This is were the goes so it will up in title bar
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this is were the title goes so it will show up in the web page it self

this is my first subheading

This is my first paragraph of text and I will let it warp around until the paragraph is finished. Remember not to use any of the format commands from the menu or toolbar. All formating is done using Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML. It is tedious to learn,but is quite exiting once you understand it.

This page is just to get you warmed up, so you can see what effect some of the basic command have on the page.

You can create a web page for manydiffrent purpose. Some of the main reason people create webpage are:

here are the link to the other page:

  1. This is the first page Index
  2. my own personal galeryThe museum
  3. This is my world for stragte sg-1 Stargate-pg

This my second sudheading

This is a subheading of the above the subheading

Notice how the bigger number the smaller the size of the subheading.

This is my final subheading

What make a webpage? The fact that is *hyper* or *dynamic* (that is why it is called hypertext!). Many people include hyperlinks to other suites. Remember a hyperlik is an underlined piece of text or a graphic that displays a small hend wen place your mouse over it. Wen you click the mouse on it, you are transferred to another web page or sitte.

here are some interesting hyperlinks:

  1. Get the lates news from CNN Online
  2. Search for information using Yahoo
  3. read about computers at The Computer Paper
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