in interview gets, cuz we got a lil’ group that discusses nothin’ but Dangerous Crew shit on there. They call me Dubcnn: – part of The Dangerous Crew Movement over there, and I’m just doin’ part to check in with you guys and try to bring you back out to the masses.

Yeah, that’s cool, man. That’d be really nice, man. That’s really cool.

Dubcnn: We just tryin to get caught up with you and see what you doin’ now, what you did in the past, and how everything happened and bring it full circle, and shit...

I’m gonna do another interview with you and give you the raw shit. I’ma give it to you raw and uncut. Probably start a lil’ controversy on the next one.

Dubcnn: Ok. That sounds good. So we doin’ another one then?

Put Volume 1 or Part 1

Dubcnn: Part 1? And you’re gonna give me another interview?

Yeah, say to be continued, cuz I’ma say some hard shit next time. I’ma put it on the front line.

Dubcnn: Ok! Well, I got your number and I’ma call u again soon, and I’m just gonna turn my mic on and let u say what u gotta say! Is that cool?

Right there! It works for me, man.

Dubcnn: Alright, Shorty B, man, I appreciate it!

Thanks, Chad! Me too, man!

Dubcnn: I had good time listening to your stories…

You know what I’m sayin’, call P and Banks, tell’em I gave the number to you, and tell’em you on that Dangerous Crew shit and you want the story.

Dubcnn: Ok, I’ll do that! I look forward to Part 2 with you…

Alright, dog, God Bless! One love!

Dubcnn: Later, man.




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. Hey wazzp ya'll ! Black Lagoon Records is in Full Effect in the brand new year of 2007 !! We've added a Peter Black Soundclick page at :

And we've also added a Peter Black My Space Web Page at :


Black Lagoon Records Is Definatly In Affect and 2007 will be the 1 st year for Peter Black's own record company : Black Lagoon


Also Jugovich Records is working on a new project/concept . We've alawys been fresh and done new things in the entertainment field . Well we set trendz and it's no different when it comes to the radio . We are introducing : Radio John Danijel Jugovic or shortned you can call it JDJ Radio !!

You can check out this cool new project by going to :

2007 are big days for Jgovich Records and Now Black Lagoon Records as well . Stay in touch ya'll !!

J-Child January.16'2007 Tuesday













Wazzup , The J Child was on his favourite rap web site and he read this incredible interview had with Bosko . Bosko for those that don't know is from the Northwest . He's from Porland Oregon . Bosdko was an underground producer/rapper for a long time and now he has risen to the mainstream and is making the big bucks !! This is an very inspirational story so red up on it !!! A local boy made it big yo!!!

BOSKO (December 2006) | Interview By: Lil Jay

Dubcnn sat down with superproducer Bosko for an exclusive interview. The Portland native has been making noise this year with his production on various albums such as E-40's "My Ghetto Report Card", and most recently Kevin Federline's debut album "Playing With Fire". The multi-talented maestro produced and performed on a couple of songs on the album, including K-Fed's first single "Privilege".

We talk to Bosko about working with Federline and how the connection came about. We also discuss his work on E-40's last album and the upcoming 40 record dropping next year, hooking up with Kanye West and how he introduced Kanye to E-40. We proceed to talk about the major and the independent game, new projects at Jus Family Records as well as Bosko's upcoming solo album.

As ever, you can read and listen to this exclusive interview and we urge you to leave feedback on our forums or email them to

.......................................................................................... Interview was done in December 2006

Questions Asked By: Lil Jay

Full Interview ..........................................................................................

Dubcnn: The last time I talked to you was when we did the 3-way interview with Cool Nutz. That was in 2004 and a lot has happened since. What's going on with you?

Bosko: So much! Let me see, one of the big things I did was with Kanye West on the first record. That was right after we talked. I was doing a lot of production out here on the West. And I did something for T.I. They wanted me to come down and play talkbox on the T.I. album "I Wanna Be Your Man Remix". It happened that Kanye was the producer of the joint, so once he heard me play the talkbox he was like 'Yo I gotta get that on my album'. He flew me out the New York, and I jumped on the record. It was a trip cause nobody knew what Kanye was gonna do what he did at the time. It was super cool and we connected on that producer level.

He was already a big E-40 fan which was crazy to me, I didn't realize that. And it was just a coincidence that E-40 happened to be in New York at that time, so I invited him up to the studio and introduced Kanye to E-40. So I made that connection for them, which is a good thing for both of them. And we did that "Workout Plan" record. Since then we won a Grammy on that joint, I performed it live at the American Music Awards with him. That was a good little jump off.

Dubcnn: Did your appearance on Kanye West's "College Dropout" album open new doors for you?

Bosko: Yeah definitely. Just that a lot of people heard that I work with Kanye opened their eyes a bit. Maybe I might have been in a pigeon hole for a while, and once they saw that and listened to some of my music, they expanded their horizon as far as what I can do. And also in terms of what you can do with the talkbox, cause a lot of people think that the talkbox can only be layed over one kind of beat. And that's almost like saying you can only play guitar or sing over one kind of beat. It doesn't make any sense. But definitely, it was a real good look.

Dubcnn: That's kind of crazy that Kanye was a fan of E-40's music before they even met, cause I didn't expect that. And plus, the only song they worked on together as of today is the "Tell Me When To Go Remix".

Bosko: Right, right. Well, you know what? They were actually working on some stuff for 40's last album. And obviously I produced a bunch of songs on 40's record "My Ghetto Report Card". But there were some sample clearing issues at the last minute. And it's actually crazy, but the song "Happy To Be Here" which I produced was originally a Kanye West record that Kanye produced. But like I said they had a sample issues at the last minute, I'm talking a day before mastering or something. So I flew up to the Bay that day and came up with a whole new track. I've never even heard the original track, they just told me what happened. But he just spit the lyrics over and I came up with a whole new hook. And that song ended up being the last song on 40's album, it's crazy.

But they're defintely still working together, 40 and Kanye. And as a matter of fact, Kanye produced a song for 40 that is called "Get Deleted". I'm singing the hook on it as well. So it's Kanye, E-40, and me. It's probably gonna be on 40's next record.

Dubcnn: You're making noise with your appearance on Kevin Federline's album. How did that connection come about?

Bosko: Really, that one's kinda crazy. My engineer Doug also works at this studio in Malibu where Kevin is recording. And with Doug being a cool cat, Kevin invited him to come work at his home studio at the house. So Doug was recording with Kevin and Britney the whole time, and he was like 'Yo Bosko, you need to come up here and meet Kevin, cause he's a fan of your music. I think you guys could put something together!' I was like aight, I didn't know what to expect when I rolled out there. They're living up in Malibu, like 6 studios in the house. It's like Vegas in Malibu or something, just coming in that house.

And he turned on the music and I was actually kinda scared, hoped this don't sound crazy, cause of all the rumors, and plus I never really heard the dude's music. And he turned it on, and I was like 'OK! OK, K-Fed can rap!' You know, myself as a producer, I try to bring the best out of every artist that I work with. And him being from Fresno, which a lot of people don't know, we really connected. Cause you know, Fresno is close to the Bay Area and they got a lot of the same attitude and listen to a lot of the same music. He was already deep into a lot of the underground Bay Area shit. So we started putting together some records.

Dubcnn: Did you get any flack for working with K-Fed, cause dude is known for not having the best reputation as a rapper.

Bosko: You know, it's one of those things. We'll see, with his record they didn't really do a lot pre-promotion. We performed live on Jay Leno, we performed on Tyra Banks' show. So now people are starting to hear the music and make the the connection between me and him. So it kinda remains to be seen what kind of response that I personally get. For the most part, a lot of people are surprised. Because they're like 'K-Fed? what they hell are you doing Bosko?', but when they hear the record they're like 'Ohhh ok, I'm fucking with this!!' So everybody who has heard the music has given me a good response. Because the expectations are really low and when they hear it they're like Wow. You did some good records with that cat. My only thing is I hope that people will listen to the record and at least give it at chance, because they will be surprised.

Dubcnn: I thought the line-up on the album was kinda crazy. You got Ya Boy on there, and when you skip the track you got Britney Spears!

Bosko: Yeaah!! That's the thing, the way it came together, it wasn't so much artificial. It wasn't so much of having his manager go out and call the 10 hottest producers, call the 10 hottest artists and put them on a record. A lot of times this is how a record is made, it doesn't even matter what it sounds like. They just go out and get the 10 most popular cats at the time. But on this record, it was more of who happened to be around, who he was vibed with on a personal level, or cats that he respected already in terms of feeling their musical style. That's why it's so crazy, because it wasn't put together with the standard formula. Just a new cat that wants to finally get a chance to put out some music.

Dubcnn: Did you try to get out that box and grow as an artist by doing that project?

Bosko: Definitely. I mean it's a good look for me in terms of exposure. Like I said, hopefully we'll get some people that give it a honest listen. And of course working with Britney, you can't be mad. She's one of the biggest artists on the planet. We're already working on some stuff for her record. So it's definitely a good look in terms of trying to break out of the box for me. And then also me singing on the hook was an opportunity to showcase that part too. Cause I've been doing more and more hooks, singing for people. Now all of the records that I sing on tend to be the ones that people either wanna buy or wanna make the single or whatever. The magic is in the singing for me.

And I'm working on a solo album, so all the exposure with this single and the other records that I've done lately, like on 40's record I sang on 4 songs. I'm all over the records singing, and people don't really know that's what I do. But I'm working on this album, and it's all part of that.

Dubcnn: How do you go about producing tracks for such artists, compared to more familiar cats like Cool Nutz and E-40, knowing that they got a completely different sound?

Bosko: I'm a music lover. I grew up playing in jazz bands, singing in church, playing piano, breakdancing. I was all over the place. And as far as the music that I listen to, I love Soul music. I love Hip Hop music. When I say Hip Hop I'm talking all kinds, from the underground backpack shit to the Down South heavy bass, to hyphy. I like it if it's good. It doesn't really matter what type. So as a producer, I like to challenge myself to do records that don't sound the same. I actually think that's something that hurt me over the years, because people identify a particular producer by all of their stuff sounding the same, and that's kinda how you blow up.

But it's been hard for me to adjust to doing that. So for me to go from E-40 to Kanye West to Lil' Jon to Kevin Federline to Britney Spears, it's nuthin'. Because I already have music that fits all those different styles. I know how to dig in and figure out which particular kind of a sound an artist needs to appeal to their fans. And a producer is like a coach, I'm trying to bring the best out of each artist. The same coach should be able to coach Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman. And that's what I do as a producer.

Dubcnn: Doing that project you're being exposed to a new audience, plus you're doing these appearances on Jay Leno and shit. Thats like more promotion than you ever had?

Bosko: It's huge. I mean I've done all these records for E-40. Some of my favorite records of my career, and half the time I can't even get a mention in The Source even if I got the single. When they review an album, they just put "other" for production. But here I do one song for Kevin, and I'm all over the world. People see my name alongside Kevin on the Tonight Show and the Tyra Banks Show. So it's a totally different world.

Dubcnn: You also have your own solo project coming out. Talk about that?

Bosko: Well you know, like I said earlier, I got all these different influences musically. And I've been singing since day one. I've been singing since day one, but I was more of a rapper in the beginning, cause I didn't really appreciate a lot of the lyrics in R&B. It got kinda repetitive and boring 'Oh I love you Baby, you're so fine...', it's boring! So I combined rapping and the hard beats with melodies that I play on the keyboard to make something that's real unique. And also music that has something to say. I can talk about things a little bit more complex and more honest. I also found that I've been able to take my voice to the next level. Initially I thought of myself as just a background singer, but once I really started getting into it, I'm like 'Fuck that!', let me try to compete with the best. I wanna sound like Stevie Wonder or Al Green, but still have the lyricism of the best lyricists. So on my solo project, that's what you gonna hear. You gonna hear kinda like a Hip Hop/Soul fusion with lyrics that are more progressive. Talking about situations that a regular R&B song might not talk about.

As far guest appearances, it's kinda still in the works. I'm sure I'll do something with E-40 just because we have that chemistry. But I might step out the box a little bit on this record. I've been talking to The Roots about doing something. And who knows who else is gonna end up on the record. I might collab with other producers as well. But it's gonna be something totally different, but at the same time fans of the music that I've been producing can appreciate. Cause it's gonna bang! It ain't gonna be Luther Vandross, I'm still gonna be rapping too!

Dubcnn: How was that transition for you from being a producer to an artist?

Bosko: Well you know, it's two sides to it. I always had the skills. I write a lot, even when I work with artists. I help them with the lyrics or I write the hook. So that part is simple, cause I love to perform. So all that comes easy. I would say the hard part was figuring out what direction I was gonna go in. Cause I wanted to do something different than everybody else. That's just so boring to me to just copy everybody's music. The difficult thing is blancing your time, because as a producer you're supposed to be in the studio. As an artist, you're supposed to be on the stage performing. You can't be at two places at once. Right now I'm really just gonna devote my time to the artist part of it, and I catch up on the producer part when I get done with the record.

Dubcnn: DJ Quik said a while ago that he gave up on the talkbox cause that's a thing from the past. Whats your view on that? Are you gonna do the thing forever?

Bosko: Well yeah. I respect Quik, he's one of the best producers out of the West Coast and one of my favorites. But like I said, the talbox is all about how you use it. On the "Workout Plan", that's the perfect example. That doesn't make you think of Roger and Zapp. But it's a great record, and it's a progressive sound with the talkbox that works perfectly and gets across the message of the song. So it's just how you use it. It doesn't make any sense to throw it away. It's just like Jimmy Hendrix throwing his guitar away saying 'Oh, this guitar is old!' Drums been around since the beginning of time, and we ain't throwing them away. All of the sounds in Hip Hop are based upon regular drum sounds, it's just what kind of effects you put on it. So I'ma keep riding with mine, I will be the guy that took the talkbox from where Roger took it to the next level.

Dubcnn: What's the status at Jus Family Records?

