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Where Will Our Next Reunion Be ...

Dear Family Members:

In order to settle an issue which needs to be resolved in a hurry we are asking certain family members to vote on where to hold the next reunion. We have decided that a fair voting system would be to allow one vote each for the third and fourth generations of the Wilson-Legrange family. If you got an e-mail or some other sort of message regarding the vote you are eligible to cast one vote. You will have to cast more than one vote if you are exercising a proxy for a family member.

There are two choices to choose from in the vote. The first is Vancouver Island, the second is Wilderness Village, near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Please note that a specific site for the Vancouver Island area has not been decided on yet but you can rest assured that the committee that chooses it, if they win the vote, will ensure that it is an excellent site which follows the criteria we have unofficially adopted for our reunions. All family members seem to feel that we need to have cabins/motel accommodations and RV/tenting sites in the same location, some sort of water to swim in whether it be a pool, lake or the ocean, a firepit, washrooms with showers, etc. All these factors and a lot more will be taken into consideration when the site is chosen.

Following are the links to the proposals. Please read them over carefully and then make your choice as to where you would like the Wilson-LeGrange family Reunion 2004 to be held by filling in the information required and your choice of site and pressing the submit button. If you are voting for someone else (proxy): type in their name and then your name in appropriate boxes, make their choice, and submit the results. The results of the vote will be automatically sent to me and other family members as well for tabulation and the results will be posted as soon as they are known.

Get the Information ...

Wilderness Village Vancouver Island

Cast Your vote . . .

Name of person casting proxy vote for above:

Wilderness Village
Vancouver Island

Please write any comments or suggestions here: