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Postcard Project

Hi! Our names are Kathryn and Marian. That is our little sister, Erin. As our summer project, we want to map postcards mailed to us from all over the country and hopefully even some from other countries. This will help us learn about other places other than just where we live. It would be great if you can try to pick a postcard that represents your lifestyle. If you want to mail us a postcard, our address is: Kathryn and Marian Bolin PO Box 69 Samantha, AL 35482 USA We will use this webpage to keep you posted on the progress of our project. Also, if you so wish, include your email when you sign the guestbook and we will send out a daily email (assuming we get a postcard every day) with a featured city and some information that we have learned. Thank you for your help in our project!
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