Bosko: Well you know, Jus Family is alive and well. We got some great releases coming up for the next year. Primary Cool Nutz' record "The Miracle". We're putting it out through Sick-Wid-It and it's gonna be a collaboration with E-40. We're almost done, we're going to the lab with me, Cool Nutz, and 40, and we gonna come up with a few more songs. But it's gonna be crazy, "The Miracle" record. Cool Nutz is taking his lyrics to the next level. And I'm doing the same on the production side. With 40 involved we can't lose!

Dubcnn: Since you still got the Jus Family thing going and at the same time you're producing for artists on a major level, what are you more comfortable with? The independent game or the major dealings?

Bosko: Well, it's a trip. I'm definitely more into the major level. The nice thing about the major level is that somebody else is putting up their money (laughs). But from the creative side I hate the fuckin' major game. A lot of the time you deal with cats that don't know the music, they didn't come from the music, and they don't understand how it works. And they can't imagine. They can hear a hit after it's already a hit when it's played on the radio and everybody is trying to buy it. But they can't hear it in the lab when you come up with that idea. So it is frustrating from that standpoint to deal with the major game. And the timetable of the major game is so slow. A lot of times you put together a record and it got this crazy release schedule, but you gotta wait for like 9 months. That part is frustrating.

But right now it really all comes back to the independent game and the internet, because you have to just do it yourself. Whether you're a major or independent, unless you're Jay-Z or something, you gotta get to the lab and make that record, get the buzz going, give it to your people at the radio station and all your DJ's, and get it buzzing. The majors ain't spending a dime until they see it on the radar. But just to answer your question, I guess I'm more comfortable with the independent game, as long as I know at the end of the day I got that major money.

Dubcnn: So if an up & coming artist came up to you asking if he should stay independent or go major, what would you tell him?

Bosko: I would tell him you should stay independent until you get onto a level. It depends on what kind of person they are too. Because to be independent, you gotta have hustle. You gotta be willing to work that shit, to work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Writing, being your own promotion, marketing, your own recording team, your own money. So if you're not ready for that hustle, you might as well go with the majors and let somebody else do it. But if you got that independent attitude and that hustle mentality, then you should just stay independent until they come write you that check that's so big you can't cut it now!

Dubcnn: But it's funny cause after all these years you're still more comfortable with the independent game. I guess 10 years ago you were probably more into the major game.

Bosko: You know, that's partly me grindin' and growing in the game. And it's also cause the game is changed. Back then it cost 500,000 to put together a decent studio, it cost half a million to do a video. There was no internet promotion, and it weren't half as many rappers out there. Not to say that it was new, but it wasn't pop music. Now rap is pop music. It's like a blockbuster movie. So when you're putting together a blockbuster movie you got Jurassic Park and X-Men, they both got a 100 million dollar budget. You can't come in with your little million and think your picture is gonna compete. So the whole game is just totally different. You just gotta understand and know how to work it.

Dubcnn: What else can we expect in the future? Anything else we left out?

Bosko: Of course this new E-40 record is gonna be crazy. We're gonna get in the lab, like I said we already have the one with Kanye. We're gonna get down and dirty and take 40 to the next level. I think he did a great job this last time, and he really showed the world who he was. And with Lil' Jon behind him, now I think he's ready to hit them with that double/triple platinum joint. So I'm excited about that.

Other production that I've been working on is with Trick Daddy. I just wrote on Xzibit's record with The Game, I wrote that hook for "On Bail". Probably a lot more work with Lil' Jon. We developed a really cool relationship during that time we were working with 40. So expect more collaborations with him. I did something with Bohagen, I did something with Scrappy, I got something with Trina in the works, the Britney stuff. A whole bunch of new stuff, taking them to the next level. & J Child January.2'2007


















Happy New Years To All You Queers !! Hope You had a good New Year's Eve 2006 and a great New Years Day 2007 !!!

Tha J Child has been married for 7 n'half months now and I'm still alive bra !!! Married life an't for everyone yo , it's hard , it's as lot of ups and downs , but at the end of the day you get through life's pitfalls and everything's on cruise control baby !!! .

Not too many muthafuckaz hae been peeping me out latly . I used to see people all the time , bumping into me saying wazup Step Daddy J and all that , but that don't happen no more , I guess people have moved and the new people don't really know me that much . I'm working in the day , night time , It would be nice for some rappers or clubs to call me up and holla at me to do some thing , a gig or whatever , but nobodies calling me . Oh well , I got a wife and a kid , at least I'm not alone ... Whatever man , I started Step Daddy J June.11'1995 In Errinton Area and it's taken me far , very far . 40 Albums , 8 Solo , Hundreds of thousands of dollars , a few friends , and more then anything , a wife and a son to call my one and bear my own last name . I came from nothing , my parents didn't give a dam about me and my brother don't care bout me , but I managed to survive and take the world by it's ballz and reap it's succulent nectar . And it's not over yet babe ...

Me and Charlene , want some more kids ....

Stay Tuned .






















Hey What's up ya'll . Nice to give you some news on my life . Well the past year ; 2006 ; has been pretty crazy man . I know I worked real hard in 2001 with the 2 full time jobs on Main and Marine . Then from 2002 to 2004 I kicked some serious ass at Lakeside Packers in Brooks Alberta . But shit man , 2006 has just been a crazy ass wild year yo !! It all started I was working at this Tire Plant in Annic Island . I worked there for 3 months till the beginning of March . Man , that job was dirty !! my face was black and I had to wash my self thererly after ever break . Plus the job was shift work so 2 weeks I worked mornings and then the next two weeks I worked nights . I met some cool people and some not cool people but I had some fun times and I made some new friends incuding this one Chinese dude with a southern accent cuz he was raised in the south as a youth . I never met nobody who's got a southern accent and is chines and lives in Vancouver. That was pretty wild to me !!!


Then Alex , my fish plant boss , gave me a call in early March and told me the fishing season was coming back and asked If I was available and I told him yes so I started working with his Halibut Fish Plant again . ( I had worked with Alex's fish plant from September.1'2005 { Right after my U.I. expired on August.31'2005} to November.24'2005 when the fishing season was over and we where all laid off . I went to work at the tire plant so I could get some more hours and then qualify for better U.I. rates later on down the line ....

So I've been working at the Halibut Fish Plant in Ladner B.C. all Spring and Summer and now Fall 2006 . I've been working straight since the fist day of September.1'2005 . I havn't really had any time for Michelle Star's ECCW wrestling . I had a great time training and unfortunatly my new fish plant job took up all my time and I wan't able to train anymore .

While working at the fish plant , I got married in May to my love Charlene . I proposed to her July.24'2005 at English Bay when the sun was going down and on May.20'2006 we got married at the Croatian Catholic Church in Vancouver B.C.

Me and Charlene first met in September 2004 when I was still working for Lakeside Packers . 10 months later in 2005 we got engaged and 10 months after that in 2006 we got married !!

Yeah man , 20 months was all it took and me and my love got hitched in church . Some people live together Common Law for years and years and some grew apart after being boyfriend / girlfriend for 5 years but with me and Charlene , we hit it off right away !! It just felt so good ! I've never felt so comfortble with somebody else in my life . Love is really a precious special thing and I really thank God for allowing me to be so blessed to have a special some one in my life .


Now , I'm not no angel or nothing . I'm human , I make mistakes . I have a penis you know , I get boners ... But at the end of the day , when everything is set and down , the one person that I love the most in my life other then God is my Wife Charlene . And I will go on record to say that I would die for her and I would do anything for her . I love that much and that's why I married her !


My cousin Corina , who's the same age as my wife , passed away in March 2006 because of Bone Cancer . I hadn't really spoken to her in years but she baby-sit me and taught me how to swim when I went to Kiev Ukraine in the summer 0f 1989 . She was a popualar happy woman with many friends and a husband and daughter . R.I.P.

My great Aunt Baba Manya passed away on September.7'2006 . Baba Manya was a great person and an inspiration to everybody who ever knew her . I talked to Baba Manya on the phone as much as I could and I always had a great time talking to her . She was my Grandmother Paulina's older Sister . Baba Manya was the best cook at making Perogies and Peroskies ! I just loved her awesome Russian Cooking !! I will miss you Baba Manya . I love you !!



Music - wise , Jugovich Records has been releasing a ton of material in 2006 !! Heat 4 Tha Street 3 just came out for October 2006 and Nature Boy 4 the Double C.D. album came out last month for September 2006 . Richmond Armadilloe$ 2 came out in August 2006 . There are many more albums coming so be on the look out and as always go to where new singles are added every month . As of right now , there are 289 songs on Step Daddy's web site , so go on there and check some of them out now !!


The summer is coming to a close and Holloween is this month . I'll miss this crazy wacky dry summer of 2006 . I got married this summer man , I'll always remember that !!

Untill then , have a good one !!

John Danijel Jugovich

October.1'2006 3:36 P.M.



Happy Easter 2006 from Jugovich Records ! Hope you're time off is going good and you're kicken back listening to some of that old and new school Step Daddy J music !

Remember to cop all of them new Albums that are coming out from Jugovich Records . We got 2 new albums dropping every month this year yo !!

The 2 new albums per month are in due to the massive collection of unrealeased songs that Jugovich Records has . But these are in no way B - level songs , these songs are top notch hits that are getting their light of day in 2006 !! .

Tha Child has been real busy this Winter and Spring 200Siccc . With the 2 new albums every month , working at tha fish plant 6 days a week ( J managed to get Saturday off this Easter Weekend so he could celebrate Voisakie with all the Punjabs in Surrey B.C. )and J's upcommong marriage that's going down next month in May , Tha J Child's swamped !!

- But hey , this is tha life of Step Daddy J , a busy busy lifestyle , but hey , it comes withthe territorry and all this hard work that tha J Child does always , always pays off !!!

Call up Jugovich Records at 604-682-3269 Extension 7169 and let us know what's up .

E-mail tha J Child at

Check out for all the latest in Jugovich Records Music Singles , MP3's and information .

Go to and check out the latest snapshots of J and his fam and friends !!

Untill later , I smell ya playa !!

J Child Sunday April .17'2006 4:40 P.M.














Jugovich Records Hotline : 604-682-3269#7169

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#0027 January 2006 " Nature Boy 3 " Compilation

#0028 January 2006 " Jugorich 2 " Compilation

#0029 February 2006 " Heat 4 Tha Street 2 " Compliation

#0030 February 2006 " Richmond Armadilloe$ " Compilation

#0031 March 2006 " True Europeans 2 " European Mafia

#0032 March 2006 " Peter Black Jerk Off Mix Tape " Peter Black

#0033 April 2006 " Jugorich 3 " Compilation

#0034 April 2006 " 5 C Boy " Duece

#0035 May 2006 " Heat 4 Tha Street 3 "

#0036 May 2006 " Richmond Armadilloe$ 2 "

#0037 June 2006 " Da Pimp And Tha Gangsta " ( Double C.D. ) European Mafia

#0038 July 2006 " * Johnny * " Sudden Furry

#0039 August 2006 " Nature Boy 4 " ( Double C.D. ) Compilation




2006 Jugovich Expects to Release 13 Albums !!! This is setting up to be a huge year for Jugovich Records and West Coast Rap Music .




Coming 2007 :


Peter Black's Own Record Company : Black Lagoon Records


#0040 2007 " Croatian Sensation " Step Daddy J




Stay tuned for more exciting news !!

J-Child 01/19/2006 JUGOVICH RECORDS 2006 ROSTER :

#0027 January 2006 " Nature Boy 3 " Compilation

#0028 January 2006 " Jugorich 2 " Compilation

#0029 February 2006 " Heat 4 Tha Street 2 " Compliation

#0030 February 2006 " Richmond Armadilloe$ " Compilation

#0031 March 2006 " True Europeans 2 " European Mafia

#0032 March 2006 " Peter Black Jerk Off Mix Tape " Peter Black

#0033 April 2006 " Jugorich 3 " Compilation

#0034 April 2006 " 5 C Boy " Duece

#0035 May 2006 " Heat 4 Tha Street 3 "

#0036 May 2006 " Richmond Armadilloe$ 2 "

#0037 June 2006 " Da Pimp And Tha Gangsta " ( Double C.D. ) European Mafia

#0038 July 2006 " * Johnny * " Sudden Furry

#0039 August 2006 " Nature Boy 4 " ( Double C.D. ) Compilation




2006 Jugovich Expects to Release 13 Albums !!! This is setting up to be a huge year for Jugovich Records and West Coast Rap Music .




Coming 2007 :


Peter Black's Own Record Company : Black Lagoon Records


#0040 2007 " Croatian Sensation " Step Daddy J




Stay tuned for more exciting news !!

J-Child 01/19/2006










































.Whutup everybody , it's Step Daddy J !!

How'z everybody doing ?? I had a great summer yo !!

Like everybody knows , I was in Alberta for 2 n ' half years working for lakesidepackers , I met a beautifull sweetheart on Labour Day Long Weekend 2004 in Vancouver and I moved back to the west coast Christmas 2004 . For 8 Full months , from Janruary 2005 till August.31'2005 , I was on U.I. , otherwise know as Unemployment Insurence . I collected after taxes a nice $ 720 take home every two weeks directly diposited into my bank account . I had great times with all of my free time . I re-edited all the Jugovich Records albums , got rid of some bad controvercial lyrics and a few songs that I felt I didn't represent or deal with no longer because I'm involved in a strong powerfull realtionship with a honest spritiual religious gorgeous girl .

My tan was allright , not the best though , cause June and the first 2 n 'half weeks of July 2005 where cold cloudy rainy , so I couldn't get the best tan . Go figure , I work in Alberta and miss 3 B.C. summers which I heard where hot dry and sunny , then I actually come back to Van and I'm able to go the beach everyday and it was cloudy and damp for the first half of the summer . I actually had a pretty dam good tan in February . February 2005 was the most sunniest February in Vancouver Historty !! That's probably why we payed for it with the weak summer .

It did get sunnier however and I managed an allright tan at the end of July and begining of August . I also got back into shape ...

I got back into the habit of working out everyday .

One day I would run for Comercial and Georgia to Adanac and Boundary , then north up the hill all the way to Burrard Inlet , then east , run past the P.N.E. , cut a right on Nanaimo street then go right on Templeton High School and run down the alley back home. I did that 11.5 K.M. run twice a week . It was good !!! Real good exercise !! The fasted I ever did it was 40 Minutes one day in May .

I also did my pattended one hour ab-workout twice a week and I worked out with weights at my house twice a week also .

Look at my summer 2005 pictures , I look dam good !! You can too yo , all it takes is some good exercise , and some suntanning !!! Ha Ha !!

I was back at the Vancouver International Fireworks this year and I had a lot of fun . I met tha Broadmour Boys on the beach and shot that shit , it was good seeing them again . They told me that they where proud of me and how I was representing Broadmour so good and that I had made something of myself . You boys are doing good too , enjoy life , see ya'll again at the fireworks , - or in tha studio , as I know ya'll wanna make some Rap Songs with Step !!!

Like I said before , I met the beautifull girl and we fell in love with each other !!! She is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me ! I love her so much !! My life has changed som much after I've meet her and lived with her . We've been living together since Janruary 2005 , and everyday it just keeps on getting better and better .

So on July.24'2005 Sunday at Sunset just before 9 P.M. , I got down on my knees and proposed to Charlene and I asked her : " Charlene , will you marry me "

Charlene said " Ah ... Yes ! " and I gave her the engagement ring and we kissed and hugged right on the beach at English Bay as the sun was setting . It was surreal and something I will remember for the rest of my life throughout eternety !!

Now , everybodies asking , when are you guys getting married ?? Well good question , we want to get married in the Winter , beacause Winter is the quietest time in the west when It comes to working . Winter we can go on our honeymoons and whatnot but spring to summer to fall there's so much work that it really can't be done .

We are planning to get married in a Catholic Church under God's Eyes .

Yesterday , September.27'2005 , me and Charlene went to our first day of Marriage Preparation . The classes run once a week on Tuesday Nights for 2 hours for 7 weeks till November . After we've gone through Marriage Preparation we can be married by the Priest .

This is a very exciting time for us as this is all new stuff and we're just taking it all in !!

I love you Charlene !!

As with the wrestling , Step Daddy J has been traing with ECCW since June and I've learnt a lot of new stuff and become a better athlete . Michelle Star has a wide exporty of wrestling knowledge and I'm happy to be learning it and gaining experience . We practice usually 3 times a week . I've learnt how to do leg drops , body slams , elbow drops , how to run into turnbuckles , rope running , how to get thrown outta the rope , and ton's of other neat stuff . It's been a real good positive learning experience , and classed are still going on as we speak and I'm still learning new things . Check out the message board at for more ...

Jugovich Records fans , last but not least , we've got 2 new albums for ya'll !!! The compilation/soundtrack " Heat 4 tha Street " is out and it's full of bass-pounding funk . Unlike other compilations/soundtracks where Step Daddy J makes only a few appearences , Tha J Child's all over this album . Step Daddy comes back with that fire in his eyes for this album . Check out the hits " Drunk " and " So Hardcore 2004 " and you're hearing a Step Daddy J we havn't heard for quite some time . He really came hard for this . Single Number # 1 was was on in July is " Sexaholic " which is a Peter Black / Duece collabo

The other new album is the new Double C.D. from legendary group European Mafia . EM.'s 4 th album : " Game Related " is a sprawling 2 disc effort with 33 songs and all of them are hits ! This album is so good , I'm telling ya , it's some really incredible Stuff here ! Step Daddy J and Duece really perfected there craft with this Game Related Album !!!

That's the updated for now , enjoy life and go hard ! Peace !

September.28'2005,Wensday 10:20 A.M.

Step Daddy J













Just a little update ya'll . Happy Victoria Day 2005 Long Weekend !

We got 6 new singles up on !! GO there and check em' out ! There all bangin ' !

Step Daddy J is currently making more copies of the older Jugovich Albums which have been sold out ...

We put up new wallpaper for this Step Daddy J web page and the European Mafia web page as well . It looks real good ya'll !!!

Step Daddy J is gonna propose to his sweatheart girlfriend Charlene very very soon !!!!

Heat 4 Street is the next album from Jugovich Records . It's a soundtrack to the future movie Heat 4 Tha Street .

Step Daddy J got together with ECCW CEO Michelle Star and sighned up for the ECCW wrestling school !! It runs all summer of 2005 !!! Step Daddy J's gonna be a wrestler !!

Tha J Child can appear at any event , just e-mail him at .



Have a safe and fun long weekend !!

J.D.J. May.20'2005 Friday 6:15 P.M. West Broadmour































Hey Wazzup . It's you're boy Step .

Last weekend , for Easter , me and my love Charlene and Jaden went to Morricetown BC . Morricetown is a Native Indian Reserve 20 Minutes north east of Smithers BC . My beautifull girlfriend Charlene was raised there and still has lot's of familly and friends there .

We caught a ride with Charlene's Uncle and drove down , all 13 hours of the trip . It is a long trip but the scenery along the B.C. highways is just spectacular .

I had a great weekend in Norhtern BC , meeting and staying with Charlene's Parents , Betty and Philip Tait . They have a really nice place with a big backyard and a huge view of this beautifull snow-capped mountain . The backyard goes on for miles , into the wilderness . They live right beside Hiway 16 , he one that goes from Edmonton all the way to Prince Rupert .

I had great pleasure in participating in the weekend Morricetown Potluck's . Potluck's are when the community comes together and gives out food and clothes and gifts to each other . I voluntered on Sunday giving out food to people . I had a great time and met many new interesting people .

I also , earlier that day , bumped into sum homies by the school and e started talking and I asked if there where any rappers in Morricetown and they told me yes . They took me to this kids place and we got him out and brought him back to the school for a little good old rap freestyle battle . The kids name was Johnny Lee and he was tight ! This kid could rap . We battled for 90 minutes non-stop !! Go back and forth . It was something else . We started with daylight and when our battle was over it was dark already . Our audience of 5 proclaimed Step Daddy J as the winner and new Morricetown BC Rap Champion . I gave out free BCGZ C.D.'s and we all had a great time .

Smithers BC is about the size of Brooks Alberta , but 250 Times more beautifull !! There are mountains , snow-capped , overlooking the town and really nice streets , Smithers has a European Feel to it !!

I had a great time and can't wait to come back .

Check out for some new pictures !

Have a good one !

J Child April.6'2005 Wensday






















Happy Easter Holidays Everyone ! Hope you get to spend some quality time with you're loved ones !

The new BCGZ album has been completed ! The front , back , inside and CD covers are all done and we're ready to sell Jugovich Records Album # 0024 " Drug Dealerz " for $ 10 each !

You can see how the new album looks like by going to .

I'm spending a lot of time organizing my studio and printing out all 24 albums for the busy summer season when a lot of people buy Jugovich Albums and Movies .

Send A Letter To Artists That Are Locked Up! -

I wanna ask you guys to take a few minutes out of your daily lives and write a letter to the homies who are locked up at the moment.

A few kind words will only make the day easier for them.

Here's the address to Bg Knocc Out:

Arlandis Hinton P18610 LB-327 P.O. Box 705 Soledad, CA 93960


Here's the address to C-Bo: Shawn "C-bo" Thomas #V44269 GF6-42 middle P.o. Box 9 Avenal, CA 93204


Here's the address to Flesh~n~Bone: Stanley Howse P97344 P. v. s. p A. i 106 Upper P.O. Box 8501 Coalinga, CA 93210


Here's the address to Big Hutch Cold 187 of Above The Law: Gregory Hutchinson #225903112 F.P.C. Nellis P.O. Box 9910 Las Vegas, NV 89191


Here's the address to E-White: E. White V38628 Salinas Valley State Prison Facility E2 #199 Po Box 1050 Soledad, CA 93960


Thanks Guys....

March.22'2005 Tuesday

Step Daddy J






















Hey , it's been a busy few weeks ...

The new BCGZ album is mastered ! There is 17 dope ass west coast Jugovich Records Tracks . Currently I'm making duplicate copies and working on the front/back covers of the BCGZ album " Drug Dealerz "

It's a classic album and it's a great way to start off the 2005 year for Juggovich Records !!

Also , you can hang out with Step Daddy J tonight at the ECCW wrestling show at the Russian Community Centre on 4 th Ave in Kits at 8 P.M. Scotty Mac is the Current ECCW Champion . I spoke to him yesterday and he looked great . He's in top notch shape . The after wrestling party goes down at Hooters in Downtown Vancouver on Robson Street . Duece should be with me tonight so you can meet him as well and get autographs from European Mafia !!!

Dustin Eberly AKA Medicine Man did a lot of rapping on the new BCGZ album . He's still in Brooks Alberta working for Lake Side Packers . Medicine Man is improving as a rapper and getting better !!

That's it for now , how about this weather ?!! Feels like April . I've been suntanning for 2 weeks . It's the sunniest February in Vancouver BC History !!!!


Peace J !

February.26'2005 Saturday Afternoon 2:10 P.M.














Whutup ya'll . Hope it's all good for all ya'll . Anyways , yeah it's official , Jugovich Records is back in BC !!!! We left Alberta in December 2004 to come back home to where we belong !!!


Alberta is cool . It's different then B.C. , but we had a lot of fun in the Wild Roses country . We went places we 've never been before , Calgary , Medicine Hat , Brooks , Bossanno , Banf and Edmonton and made new friends and got more exposure for Jugovich Records .

Here are some pro's and con's for Alberta and B.C. :

Pro's : Alberta has lot's of jobs , and their all high paying . Bosses in Alberta don't yell at you and they never threaten to fire you . In Alberta , they want you to stay and populate their province so generally you would think that girls would like to have lot's of children with their men ( Step Daddy J likes making lot of Children ) . Alberta only has one tax so you can buy more stuff ! In Alberta , rent is dead cheap . You can get a nice apartment in Medicine Hat for $ 350 !


Cons : Alberta is Cold ! In The Winter it's so hard to go walking outside . You're ears , face and balls freeze !!! In Southern Alberta there are 20 Men to one Woman . - Ouch !!!! In B.C. there's 20 Woman for 1 Man !!! - Yes ... It's difficult to get laid in Southern Alberta , B.C. , it's part of you're daily activities . Alberta there is no Ocean and almost all of the beaches are on man-made unnatural lakes . Southern Alberta is boring !! There's not that much to do . In BC , everday , something different happens ... Finally , Step Daddy J is from BC , this is his home and where he belongs ...


Music - wise , Jugovich Records 1 st Album for 2005 will be BCGZ " DrugDealerz " . Step Daddy J , Peter Black and Medicine Man will be part of the 2005 BCGZ group . It's gonna be a bumpin album so get it when it comes out !

Step Daddy J is living with his beautifull girlfriend in East Vancouver right now so all ya'll east van rappers betta step ya game up cuz tha J Child is finally living in East Van !!

It's been so nice and warm in Vancouver the past month . 12 , 13 degrees Celcius everyday , can't complain but that !

Any of ya'll caught BET's Rap City on Thursday February.3'2005 ? Well they had the Ghetto Boys on ! Bushwick Bill , Scareface , Willie D where ther and it was off tha hook ! They did a freestyle and Willi D was just cussing and Scarface was laughing and loving it . I taped it so it's pure majic yo ! .

Also , If ya'll busy and out of the loop when it comes to west coast rap , then check out the best West Coast rap page in the world at : Http:// . These cool cats update their web page every day with news about the West Coast !!! . - Check it out .

It's Friday Night so I'm just gonna ride . Peace . J .



Friday February.4'2005 8:45 P.M. Burnaby Metro Town B.C.














2005 !!!!!

Jugovich Records Serving Tha World Wit Dat Rap

Here is some of what you can expect from Jugovich Records in 2005 :

BCGZ " DrugDealerz "

Compilation/Movie Soundtrack " Heat 4 Tha Street "

The 2 Hour Movie : " Heat 4 Tha Street "

European Mafia " Game Related " Double CD

Step Daddy J " Croatian Sensation "











Current Albums Out By Jugovich Records :

0001 Step Daddy J " Croatian Game "

0002 Step Daddy J " Wisdom "

0003 Step Daddy J " A J Child Christmas "

0004 Step Daddy J " Step Daddy J Christmas 2000 "

0005 Step Daddy J " Step Daddy J Christmas 2001 "

0006 Step Daddy J " 13 Years In The Game "

0007 Aman Dhecko " Beware Of The Dhecko "

0008 European Mafia " True Playaz "

0009 Compilation " Jugovich Records Mix C.D. "

0010 Peter Black " Yah Know What I Mean "

0011 Nefarious Blue " Murder In Broadmour 22 : 22 P.M. "

0012 European Mafia " True Europeans "

0013 Aman Dhecko " My Last Name Is Deal And I Am A Hindo "

0014 Compilation/Movie Soundtrack " Nature Boy "

0015 Broadmour Crew Ghetto Zoo " Selling Drugz 4 Luvz "

0016 M.C. Fluid " Sitting On Park Benches "

0017 Chronic Sypth " White WIGGA "

0018 Step Daddy J " I Can Get Any Girl In Broadmour "

0019 Step Daddy J " Jugo Style "

0020 Compilation/Movie Soundtrack " Nature Boy 2 "

0021 Peter Black " Orange Roughy "

0022 Duece " Eastside Creepin "

0023 European Mafia " Siccc Siccc Siccc "

0024 BCGZ " Drug Dealerz "





0001 Nature Boy

0002 Nature Boy 2









Hey yo , this is Step . It's summertime yo !! Time for Warm Sunny Long Afternoons , ladies wearing very little clothes , great food like corn on the cob and tasty sweets like Blueberries , Strawberries and Ice Cream . This is the best time of the year yo . So Enjoy the next 3 months !!


Big News here at Jugovich Records ! Duece's debut album on Jugovich Records : " Eastside Creepin " and Peter Black's Second Album " Orange Roughy " are done !! The albums are mastered and covers and backcovers have been made . We're just getting the albums pressed up right now .

These ar really good albums . Peter Black's long awaited 2 nd. album has taken 2 years to make . It's very good and full of tight beats and off - the wall lyrics . There's a whole bunch of people featured here ... Step Daddy J , Duece , Sudden Furry , Medicine Man , T - Lok , D.J. Destruction , Croatian Gang , Chronic Sypth , King Randy and Fat Tony . That's 10 features yo !!!

The other album is " Eastside Creepin " which is the Jugovich Records Debut Album for Duece . Duece has been rapping since 1999 and has his own label called Downlow Records . But Duece doesn't have a computer and doesn't really have any distribution so all of his Downlow label releases are extremly underground and hard to get. Step Daddy J ' s record company : Jugovich Records is a lot more mainstream and we have pleny of distribution thus our albums are much more easier to find and there are more copies of albums circulating around . Yeah , we've got a few computers here at Jugovich Records . They don't call us Jugorich fo nothing yo !! Hard Work = A Lot Of Money . Step Said that back in 1996 . Yeah , all of Step Dreams are coming true . We don't waste our money and we an't lazy . We do this 24/7 if we have to , miss sleep if we have too . We grind , hustle , we all about Paystyle . That's why Jugovich Records is making money yo !!

Anyways , Duece's album has 18 Grimey Thugged out songs . There's hits everywhere . The first single on was " What's life worth living fo ? " Look for the second single " Richtown Love " featuring and produced by Step Daddy J . That could be the biggest hit of this summer !!


Calgary Flames lost Game 6 and 7 and the Tampa Bay Lightning won their first Stanley Cup ! Dave Andruchuck won his first Cup at the tender age of 40 . Dave has been playing pro for 22 years so he deserved it ! Now the Entry Draft happens on Saturday June.26'2004 . I always enjoy watching the draft and seeing which players go to what team and how good some of these guys can be in the future .


The Detroit Pistons beat the Lakers in 5 in the NBA Finals and Detroit was one big party City !! The Lakers coach Phil Jackson is leaving the team and Kobe Bryant may leave too ... Lakers are going down ... Go Clippers Go !! I miss the Vancouver Grizzles yo ! Their cheerleaders where hot !!

Also in the sports world , the Euro Soccer Cup is going on in Portugal right now . England beat Croatia 4-2 on Monday and unfortunatly Croatia has been eliminated from the very competitive tournament . Russia beat Greece 2-1 on Sunday but Russia's gone too . Latvia , a former U.S.S.R. Republic , plays Germany today Wensday 1:30 P.M. on T.S.N.

Here in Brooks Alberta , it's starting to get hot again . We've had a lot of rain and cold damp Sundays . All my homies in B.C. have been telling me it's just scorching in Vancouver. Wish I could be in Wreck Beach checking out the naked hotties !!!


It's summer now and time for fun . Make summer memories happen , do you're thing , life is cool , yo !

At Work here at Lakeside Packers we're working 6 days a week and we're doing 20 to 40 Minutes of overtime every night . The cheques coming in are just huge !! - And this week I get my vacation check !!

I'm going to Europe yo . Catch Step Daddy J in Rimini Italy in July yo !! It's gonna be me , Johnny Juuann , Peter Black and few thousand hot , young , beautifull , clavageafulled European woman ! Rimini is in Italy and is the Number 1 Summer Resort Beach in Europe !!! I'll also be in Croatia and Rome ...

Have a great summer guyz and girlz !


June.23'2004 5:12 A.M. Wensday

Step Daddy J








. How do ya'll do ?? Well out here in the Mid - West and I'm shure anywhere in Canada everybodies just going Stanley - Cup crazy about the Calgary Flames and their incredible march to the Stanley Cup Finals against the Tampa Bay Lightning . Much more incredible is that even people who are Edmonton Oiler Fans , people like me , are cheering for the Flames ...

You see now adays the American teams have the currency and big bank rolls of money on their side . The Canadian Teams have a tough time building Stanley Cup winners because it's hard to have a competive roster full of great players and be able to pay them all ...

Well coupled with a great Coach named Sutter and a plethora of hard - working players , the Flames have beat the Vancouver Canucks , Detroit Redwings and San Jose Sharks to capture the Clarence Campbell Trophy as West Conference Champs and go on a head on head collision with the young and talented Tampa Bay Lightning .


5 years ago Calgary and Tampa Bay where 2 of the worst teams in the League !!! Now they are two of the Best !!! - And that's saying a lot . Both teams , the Flames and Lightning have worked their asses off to get their perspective teams to the finals .

A Canadian Team hasn't won the Stanley Cup since 1993 when the Montreal Canadian beat Wanyne Gretzky's Los Angelas Kings . That's 11 years of Canadian Hockey Stanley Cup Frustration !!


Here's hoping the Flames can finally do it and bring the Stanley Cup where it belongs , In Canada !!



Last Night , Saturday May the 29 th , the Flames fought hard and beat the Tampa Bay Lightning 3-0 to take a 2-1 series lead . 17 Ave. downtown Calgary has been the partying place for Flames fans . Needless to say , if Calgary can get that 4 rd Win , then there's a good chanch of seeing Step Daddy J streaking around 17 th ave in his birthday suit .

The last time Calgary won a Stanley Cup it was 1989 and I was 9 years old . I remember Lanny McDonald Scoring that glove - hand goal on Patrick Roy of the habs . I hope there are some new memories made this week !!!





Music wise , Nature Boy 2 has been out for over a month . It's a real tight C.D. lased with that West Coast Jugovich Sound that ya'll luv to hear . Duece , European Mafia , Untouchable Mind , Peter Black , Johnny Juuann , Crazy Vlado are some of the people you will hear on this hot Spring 2004 Soundtrack / Compilation .



We still working 6 days out here at Lake Side Packers ... Look for Step Daddy J to be in tha 604 for the August Civic , September Labour and October Thanksgiving Day Long Weekends . Lotta money out here in tha Mid - West Yo !! And I gotta give shouts out to the Medicine Hat Tigers for winning the 2004 Western Hockey League Championship . Good Job homies in beating a very tough and competive expansion Everett Silvertips team !! My home towns hockey team , The Richmond Sockeyes have had a very good season as well . Cormac Brendan , who played with my brother Dominic on that legendary 1989-1990 Richmond Tyke Bruins Team , plays for the Richmond Sockeyes . His Dad is halirious and Cormac is a good hockey player !!



I've added a hockey links area to the bottom of the links , so check it out !!!


I'm outta 5 to my dogg house , PEACE !!!!! Go Flames --- GO !!!!!




May.30'2004 Sunday Afternoon 6:49 P.M. Medicine Hat College


Step Daddy J






Yo , check out some cool pimpified realistic Step Daddy J tunez yo . Go to :

To See Complete Pictures of all the albums and movies ever made in Jugovich Records please go to :







What's up , it's you're boy Step . You know , I've just been partying and celebrating the release of my 8 th Album Jugo Style . I've just been living the good life , reeking the rewards of another hit album and it feels good for a Croatian to be on top !! I feel like a million bucks man , I really do . - If only I had that ghetto girl , A girl that would stand by my side . All I have is a bunch of Step Daddy J groupies that give up tha puss all tha time for me yo ... But hoe pus is like tap water . - You can always get some . Hoez are easy , I'm talking bout these groupies . I got Step Daddy J groupies in Richmond , Vancouver , North Vancouver , Burnaby , Langly , Surrey , Delta , White Rock , Medicine Hat abnd Calgary . I mean you should see these Calgary Chicks yo , man their fine !!! I spent a few Sundays in Calgary , man does that city have Chicks !!! And there all hot !!! Since I'm working 6 days a week at Lake Side Packers in Brooks Alberta , I only get one day off , Sunday . So for a few Sundays I was living that Playaz Life . I got a free ride to Calgary from Zoran . Zoran comes in and picks up our dirt laundryt at Lakeside and drives it all the wayto Calgary . So I just hitch a ride with him . Zoran is a cool guy and we talk for the whole 2 hour ride . He drops me off right at the groupies houses !

We're working real crazy at the slaughterhouse in Brooks Alberta called Lakeside Packers . 6 Days a week nonstop and lot's of overtime to boot . Last week on Saturday we worked till 3:30 A.M. !! - And then I went to Calgary to get some play ... - Anyways , check out my pictures section at : . I put up a ton of picz that are too sweat ! - Also , go to : to see my views and others as well on hockey and other such things . This is a forum where anything goes and things go out of hand here quite often . Also , if any of you wanna make good moolah , just like the J Child duz , then come work at Lake Side Packers in Brooks Alberta . Check out their web page at :

My favourite hockey team , the Edmonton Oilers have been playing spectacular as of late . In fact as I'm writing this very early Monday Morning , the Oilers are on a 4 game winning streak and are only 1 point behind the St. Louis Blues for the 8 th and final playoff spot in the West . I'm really hoping the Oilers make the playoffs so ican go down to Skyreach Centre and dheer my team on . The playoff atmosphere in Edmonton durring the playoffs is just unbelievable . Everybodfy goes nutz about their Oil , and by so do I !!!!

Go Oilers Go !! Go Oilers Go !!!

The Medicine Hat Tigers are playing the Swift Current Broncos in the first round playoffs of the Western Hockey League . I live in Medicine Hat so I'm gonna cheer for the Tigers and hope they can go all the way and win the Memorial Cup !

Brooks team , the Brooks Bandits , sucks , and they failed to make the playoffs once again this year ...

Winter is dead and Spring is here , boy do I like that . Winters are cold in Alberta so when Spring comes it 's a very good relief . This year Spring came early , in the beginning of February .Last Year it came the middle of March . Let Tanning season begin !

Jugo Style is out and the next Jugovich Records Album will be Nature Boy 2 The Movie Soundtrack . The first single for Nature Boy 2 , " Sycological Warfare " done by Mr.Locko and Hooked by Duece , is allready out on my music page at : . Check that ish , it's real tight !!

Hope everyone's doing good ! I got some Bacon and Cheese Parogies waiting for me and disc 3 of the Ric Flair DVD in my DVD player so I'm gonna jump to that . Peace !!!

Step Daddy J 3/22/2004/4:20 AM.












Hey Whutup , it's Step Daddy J yo . Today is a glorious day . A time to rejoice and be happy . Today , February.3 2004 Tuesay my new Album " Jugo Style " is released !!! It feels great yo . All those Long Long LATE LATE Nights , All that rapping , making Beats , Mastering , Making the Front and Back Covers , Mixing , Duplicating and the final product : " Jugo Style " my 8 th Solo Album !!


It feels good yo , it real feels good !!! Jugo Style is out ! Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !! Whooooooooooooooooooooooo !!

And today is even better cause the good people over at C.D. Plus in Medicine Hat Mall ( 3292 Dunmore Road Medicine Hat Alberta ) have agreed to sell my C,D, " Jugo Style . C.D. Plus is the only record store in Medicine Hat Alberta that sells local music . H.M.V. , Future Shop , Wallmart and London Drugs do not sell local music . So major props going out to C.D. plus for supporting local music . C.D. Plus is so cool man . They're not greedy at all , they want to help out all the local music artists . They only take 99 Cents for every C.D. you sell !! What a deal . C.D. Plus really wants to help out independent artists like Step Daddy J .


I gave out a few Free Copies of my new Album to my homies out in the Slaughter side of Lakeside Packers . You should have seen their faces , how happy they where to recieve my new album " Jugo Style " I was happy to as well . I don't mind net - working yo . My buddies at work listen to my album , and then they tell their friends about Jugo Style , and their friends tell their other friends and so on and so on . That's how it works and that 's how demand for a product is created . It all work out for me , Step Daddy j . the original , and just like Bad Boy , We Just Won't Stop !!!!


Step Daddy J , Jugovich Records 4 Life !!! Get You're copy of my new Album " Jugo Style " Now !!!


Whoooooooooooooooo !! Peace !






You're Boy , Step Daddy J














Hey it's Step yo . The super bowl is on today but I got much more important stuff that that goin on ... My 8 th album , my brand new album " Jugo Style " Is Done , Mastered , Copied , and Printed and Ready to Go !!!!

I'm really happy and pleased with my 8 th album " Jugo Style " It's got 17 songs that will keep you up partying into the wee hours of the night .

The first single " Brooks Town " has been on my music page on for 2 weeks . There are so many hits on " Jugo Style " I don't know where to start , so you'll just have to get the album and listen and infuse the great freshness ... This is the shit boy , it really is . Jugo Style is fat fat and all of that . Fo real do playaz ' ...

Hope you like my new Web Page pictures . I put em up last week .

It's real cold in Medicine hat Alberta and we'e working 6 days a week at Lake Side Packers . 24/7 playa , Jugovich records is 24/7 . But you know how we do right ? Originals . We started this rap shit in Richmond B.C. in the Spring of 1997 with Croatian Game . Now 7 years later , February.3'2004 Tuesday " Jugo Style " Is Released .

Kop the new C.D. ya'll , it's playalistic pimped out Step Daddy J shit to tha max playa partnerz !! Peace !



Step Daddy J February.1'2004 Sunday 6:00 P.M.

















Happy New Year's Yo !!! Was a F&^*(ed up New Year's fo yo or a peacefull one ? Did you get laid , Jaid , Spraid or Faid ? Man , hope you're New Year's was off tha hook . Me , Step Daddy J , I 'm planning on going to the Wild Coyote ( It's 2:00 P.M. New Year's Eve as I'm writing this ) so I hope it's gonna be off tha hook !!

I've been down in Broadmour for almost 2 weeks , staying at my parents palce in West Broadmour . Nice to eat my mom's home - cooking !! And even better sleepin in my home bedroom and sleeping in every day ... I ' ve had the dopest dreams yo !!

I havn't really seen that many people I know , I've met a lot of new ones ... I've hanged out wit Duece , and met and talked to " Fly " ( Curtis Augustes Lil' Cuz )a few people from Broadmour and that's pretty much it . Of course I've hanged with my little bro ' Deez Nutz / He's sporting a longer hairdo nowadays that makes me proud to be a Step Daddy ...

I've bought a lot of new and old C.D.'s that I didn't have in my collection . I love listening to the tightest beats and love it more when I rip them using Cool Edit Pro 2.0 .

The last few Albums I've just thrown a lot of beats on without thinking bout them . Now , With my 8 th Album " Jugo Style " Coming Out Spring 2004 , I'm putting much more effort into Beat Creating and want to have really really hot bangin beats .

When I first came down here for my vacation , it was 10 Degrees Celcius and nice and mild . Now , New Year's Eve , it's been snowing 2 days straight and we got over a foot of snow ! Oh Well , the Snow is beautifull and when Vancouver get's it , everything slows down and you can walk around in peace ... The Holidays Season is the safest ... There an't no crime and an't nobody jumping Step Daddy , so it's all good ...

I never make New Year's resolutions ... I feel I'm a plant , and with every year that passes , I grow . I grow as a Man , Spiritually and Intillectually .. 2 Years ago , I would have never expected to be working at a Cow Slaughter House in a town in South Central Alberta making $ 15.40 an hour . But here I am , no less on my Vacation , getting paid !! Getting paid fat money , and lving on my own . Yo know , there's a lot of suckaz out there, who can't live own there own , and have to live with their familly like little Children . Man be a Man , move out , do something with you're life . I know people say stuff bout me , talk bout me , but Look at all the things I've accomplished . Don't hate me , hate you'e selves .. I never talk back about people unless they really deserve . And time goes on and heals wounds and I forgot about the past . I just move on to the future and continue stacking Chips and macken Chicks ' !!! Ya feel me playas and playatess !!!! Let's get rowdy rowdy and bouty bouty tonight !!! From Gospic Croatia , to Kiev Ukraine , To Broadmour B.C. , Let's do this again !


Happy New Years From Tha J Child

December.31'2003,2:18P.M. Broadmour Gilbert + Petts Road .





















The Number # 1 Rap Independent in Canada











































How is everyone doing ? I trust I find you all in good spirits . Sadamm Husain was captured last week and I ' m very happy . President George Bush took much flack from many poeople in going to war with Iraq but by capturing Saddam it was all worth it . The man who killed and stole from the Inecent must now face a trial and get his just worth . A year ago Saddam was smoking the finest Cigar's now he looks like Santa Claus , with his long beard and old look's . The weather has been nice in December in the hat . November was a frigid Month with a lot of snow so It's nice to get plus 5 temperatures in December . Now I go on my vacation and enjoy my time off in the warmth of the pacific I have everything , a best friend . a brother . parents , I just don't have a lover ... I wish I found a girl to love me and I could love her back and we could have a big familly . This is my wish Santa , I've been a good boy this year ! I've worked really hard at Lake Side Packers !! And hard at mixing , producing and rapping music . I wish for a lover this Holiday Season Santa !! Peace on earth , good will to men . Happy Birthday Jesus Christ .

Merry Christmas everyone from Step Daddy J .


December.24'2003 3:03 A.M. Richmond B.C. Broadmour








Whut , it's you're Boy Step !! Well It's been a while since I lasted made a post and with good reason , I've been in all kinds of drama .

Let's start with my old place in the Queensway Court Projects in Brooks Alberta . My roomates where being drunken basterds , spending all their money on boose and drugs . They didn't wanna pay for rent and phone / heat / electricity bills . I got stuck with everyrthing man !! Well I moved outta Brooks and into Medicine Hat Alberta . I had all these bills to pay right so I was like , well let's save some money , let's go camping for a while !!

- And that's exactly what I did ; I went camping for 3 n ' half months on the shores of the South Saskatchewan River . The River is Medicine Hat's River and it's very beautifull . I had a lot of fun nights sleeping under the stars . I had a dope ass water - proof Tent and 3 sleeping bags that kept me warm on those few cool nights ... It was a quite mild fall in this 2003 year in Southern Alberta .

Lake Side Packers has a Private Bus Company called " Totem " that drives us to work and back home after work to Medicine Hat . I've always liked riding in buses and the stimulating conversations that accompany bus riding ...

Well right before Holloween , we had a major BLizzard . I'm talking big time Blizzard , even big for Southern Albertan proportions . It was a Wensday Night at work and it was pouring rain outside . Then , around 11:15 P.M. we had our last coffee break and it started to snow . Well around Midnight , while I was pulling assholes out of cows doing my job with my Zone 5 pre-gut buddy Garang Maya , the lights went out !! - And stayed out for 48 Hours !!!! We had to throw away 85 Good Cows and we got Thursday Off From Work . We did get paid Double Time for Wensday Night as we stayed at work till 3:15 A.M. , then they told everyone to go home . It took 6 fricken hours to get from Lakeside Packers to Medicine Hat . Usually It takes 1 Hour on the bus . The Bus was going 20 Miles per hour , really really slow . We where pretty much the only people out on the hiway . Nobody was out there . There was 3 Dozen , mayby more , cars and trucks stranded or overturned on the Trans - Canada Hiway .

I got back to the Hat , did my Newspaper Route , hung around the Downtown area . Went to 7-11 , Blockbuster Video , My Storage Falicity ( Which I stored all of my belongings while I was living in the tent ) , paper route and then I went into the river to find where the hell my tent was ...

Seriously , with 25 C.M. of Fresh New Snow Blowing all over the place , I could not find my tent . But I have great Outdoor Instincts , simular to what animals have . And I trudgged and jumped around hoping to land on the roof of my tent . There was a familly of deer , 4 of them , just starring at me . They couldn't believe me , a human being , was out in the middle of the night , by the river jumping up and down in the snow in - 20 Degree Celcius weather . I paid no attention to the gawking deer and contined the search for my snow - enduced tent . Well I finally find it . It was totally burried by the snow . I feared the worst , that my tent would be smowed out . When I digged the snow from it and shook the tent , my fears dissapeared . The tent sprang back up to it's usual self and inside everything was dry . Whooo . Boy was I relieved . I went to sleep that night and slept dam good , inside my tent , in my warm winter Canadian Tire Sleeping Bag , with Snow surrounding my tent outside ... It kept on snowing that week and the South Saskatchewan River grew higher and higher .... One Night the local goose and duck population where screaming and hollaring all night and there was thousands of them gathered by the river , which was 4 Metres away from me at the moment . I thought nothing of it and went to sleep . Got up the next day and went to work ...

When I got back to my tent from work , I had my JVC Video Camera On by the way Filming all of this , I noticed right before I got to my tent the ground beneath me was cracking up and I was Steeping into water . OH SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dam river had FLOODED ME !!!!!!!!!!! I Couldn't Believe it , my free rent , my beautifull tent , my home had been flooded out . I opened the tent up and when in there and the whole thing was wet ! My sleeping bags where wet , everything was messed up . I was shocked . There was a bunch of clothes piled up on the Left Side of the Tent and the top of the clothes was a little sry so I tried to sleep on it . But I just lied there , thinking about what the hell I would do next ...

I had loved the tent . Many nights , beside the tent outside , I looked up into the Stars and danced with my sony Walman Tape Player on pumping the tunes . I danced nude and ran around the river in the middle of night while everybody else in Medicine Hat was sleeping . I was having the time of my life man . But then this dam blizzard had to hit and then few days later the dam river got flooded . I stayed awake for 3 days .

Shocked from losing my home , I stayed awake for 3 days . At Night , after work , I would walk around and try to find a new location for my beloved tent , away from the flooded river but everywhere I went there was footprints and too much snow . My location by the river was perfect cause nobody went where I was and at the same time I was really close to Downtwon Medicine Hat and the Bus Stop .

Eventually I gave up on Tent - Living and found a place to live ... My new place is a 4 - Plex . Our unit has 2 Floors . Upstairs there's 3 rooms and a washroom . Downstairs there's a kitchen , washroom and living room , all of which are pretty big . I got lucky I guess finding such a nice place for such a low price in such short time . I guess God helped me out . I moved in with half of November over so I only had to pay half of the rent . I paid $ 125 . The month's rent at my place for me is only $ 250 and that Includes everything , even Internet !!! I live with 3 other people , 2 girls and 1 guy . There the same age as me . I live right beside the Medicine Hat Public Library which is in Downtown Medicine Hat . I'm also pretty dam close to the flooded river still . It's a lot more warmer when I sleep now !! Believe that Homie !!!

I've been doing a lot of beat production and song writing latly ... Like I've said before , Alberta is great for $$$ , But Bad for finding people to rap with ... Country and Rock rule down here ... Calgary and Edmonton do have hipp - hop , Calary even has a 24 Hour Rap Station called 98.5 FM The Vibe ... But I live far away from those Cities ....

Chistmas Is Fast Approaching and I see that has a lot more people listening to my Christmas Songs from my 3 rd Album " A J Child Christmas " that I made in late 1997 . That album always gets hot around this time of year . If you're interested in buying a copy , please e-mail me at : and we're work an arrangement out . . .

I'm also mixing Songs that Duece has done as I prepare to drop his Debut Album : " Eastside Creepen " . Hopefully , If I can Pull It off , I can do his album before Christmas and have it out Tuesday December.23'2003 ... Keep you're Fingers crossed on that There Playaz ... Peter Black's 2 nd. Album has been Delayed Once Again . European Mafia's Third Album " Siccc Siccc Siccc " is also Delayed . I'm still waiting to get a few disks from Duece for that Album ...

Nature Boy The Movie is coming along nicly . We've recorded a few funny skits on the Lake Side Totem Buses ..... Jugo Style Is In The Making for a March 2004 Release . Currently I'm writing the song " Payback 3 " . . .

Any of ya playaz out there that wanna pass some rap song lyrics , ideas onto Step , please e-mail me at .

Seasons Greatings , Peace Be In Broadmour .

You're Boy Step Daddy J


December.8'2003Monday 12:58 A.M.











Good Evening ya'll . Hope this summer of 2003 is sizzling hot ! Anyways unto the news ...

Peter Black's new album : " Orange Roughfee " has been delayed till December . We have all the songs and what not done , it's just problems with financing .

Jon Danijel Jugovich the C.E.O. of Jugovich Records works for a Meat Manufacturing ( Slaughter House ) Plant in Brooks Alberta called Lakeside Packers . Since mid - May , they found a cow with mad - cow disease and all cows being shipped to U.S.A. have been stopped .

Most of our cows we kill go to the States so with the borders closed Mr. Jugovich work hours went quickly down and thus John's income was drastically cut . Instead of taking home $ 1 ,100 every 2 weeks , John Jugovich was taking $ 650 home every two weeks .

Making albums an't free , it costs a lot of money to do this kind of stuff . We all live here on our own , with our homies . We got rent , gas , hyro , cable , phone and cell bills to pay . Plus Step Daddy J ' s paying $ 248 a month for his computer , and the payments won't be complete till this December . Step's also owns the government over $ 1 , 500 in Taxes . The government ' s taken $ 260 a month from me yo . But it's all good cuz I got to pay off my debts . And when I do , I think I'll be in the market for a J- Child ride . My government payments will be completed by February 2004 . When all my payments are complete I'll be so happy yo !!

Legally I'm allowed back into the States Holloween Night 2004 . It's the stupid laws . If you've got a record the United States doesn't allow you into their country . Even if you're off probation , they still won't let you in . They make you wait 3 years after you're probation is finished , then you can go get you're Canadian Pardon to seal you're Record so nobody knows it ever exhisted . You can also go get you're American Waiver which allows you legal entry into the U.S.A. . The Canadian Pardon cost $ 380 . The American Waier cost $ 460 and you have to renew it every year ... Very Expensive !!

The summer out here has been nothing short of beautifull . Every day it's sunny here and we get high's of 32 Degrees Celcius and Lows of 14 .

Durring the Civic Holiday Long Weekend , I went back to B.C. In Brooks we had to work Saturday so I came back to tha Rich town on Sunday morning . I stayed all day Sunday , I never went to sleep after work on Saturday , but I was so excited to be back in B.C. for a few days that I was just pumped up . Sunday night I was at the Anual Seas Festival that goes down in White Rock Beach . They got this parade that run down tha strip for 2 hours with all sorts of stuff going on . It was cooler in B.C. then in Alberta . After the parade I hooked up with Duece and we recorded a 90 - minute tape full of music . Fun was had by thius August European Mafia gathering ... I shure wish Crazy K could be around .. But we all know why he's called Crazy K , cause he's crazy . Just can't find him sometimes , he's lost in the streets or whatever the hell he's doing . I wish him all the best ...

Monday Night me and Deez Nutz my brother went to the Pacific Coluseum to watch WWE Raw . It was a dam good show . Beleive it or not , this was the first time I ever saw Nature Boy Ric Flair wrestle live . I took so many pictures . I Idolized Flair as a kid growing up and seeing him wrestle 20 years later as a young adult is priceless , especially since It was live ! No , I didn't get on the Camera this time , I was sitting on the 8 th row on the opposite side of the camera , So you could not see Step Daddy J on T.V. on Raw ... .

Tuesday I was back at work killing Cows ! Speaking of cows , the border has been partially opened , so we're all happy here to get production back up and some bigger pay checks .... We've worked 6 days a week for a month straight now as Summer is the bussiest time for Slaughter ....

Back to the music , Peter Black , Nature Boy 2 , European Mafia and Duece should hopefully all be released in the month of December 2003 , making all ya'll Christmas Present wishes come true . This will be Duece 's first album on Jugovich Records so it will be a hot gift for the Christmas Season fo sho ' !

Kurt Angle is the new WWE Champion and is feuding with Brock Lesnar , the former champ now . Look for these two great Athletes to have a Re - match of their Wrestle Mania 19 match 2 weeks from now on Sunday August.24'2003 at Summer Slam . The U.S. Championship has been re - introduced to WWE Smackdown , I really like this title . When I was younger I used to remmber all those Great U.S. Champions in the N.W.A. like Lex Luger , Tully Blanchard and Magnum T.I. . Eddie Guerrero , who has been on a torrid hot streak as of late , won it at Smackdown's PPV Vengeance last month in July .

Triple H is still Champ on the WWE Raw side of things . I can't understand why Rob Van Dam hasn't had a run with the title . RVD is the best pure athlete on Raw and is way quicker then Triple H and just as strong .

Well that's it for now , It's 8:43 P.M. on another sunny warm Brooks Alberta Evening , me Tony G and Medicine Man are all heading down to the Theater to catch some flicks , they got Free Re - fills for Large Popcon so you know Step Daddy's happy ! Peace out ya'll !!



August.10'2003,Sunday,8:45 P.M.



Step Daddy J









It's Official ! Peter Black's Second Album " Orange Roughfee " will be released July . 29 ' 2003 Tuesday . This is the newest Album from Jugovich Records , Album # 0019 .

Also in the news , Jugovich Records has decided to bring tapes back ! Jugovich Records started out with cassete tapes and now we've been doing C.D.'s for the past 3 years . Well Jugovich records has decided to now put out both C.D.'s and Tapes . Orange Roughfee will be the first album availalbe on both C.D. and Tape . C.D. 's as usual will cost $ 10 and tapes will be a cheap $ 5 .

The Advantage of Tapes over C.D.'s is that when you run or walk really fast with a C.D. walkman playing , you're C.D. might and will skip and occasionally sctatch you're C.D. Also in Cars , if you go over a bump or bumpy road , you're C.D. player will skip . With Tapes , they never skip and they don't damage at all eighther . For Jugovich Records Fans , the biggest advantage of Tapes over C.D.'s is that you're getting 40 More Minutes of Music !! C.D.'s can only hold 80 Minutes of Music . Tapes Can Hold 120 Minutes !!!! Plus buying tapes from Jugovich Records will give you more bang for you're buck as Tapes will cost you only $ 5

Orange Roughfee will be the first Jugovich Records Album availalbe on both C.D. and Tape . The Tape Version of Orange Roughfee will have extra songs and be 40 Minutes longer then the C.D. version . As the Summer Months Progress , Jugovich Records will also make their other previous albums available on Tape as well for only $ 5 per tape !!!

Get you're Orange Roughfee C.D. for $ 10 and Orange Roughfee Tape for $ 5 !! Send Cash , Check or Money Order to : Jugovich Records 9 Queens Way Court Brooks Alberta T1R 0P2

" Orange Roughfee " will be a classic Album so be shure to order your' es today !! Some Pimped Out Jugovich Tunez For Tha Summer !!!!

Step Daddy J

June.19'2003 Thursday










The Summer Wind , Came Blowing In Across The Sea . Oh The Summer Wind ...

Man , what a weekend here in Brooks !! Every day , Saturday and Sunday it was sunny and 25 Degrees Celcius with a good summer breeze . I got my two pools out finally and filled them with water in my backyard which gets lot's of sun . I went walking around the beautifull Stafford Lake which is a moderatly sized lake right by my place . My momz called me and I talked to her while i was walking round the lake . I walked to the Lighhouse portion and the wind off the lake just made everything feel so comfortable . Later , in my backyard , I was joined by next - door neighbours Sudden Furry , Jackie and Hoey . Then quickly a few kids came and started pling in my two pools . These kids came and never left !! They where rowdy and and having a good time in the water . While this was going on , my buddy from work Todd came and picked me up and took me to Lake Newell . That's the big lake where everybody in Brooks goes to Swim . It's huge and the waters cool , very beautifull place .

Later , I got back to my backyard and Medicine Man and Tony G came . Peter Black was around and he recordeda few songz with Sudden Furry . One song in particular was a keeper and will go on Peter Black's Second Album entitled : " Orange Roughe " That's the next album from Jugovich Records .

More into the night T - Lok and a cool buddy came from the Lake Side Trailors . T - Lok came here last month and is now also working for LakeSide Packers . T rapped with us for a few hours and everybody had fun . Step's Beat Machine's Output was messed up but T ' s friend fixed it up good .

Today Sunday I hung in my Backyard with the 2 pools and my Sterio System pounding sweet Downlow Beats . the kids where playing in my pool all day as well . We even chased a few horses and ran up the hill by Stafford Lake and I found tons of wild cactuses growing there . Wow , Cactuses , that means that North Hill , Brooks Alberta , my neighbourhood is on Semi - Desert Land .

Being in the sun the last two days I've developed quite the dark tan . That's my kind of life , Sleeping , Eating and tanning Outside !! After 8 months of winter , let the summer Begin !!!



Hey whutup , this is Step Daddy J , coming out ya from North Hill Alberta . Hope everybodies Easter was tight yo !! I partied Thursday , Friday and Saturday Night at the El Roncho Motel with Medicien Man , Tony G and my # 1 partner Duece ! Duece came down here from tha 5 C in Richmond B.C. and we get Crunk for the 2003 Easter Long Weekend ! We had a ball , so much fun and we recorded 3 80 Minute C.D.'s yo . Medicine Man , Peter Black , Johnny Juuann , and Tony G from BCGZ joined European Mafia's Duece to bust out sweet Mid West Crunk Funk and a few Hallarious Disses and Skits . We also video camera recorded a ton of shit as well as some pimped out pictures . Duece and Step Daddy had 2 portable picture cameras and took real tight pictures yo ...

This is Duece now :

What'z goen doewn playaz ? Ya'll keepenm it crunk ? You'll smoken on Skunk ?ASre you sippen on 40's getting drumnk ? Do you got the White Wigga in the trunk getting drunk . You smoking that Mid - West Funk ? What'z everybody in Richtown , Vancity , Brooks , Medicine Hat , 5 C , Broadmour , you know all them tight places . We don't give a dam bout No . 1 Road and Francis . Time's short but my walleet an't , we poppin collas stackin dollars , from tha mid west to the funeral palours .

We got many Digits , and we takin pictures on Bridges , I wanna give a shout out to my playaz in Brooks : Dustin , Tony , Step Daddy , All the good lookin woman out there , 604 to the 403 , we doen this 4 eternity . 5 C And I'm out ! - Duece April.21'2003 , Monday , 2:56 A.M.



Yeah that was my partner Duece , we had a real good Easter Long Weekend here in Eastern Alberta . Medicine Hat all weekend and back in Brooks for Sunday afternoon and night , ya'll know how true Jugovich Downlow Playaz keepen that game on tight ... Ya'll enjoy these new pictures now ....


April.21'2003 , Monday 2:58 A.M.


Step Daddy J

























































Hey whutup , this is Step . Nice to be getting all the positive feedback from my songs on SoundClick . It's a really great way for people to listen to Step Daddy who have heard of me but not my music , well , now they can !! You just go to Soundlclick and Stream or Dowload my music for free !! Then , if you're true to this game , you send $ 10 for each C.D. to Jugovich Records 9 Queens Way Court Brooks Alberta T1R 0P3 . I'm on a tight budget as I'm saving money for a brand new sports car .... We accept cash , check or money orders . Please make checks payable to : John Jugovic .

Anyways here in Brooks It's warmed up quite considerable the past 2 weeks . It was - 25 when March started , now it's a comforatable + 10 ! I really like living in the North Hill area of Brooks . It's kinda like Broadmour with all the townhouses and all . It's dope being close to everything . Last Saturday Night March . 15 th the new neighbours moved in and a few of thme knew me from work . I brought my video camera , JVC Kaboom Box and Beat machine to their house and we partied the night away rapping !! It was quite fun . There was this one white guy wearing shades and rapping kiddie rhymes , it was quite funney , we got everything on Video ...

Just in case anybodies wandering , Jugovich Records is now doing 4 C.D's a year . Last year , 2002 , We did a brand new C.D. every month . While doing that was very fun , it was also quite time - cumsuming and very expensive . We just can't continue to make new albums every month . Step is saving his money for a brand new sports car so making 4 albums and 1 movie a year is quite enough and very affordable ...

Peter Black's album will be dropping Summer 2003 . This will be Peter Black's 2 nd Album and fo sho a classic ! This is the next album from Jugovich Records . Our current album is Step's 7 Album : " I Can Get Any Girl In Broadmour " .

Wrestle Mania is in 2 weeks . I can't wait for Hulk Hogan to beat the crap outta Vince McHaman . Kurt Angle is wrestling in possibly his last match . Kurt's Neck is fucked up kinda like Shawn Micheal's back was messed in Wrestle Mania 14 . Angle will always be remembered as the guy with the gold medals and the big mouth . He shure is classic !!

Nothing interesting happening in tha Richtown . Just a bunch of losers smokimg coke talken bad , saying this saying that . I don't care about them ... I'm very happy here in Brooks !!

I hope there arn't too many casulties in the lastest Gulf War . War sucks but it's a price people pay for freedom !!

Summer's on the way , Spring is here !! Peace ya'll !


March.20'2003 5:00 A.M.

















We are the champions my friends ! Happy feelingz everyone , it's all good here in Brooks ! My new place in Norh Brooks is awesome . Close to all the stores and right beside the Brooks Greyhound .

On the past weekend my workplace Lake Side Packers had it's 9 th annual curling fun-spiel at the Brooks Curling rink . I was on the same team as Lake Side's president ; Brent Altwasser . He's a very nice guy . He and the two other team members showed me how to curl , cause I nerver curled before . I started slowly . I always would put to much power on the curling rock or not enough and it wouldn't go to the point area . But somewhere in between the third game , I found my curling game . That third game , that was the semi-finals , our team played extrodinary well !! We where 3-0 and on our way to the Finals !

I called Dustin , woke him up , and told him to get his ass down to the curling rink . He watched the final and gave me some tips along the way . What a final it was !

The game was low-scoring and went back and forth . It went all the way to overtime as the game was tied and we had a tiebraker to see who would win . The tie braker format was that one person from each team would shot the rock and the rock closest to the centre line would win . Well I shot first and my rock went very close to the centre . The next shooter shot and it went to far . Ta da , We where crowned 2003 Lakeside Packers Curling Fun-spiel Champions , and I got the winning Shot !

Brent bought me and the team free drinks . I got red - wine . There was really good Beef at the dinner and man did I get my eat on ! Dusten ate too , even though he wasn't part of the event , I snuck him into the dinner ! I like to eat a big meal , then starting drinking socially acaholic beverages . When my red wine was half finished , Dustin poured some Vodca Ice Cooler into it and when I drank it , wow !! It tasted so good . My good friend Dustin has created a drink !! It's red wine mixed with Vodca Ice Cooler . That shit tasted like Cherry 7 - Up !! I just couln't stop loving and drinking this new beverage !

Me and Dustin sat and talked and drank for the longest time , we where the last to leave the bar . What a Night it was !!

Later , we went back to my new place and another homie , Drake , came over . Dustin brought his Playstation 2 game and we played Vice City , Step Daddy J's new favourite Video Game . This game totally rocks playaz !! That same night Duece called and we talked on the phone for hours . Man , that Saturday March.8'2003 was something Special !!



March.10'2003 Monday

Step Daddy J









Hey wazup ya'll . Well I went to B.C. a few weeks ago as we had 3 days off payd here in Brooks Alberta . Sadly folks , the hip - hop scene in my old hometown of Richmond is Dieing . There's way to much partying going on and NOT ENOUGH HARD WORK being dun towards establishing tha Richtown as a hip - hop hot bed . You can't party every day and expect to get sighned by a major label . And you can't steal beats from people and rhyme unto them claiming you produced it and it's you're album . You can't make underground album after underground album and not perform in any conncerts at all . But sadly , all the M.C.'s I see in Richmond just wanna party every day . They just wanna get high , get drunk every night . A lot of them snort and smoke Cocaine . A lot of them tell me they dont care if they die young from the conquences of their daily habits . Well I think there's a huge problem , epidemic in tha Rich-town . Way too much Fucken Drugs ! It's everywhere ! It's very disturbing to me ! Young lives being destroyed by alcahol and drugz .

Some of you may think I am being to preachy , well so what , I don't want my friends dying young , cause then I won't have any friends when I'm 60 . You see playaz I do not smoke and I drink only on special occasions and these occasions I drink Red Wine which is the healthiest alcahol you can drink cause red wine has anti - auxidents . I keep myself very healthy and plan to live to at least 120 .

People always asking me to come party with them and shit . With Step Daddy J it's work before play . I like to save my money and have a good future yo .

Don't freak out yo , I like to party and have fun , but not all the time , just when it's time to celebrate , I celebrate hard . Just tellen ya'll , SAVE YOU'RE FUCKEN MONEY !!! If you do you will win at the end of the day !



WWF's paper-view No - Way Out had Hulk Hogan vs . The Rock as it's main event and I think It's sucked . The whome match they just ran around like a bunch of faggots . It was nothing like there first match in WrestleMania 18 last year . The Rock won as Mr. McHaman helped him win .


Sales for my new album " I Can Get Any Girl In Broadmour " are really slow so I put a few songz on the Internet hoping to spark an increase in sales . check out some cool pimpified realistic Step Daddy J tunez yo . Go to :

Once you hear these tunez ya'll , playaz holla back wit $ 10 to : Jugovich Records 9 Queens Way Court Brooks Alberta T1R 0P3 . We accept Cash , Checks or Money Orders . Please pay to : John Jugovic .

For more info call tha Jugovich Records Hotline at : 403 - 501 - 3809


It's -15 here in Brooks . I moved into my new place last night . It took me 6 fucken hours to move all my shit . Props going out to my homie Tod . He helped me move and I really appreciate it ! Thanks Tod !

My new place is located in North Brooks and it's a lot closer to my day job LakeSide Packers as well to a lot of stores . Before I had to walk 35 Minutes to get to the mall . Now I only have to walk 8 . I'm also only 30 Seconds walk away from the Grey Hound Bus Depot , so I'm loven my new spot ! My room is 3 X bigger and my rent is 35 % cheaper . I luv it yo !


Somebody just called me again , to go out and party , but I said no . Cause I'm at home , it's peacefull , it's warm and I'm gonna go to the living room to watch some wrastling ' . Have a good Saturday Night yo , Peace !


Step Daddy J March . 2 '2003 , Saturday Night
















The following guest editorial was submitted to by Sean "X-Pac" Waltman.

Good Bye My Friend You were the last of the "Old Guard"

I just received the news that another one of ours is gone. That kind of news hits me hard, But it doesn't really shock me anymore. When Owen Hart died it hit extra hard because he did everything the right way and still didn't get the pay off in the end.

Today's loss is the first to hit me that hard since Owen. Not for the same reasons, though. Today one of my best friends died. And today a bridge between the past and the future of our business has been lost. Curt Hennig is a personality that could light up even the most dismal locker room. He was perhaps the funniest, and funniest person I know. He and Owen had a lot in common that way. Two of the funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Both are no longer with us.

I just want to try briefly to give some people an idea, who might not realize the magnitude of Curt's contributions the careers of many of us, of the mark he left on Wrestling. Curt took me under his wing when I was 20 years old and just entering the WWF. He instilled many of the values I have in understanding the wrestling business, and that it is our responsibility to pass down the knowledge as it was passed to us. Or as he passed to me. But he has influenced the careers of so many of the greats in wrestling. Guys who then in turn did the same. Like a pyramid effect. Shawn Michaels and Scott Hall are the two I think of first. They were with Curt in the AWA days. I just remembered that it was Curt who actually coined the nick name "Heart Break Kid" on an episode of Primetime Wrestling. It was from a country singer named Chris LeDoux's song.

He always had a way of relating situations in wrestling to a country song. He loved driving down the road with friends and singing country tunes. I had some of my best times with Curt. He was also the kind of guy who could "hold court" any where. He was always laughing, and I will tell you that Curt Hennig enjoyed LIFE! He made sure no matter how shitty things were, he was damn sure gonna create some fun.

He was the King of All Ribbers as well. I ended up with no eyebrows after my first road trip with him. I actually have gone from tears to having a great big grin on my face as I'm writing this. I don't feel like Curt was short-changed in life. He had one hell of a life. He always told me that a guy should have fun no matter what. He would quote older wrestlers and I remember him talking about Lonnie Mayne. I think it was him, if not it was someone like that who said that he always said, "Every day is Christmas and every meal is a Banquet" or something like that.

If anyone was shortchanged I will say it was his children and wonderful wife Leonice. Leonice and Curt were together since high school. If ever there was a wrestler's wife who was a saint, it was her. She hung in there like a champ. He had four kids. Joe is the oldest, I think 22 or 23 , then Amy and Kate. Then there is Hank. He's a lot like Curt. His name is actually Curtis Henry, just Hank for short. He is my son Jesse's age, almost 11 years old.

I don' t know what the circumstances are surrounding this. I just know I lost a close friend and wrestling has lost probably the last guy from the old "guard" that wanted to still teach the new guys the right way.

A lot of people are going to use this as there reason to get back up on their soap boxes and talk about how bad wrestling is. Well, go ahead if it makes you feel like you are doing good. I know from living the life that things will be always be the way they have always been. Right or wrong. We all know and freely choose the road we travel through life on. Curt knew better than anyone, Just like I do and so many others that are here today or that have passed away.

I learned many valuable lessons from Curt Hennig, and I believe he taught me one thing above all else: It's how you live, not how you die, and you never know when your number is up, so don't think you'll do something tomorrow because there may not be one.

I Love you Curt, and you will be missed more than you knew. Thanks for everything. Thanks for giving back more than you took from our sport!



Step Daddy J Remembers Curt Henning :


Wow , Another Wrestling great dead . I remember in the late 1980's when Curt Henning first came to the WWF . He seemed so Confident , so Young and Unstopable . Well 15 years later he's dead . Who would have thunk that ? - Not me ! I'll always remember " Mr. Perfect "Curt Henning as the Cockiest Intercontinental Champion of all time and as the guy who spit gum out of his mouth and then swatted the gum in thin air away with his hand . I've been doing that , ever since I saw Curt Henning do it in 1988 .

I'll always remember Curt even though I never met him . I most have watched thousands of WWF and WCW Curt Henning Matches and I knew that he was special .

God Bless you Curt , know you;re re-united with you're best friend : Ravishing Rick Rude .













Happy Thanksgiving !!

I got off work in Brooks and got a ride from Blue hat Khan . Nice dude , funny conversations . I brought 2 Big suitcases with me cause I wanted to pick up " some more stuff " , stuff that I didn't bring with me the first time I left . I came to Calgary on the Greyhound , only 2 hours from Brooks , pretty good . I got to Calgary at 5: 45 A.M. and it was - 11 C with 3 C.M. of snow on the ground ...

My plane took off after 10 A.M. and I slept for an hour . When I woke up I was in Vancouver . My mom came and picked me up , I came home and slept for the first time in my bed in 9 weeks . I woke up , showered , put on some fat gear , had dinner with my parents and my 86 year old great - ant Baba Manya . She is the older sister of my late Grandmother Paulina . For an 86 year , Baba Manya can shure get around . After finishing up tha plates I went on tha 407 bus down to London Drugs where I met Duece . The European Mafia Thanksgiving Party 2002 Started !!!! I snuck into a closed London Drugs where I bought 1 disposable camera , Duece already had his and we took pictures all night long , some crazy - ass European Mafia shit mannnn !!!

Anyways , since our old Rhyming spot Alberta Road Park has has all of it's Power Outlets suspended of electricity , European Mafia walked around tha Rich town . We recored Near Planet Fitness on Gilbert Road then around 3 A.M. tha janitor unplugged our extension cord so we went elsewhere . 4:30 A.M. you could find us eaten and chillen at Burger King . I got 2 Double Hamburgers and 2 Double Cheese Whoppers and drank it down with a Strawberry 14 % Mud Slide . Me and Duece went to this nice little cozy Cold Beer Store by a hotel and I bumped into this Mudsslide drink . Needless to say , It's one hell of a discovery for tha J Child !! I also bout 1.5 L of Red Wine . Duece had Corrona Beer and 3 L of tha Wicked Carlos Rossi .

By the end of tha night , the sun was up and EM was still rapping and drinking !!!! We recorded just over 3 hours or bomb ass rap music and it was it was a hell of a time !!! Now that I live in Alberta , you know we don't get to see each other that much so we we do , we gotta kick ass and have fun !!

I wish I could have rapped with T- Loc but his cell phone has been taken away from him due to T's inability to come up with the money to pay his cell phone bill . I wish T could move to Alberta and make some good money Like I am making , but I don't know where he is ....

I called Chronic Sypth this weekend to get Peter Black's 2 nd album off of him , but he still says it's not finished . Man , that Chronic Sypth guy spends a lot of time doing something , ...

Sunday i went to my Uncle Marko and we had a good familly time . I recorded my dad Crazy Vlado saying some really funny wierd things .

It's early Monday morning right now , 3: 22 A.M. but I'm full of energy and I'ma stay awake all day today , I leave tonight Monday Night back to Brooks Alberta ...

Hope to catch ya ...


Thanksgiving Day Long Weekend 2002












Hey , Step , let me go on here , hey Step can I go , can I go ? Allright I can ? Thanks Croatian ..

Hey it's Peter Black , yah know What I mean ? We're chillen here with a few of our budddies Here in Prime Time Sports Bar in Brooks Alberta watching WWF Unforgiven . H.L.A. is very nice ! Anyways i just dropped by to tell ya'll that Step is drunk of that House Red Wine and Ivan Jugovich is looking down a few skirts . We're all having fun here !! If you have some spare time , check out my latest update in my web page : .

It's real nice in tha Mid West . Later , Yah Know what I mean ?

Peter Black September . 22 '2002 Sunday




Dear Jugovich Records Fans . The September album for Jugovich Records will not be BCGZ " Selling Drugz For Luvz " As originally planned . Step left that material in West Broadmour . However , tha J Child did bring a lot of other hot brand- new material with him to Southern Alberta . So the September 2002 Jugovich Records Album # 0014 will be : Nature Boy the Movie Soundtrack . Step Daddy J along with Duece , T- Lok , M.C. Fluid , Crazy K , European Mafia , Richtown's Finest , Chronic Sypth , Croatian Gang and a few new East Vancouver Rappers like B.F.D. and others will be featured in this Hot Sultry Nature Boy Soundtrack . You can get this Hot Ish buy sending $ 10 for each C.D. to General Delivery Brooks Alberta T1R 1E4 .

Chronic Sypth has a few Jugovich Records tracks in his Seafair Richmond Town-house and we are wating for Chronic to mail them to us ...

My partner 4 life in this cold game , Duece , has a Step Daddy J album coming out under his Downlow Brand . It will have some old and brand new material that nobodies heard before It should be a classic , you know how Downlow gets down , Duece produces as tight as he flows to tha rap beat ! In July Duece showed me the cover of " J Tha Rippa " and it's sick , totally siccc !!!

Also , watch out for Down Low Records to release a Brand New Hip-Hop magazine dedicated striclty 4 tha West , Mid-west and South Coast . Duece told me tha first ishue will have Step Daddy J on the cover and a huge article on tha J -Child entitled " He's Left Tha Richtown " Props going out to T- Lok from Burkville . Me and him are cool now and before I left the Rich Town we recorded 30 blazen tracks . Some of them are in the Nature Boy Soundtrack C.D. Let me tell ya , T is a rapper steadily on tha rise . Watch out for this boy , he's hungry like Crazy K right before welfare day !!

Aman Dhecko has been dropped officially from Jugovich Records . Inconsistency to rap and appear as well as bad attitude and an ugly crooked Elfonzo - shaped noze are the main causes of this firing ( The Second firing in Jugovich Records history ; Godfather was the first )

I-tap's producer has yet to e-mail me , I've been waiting 7 months for his reply . I never knew buffet tables where open 24 hours in Seafair ...

Well I'm liven major out here . I worked 16 hours last night Friday the 13 th . I love my new job . My boss Henry is the nicest boss I've ever had !! I have some major plans for the Step Daddy J Charecter here Alberta . It's gonna be a lot of FUN !!

Well it's Sunny and Warm today in Medicine Hat , I hope ya'll is sunny and warm too . Buy Eve's new album " Eve-olution , it really surprised me how dope Eve really is !!

Untill tha next episode , just CHILL

Step Daddy J

Saturday September . 14 ' 2002 2:40 P.M.







Hey wazzup , it's yo boy Step . Well I've been down here in Brooks Alberta for almost one month , and bouy let me tell you I am just having a blast ! The firtst two weeks I was here it was fricken cold ! But the last two weeks have been averaging 25 Degrees Celcius and have been very nice . I 've gone to Medicine Hat Alberta the last two weekends . They have outdoor pools , Future Shop , Sports Check and London Drugs over there , Brooks doesn't ... They've got this all you can eat place called " Medicine Hat all you can eat " and they 've got Breakfast all you cab eat for $ 4 !! And it's not crap , it's really good !! I have breakfast in the morning , go to Heald pool in the Riverside area of tha Hat durring the day . Early evening I'm in Future Shop and partying with the electronic's guys at London Drugs . Then 8 to 10 P.M. I'm back at the Buffet watching WWF Velocity and WWF Cinfidential. Then I eighther go to Boston Pizza to Watch WWF Livewire or go to Ezzies Night Club to get my play on .... ( This is a typical Saturday Night for me ) ...

I work at a Slaughter House down here in Brooks Alberta and if any of ya'll wanna come down here and get $ 11.65 starting wage an hour and free room for a month , then e-mail me at . I get $ 500 cash for people employed by my company who where refered from me . So come on down .... !!! $$

Music - wise , I'm producing a lot of Tracks right now ! The last two weeks I've made about 40 Clear Crisp Bumpen' Funken ' Jugovich Records Instrumentals !! I hear a lot of local music from my old home and the problem I got with it is that the music quality is very poor . The noise is not crisp but staticky , the music is not 24 - Bit like myn , but 16 or 8 ( A lot of Old Computer's make 8-Bit , I do not like 8 Bit). The list just goes on and on , anyways , It's a secret how I make my music so good , well it's not really a secret , you just have to have the best dam equipment , then you're music will be criply clear !!

Time for me to gerzo so untill next time , take you vitamins , say you're prayers and listen to you're Jugovich Records C.D.'s . Oh yeah , props to Vinnie Bernard of South Virginia . This guy hooked up with Snoop Dogg of Doggy Stlye Records and on Snoop's new Complilation C.D. , Vinnie Bernard does two tracks and they are just so heated !! Track 18 called " Trouble " just blew me the heck away !! It's got a summer beach boy's feeling with a hip-hop groove to it ! Sweet ish !!

Peace ,

Step Daddy J

August.30'2002,Friday , 1:53 P.M. Brooks Alberta Sunny 26 C








Well it's been 12 days since I packced up my bags , went on a airplane to the Calgary International Airport and Greyhounded it down south to Brooks Alberta . I've explored Brooks , a small town with a population of 15,000 . It's got everything a playa needs . Safeway , Weightlifting Club , Computer Store , Library and Night Club . There's a big lake called Lake Newell 15 Minute drive south of Brooks that you can go swimming in .

Anyways , Alberta is tha bomb ! I am telling ya'll , this place is BOOMING !!! There are jobs , jobs and more jobs here ! You walk down the streets all you can see are Help Wanted Sighns . In the classifields of newspapers , you got 3 pages of people looking to hire employees . Man oh man , is Alberta a goldmyn !

Well durring my move I left a few things in West Broadmour so Jugovich Records will be a little slower in the coming weeks as we settle in to Alberta . The computer is in Broadmour so I'm gonna by a used computer here in Brooks ; I just spoke to an owner of a computer shop and I can get a good used computer with CD R for $ 500 ( Windows 98 included ) . I'll add in from there my music and label software ...

I'm working for a meat processing plant here in Brooks Alberta . Brooks , by the way , IS NOT CALGARY !! Brooks is a 85 Minute drive South-West of Calgary ... Medicine Hat is about an hour drive South East of Brooks . There is no London Drugs or Future Sop in Brooks but Medicine Hat and Calgary both have it ... And by the way , Lethbridge is about 70 Minutes South West of Brooks and Winnipeg is 5 N'Half hours East of Here driving fast .

Now that I'm living in South Central Alberta , I'd like to consider myself a Mid-West Rapper , sort of Texas - Like . (Alberta is the most Canadian Province which most closly resembles the USA State of Texas )

It's been cloudy , cool and raining here the last two weeks . When I first came on Sunday moring August.4'2002 Alberta recorded it's earliest snowfall ever and broke 100 year old Temperture records for Cold weather . A few communites halfn'hour west of Calgary got up to 5 C.M. of Snow that day and dipped below 0 degrees Celcius , thus breaking records . See , it was a cold day when the J Child move to Alberta ....

Calgary does have an Hip-Hop Radio station on 24 / 7 , it's called 96.9 FM . They got crazy parties and promotions so it's real cool up here . Weekdays I work and live in Brooks but weekends I plan to go to different places every weekend . Like this weekend I plan to go to Medicine Hat .. I wanna check out Future Shop and London Drugs , I really miss those darn places !!

IF you havn't already , buy the Augst Album from Jugovich Records by Aman Dhecko entitled " My LAst Name is Deal And I Am A Hindo " . It's 18 tracks of solid Richtown Funk featuring me , Duece , Crazy Vlado and Crazy K . You'll love it , $ 10 only , e-mail me ( My e-mail is on the bottom of this page ) . Also get Nature Boy the Movie for $ 15 ...

If ya'll don't know already , the September Album for Jugovich Records is none other then the Album debut of the Rap Group that's straight from tha LOW : BCGZ " Selling Drugz Fo Luvz " . Broadmour Crew Ghetto Zoo is mainly two rappers : Step Daddy J and Godfather 2 . These two hook up and get down on some Funk Broadour Ghetto swang funk . Order your's now !!

Well I gotz to get to Safeway to buy some more Food and Zellers to get some Food Mixers or whatever the hell there called , I think it's called Blenders .. Anyways , I'ma outa 5 to my dogg house , Alberta Pimpen $$$$ I'm Outee !

08/16/2002/1:18 P.M. / Friday














After 23 years of living in Richmond , 21 years of living in South Central Richmond in the notorious area known as Broadmour , Step Daddy J A.K.A. John Danijel Jugovich is finally moving far , PERMENENTLY !!

It all started about 5 weeks ago . I read an add in the Wednesday Edition of the Vancouver Courier and there was a huge advertisement for this meat cutting plant in Alberta and they had an e-mail address and a fax number . Well being the multiplayastic playa that I am , I faxed them my resume .

Weeks went by with no response

Then one day I was with Peter Black , T- Lok and Adam Stellak walking back home after a rap session at Chronic Syph's House when my cell phone rang .....

A gentleman said " Hello there John " . He then preceded to tell me that I was invited to a job interview/conference at a hotel in east Richmond next friday ...

The next Friday I woke up , bused down to the hotel , walked into a Tim Horton's washroom to do my hair ( slick down the puff ) and preceded on to the Hotel .

I walked into a room with 30 people . Their was over 100 resumes given to the meat company from B.C. and we where a few of the selected people ..

The speaker called Doug spoke to us about the plant and all the info we needed to know about the place . Doug is a really nice smart man and a great precentor .

At the end of the presentation , interviews where had .

Since I had to work at noon , Doug interviewed me first .

I had a great interview ! I talked to Doug about my hobbies like Ball Hockey and Music . Doug really liked that I know so much about Music Creation ; like to make music with different programs ..

He then told me he had no problem with taking me aboard his company . He aksed me when I could leave and I said ASAP . I just have to give a 2 week notice to Alladin Magic Roses .

Doug shook my hand and I was off happy like a small J - Child at Safeway in the early 80's eating a danish donut .

I called Doug the next week for more details and he told me he would mail me the information on how to get to Alberta .

Well as you can see Jugovich Records/ Entertainment Fans , We are MOVING !!

Now don't trip , Jugovich Records an't dead , not at all , we're just moving to a new town , FAR AWAY FROM RICHMOND B.C. !! No dissing Richmond , Step's had a lot of fun and good times here , Jon been wanting to leave this place for 10 years now and see the rest of the world . Well finally John has that privillage of living in another part of the country and meeting new people and having a new life ..

We'll find an post box address in Alberta and post it Mid- August on the Web Page here so you fans can keep getting you're fill opf wild Jugovich Record C.D.'s and Zaney Jugovich Entertainment Movies !!! .

In other news the summer weather has been great . June and July 2002 have been dry and sunny and very warm . I don't know if anyone was up Saturday Morning July.20'2002 at 4:30 A.M. but the sunrise was just spectacular !! And it was nice and mild outside , no cold at all ! Summer really is the bomb !!!

Eric Bishoff is back in the wrestling fold . He is on WWF now , a shocker to some but Vince McMan's WWF has been struggling recently so I guess he;s desperate . I think the WWF's problems is that their story lines are stupid and their belts change hands way to quickly . Fans get sick of stupid things like that and they just turn off the tube and go outside .... The Undertake is still the World Champion . He fights Kurt Angle and the Rock at the July PPV which is this Sunday .... I pick Kurt Angle to win !

While we are on the talking of Wrestling , last week me and Deez Nutz went down to an ECCW show at the Capri Hall in Vancouver . It was spectacular . I had went to a show last month but this month's one was even better . They had a lot of cool characters and the fans where really into the matches . ECCW champion Scotty Mac defended his title against Asian Couger and it was one of the best matches that I have ever seen . The high - flying action was breathtaking and the fans here screaming " holy sh*t , holy sh*t " after every move . Asian Couger really is a great Athlete . He and Scotty mack put on a show !!

They put on such a show that A fan was injured . That fan was ME !! : Step Daddy J !! Scotty Mac was lying on the floor and Asian Couger did a dive kick off the wrestling mat aiming to hit Scotty . Scotty ducked and you guessed , I was the one that got hammered !! I really got kicked hot in my forehead by Asian !! What a privilege it was to be a part of such a great match . Both the ECCW camera and photo guys got shoots of me " being knocked out " . What a match ! Too bad some fat loser wrester interfered in the match ruining it . It was a draw ... To learn more about ECCW and see where they are wrestling , go to their web page at : .

Well I hope you enjoy this great summer of 2002 weather , I know I shure am !! Get out the lotion and potion , J -Child be in loco-motion , beeeeyathc !!!!!

July. 20 '2002 Saturday 5:00 P.M.

Step Daddy J

Peace !












Happy Canada Day Ya'll !! I'm having an up and down week ....

Let's Start with the Chevron situation . I was working on Wellington and Canada Way Chevron and I thought I was doing a good job . I was only working weekends there . Anyways I've been fired from there .... But it doesn't stop there folks ...

The big news of the Weekend is that Walter and his Croney Larry from Main and Marine Chevron have fired me !!

Now I was pretty shocked but for the past 3 Months I knew something was up . I used to be the Full Time Graveyard Guy ... I worked 5 Days a week , sometimes more and coupled with my rose job I was bringen home $ 2500 a month with free rent and free food . Boy was I living It up !!

Then I lost my hours at Cevron and was relegated to 3 days . The last month I was relegated to 2 days .

I guess they where giving me a hint ...

Anyways I worked my last shift Friday night for Chevron as I was the cashier . Walter told me around 7:12 A.M. that I was fired .Walter Tang said my Customer Service skills where lacking and that I " Do a lot of crazy things " . Well mayby I do but at least there all fun and pleasurable ....

I was chocked but I was a man about the whole thing and shook his hand saying : " Thanks Walter , The past 8 Months where a Blast ! "

I walked away sad and my buddy Nick who is a bus driver and lives in the Maine and Marine Area saw me walking through his window and called me . He gave me a ride and we talked . Nice to have friends . It makes pain berable ....

Well I still have my original job of 2 N' Half Years at Main and Marine Alladin Majic Roses ... I'm still hungry for money though cause I live that Lavish " Nature Boy " Lifestyle .

About Nature Boy , earlier this week I mastered the movie and yes folks , Jugovich Entertaiment is finally in affect !! After all these years of antisipation , nature Boy , all 2 Hours of it are out and available !! This movie will make you laugh . Step Daddy is the Nature Boy and he is doing some crazy stuff in this movie !! Jerking people around , harrasing young teenage girls , taking baths . Many Cameo appearences from people ..... You just got to get it folks !!!

Send $ 15 for the Nature Boy to Jugovich Records # 5 - 102 - 6020 No. 3 Road Richmond B.C. V6Y 2B3



Like I said , this week has a been wild . In addition to being fired by 2 Chevron's , Making a movie , The new album from Jugovich Records is out !! The July Album is a collaboration with Jugovich and Downlow Records !! That's right people , it's the second album from European Mafia !! And it real tight . Step Daddy J produced the second album and it's straight game !! 18 hot tracks !!!! European Mafia is : Step Daddy J , Duece , Crazy K and Mr. Locko . Step Daddy J and Duece are the Main Members and Main Rappers ......

Buy European Mafia's second album " True Europeans " for $ 10 . Send money to Jugovich Records # 5 - 102 - 6020 No. Road Richmond B.C. Canada V6Y 2B3 .

Also , there are two new web pages from Jugovich Records !! They are : and

You can also find these new web sites down below on this web pages in the links area ...

Well It's Canada Day Weekend and it's chillen and willen all weekend long ! Catch Step at Canada Place durring the Firworks .

Peace out playaz , check out the new Movie , Album and two new web sites !! Peace !!!










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Whut up ya'll , I've been mad busy !! Jobs , Peeps , and of course Rap Music Has been in my mix for the last several weeks .

Once again , I'm overjoyed at the greatest discovery so far for Jugovich Records . A local Richmond Rapper from Burkville called T- Lok called me up 2 weeks ago and told me about this new producer he met at the hospital . The Producer name' is Chronic Syph . This dude is from Seafair ( Cental West Richmond ) and he's straight heat !! The boy can rap as well and his lyrics are cuthroat illen ' !! I'm so happy to have met this dude . No more samplen peeps '' ... Chronic got some Original Beats and a whole lotta other shit at his studio . ..

So far Peter Black has been down to Chronic's and has recorded 8 songs ... Peter did 4 songs last week and 4 this week .. It's kinda like the Jugovich Way , 4 songs a week , 16 a month .. That's an album right there ! ... Anyways I 've heard the shit and it's dope production all the way !! I can't wait to record with Chronic .. I should be down there recording some songs with Peter Black two weeks from now .

M.C. Fluid was sopposed record today but he wasn't around . I think dude' still chillen at the Kootneys ( He went to the Kootneys last week for a week )Hopefully he'll be around next week . T- Lok is also scheduled for next week's Jugovich Rap session .

Rhythematics was sopposed to be the July Album for Jugovich Records but Crazy K , who is a part of the group , has not been in touch with me for over a week . He's hard to get a hold of and He doesn't call others . It's hard working working with the guy , I like him but He needs to be better at doing buisness .. I wish Crazy K would be around so we can make Jugovich Records first Rock C.D. called " Suburben Dekay " ... But since he's not around , the July Album is up in the air ... I might put the Compilation that was soposed to drop in August out a month ealier ... I've got all the material and it's all dope .. There's M.C. Fluid and a few East Vancouver Rappers that none of ya'll have heard , the ish is fat ...

I spoke to Duece for the first time in months ... He still hates the Peter Black concept . I tried to explain to him the best I could that Jugovich Records needs as much rappers as possible cause there's just to much haters out there that don't wanna unite and rap ... That's just something that pisses me off playaz ! We've got so much much talent in the lower mainland but so many people dislike each other or are just plain lazy . Take Aman Dhecko for instance . Good Rapper with a lot of potential but he has a bad attitude and doesn't try . He rather just smoke blunts and rleax his time away . On top of that he's been talking bad on me , saying some bad shit . He sold out Jugovich Records and doesn't wanna record with us . We'll that's up to him , but we've still got the rights to 2 more albums from his limp smelly ass and you're dam right we gonna make some money off his lazy self .

About Duece , if you wanna be down with Step Daddy J and Jugovich all you have to do playa is phone us up , apolagise for selling us out that day 2 Months ago when you where soposed to record with Peter Black for his debut album , but instead you sold us out , recorded 4 songs for you're self and went home like some punk . Apologise Duece and then everything will be cool ....

Sports Wise , how about those dam Lakers ? 3 Straight ! That Phil Jackson has 9 , count em' 9 N.B.A. Championship's Now !! That's Incredible yo !! Shaq got 3 now and probably more on the way ...

Shoutout to Vlada Divac from Sacremento . This team give the Lakers all they could handle in the Western Conference Final ..

I really wanted Carolina to win but dam , they didn't . They won the first game off of a Ron Francis Overtime Goal and they looked to be in great shape to win their first cup ever but dam , Detroit won game 2 and game 3 Detroit stole . Carolina was up 2-1 with a minute to go in the game and the Red Wings tied it up . Then they scored in Triple Overtime in that game to win 3-2 . That spelled Death for Carolina as the Red Wings went on to win the next two games and win the Stanley Cup for the 3 rd time in 6 years ...

Props to Igor Larionov , a 42 year old playing for Detroit who had a great Series ...

What a year for Carolina , I'm shure they'll never forget their inaguaral march to the Stanley Cup Finals ...


I've got 4 Jobs right now ... I got my rose job back at Main and Marine . I only have to work their 4 days now and get one more hour a day ( 7 ) , that's because I work Saturday and Sunday Mornings at a Burnaby Chevron . I work Grave yards also still at Main and Marine Chevron . So add that up playas ...

Weekly : 28 Hours at Aladdin Roses ,

13 Hours at Burnaby Chevron ,

22 Hours at Main and Marine Chevron Grave yard ,

That's : 63 Hours a week ...

Pretty dam impressive eh ??

Now let's calculate how much I make in two weeks ...

28 * 8 = 224

13 * 8 = 104

22 * 8.25 = 181.50

1 Week = $ 509.50

2 Weeks = $ 1019

Don't forget to minus the taxes their playas but I'm maken all right cash . Remember playas I don't pay rent and all my meals are free ....

My 4 th Job of course is Jugovich Records . Honestly it costs more money to makes C.D.'s and do all these things then we make selling them , but hey , we love music and we're getting better every week .

Props to all the 84' grads , including my brother Deez Nutz . Times goen fast , I remember hangen with my brothers and his frinds at Errington Park back in ' 95 , now everybodies all grown up ... Good Luck to all , except gay ass Micheal Burequeous and that tall virgen Chris Murdock !! Good Luck Guys !!

Friday I believe is the 21 st so that's the longest day of the year , Hopefully my girls gonna be around and we can go up north doing some cruising ..

Well have a great week and take it easy , grads be safe !! Peace !



Step Daddy J



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