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my huNNie,
words would never be able to describe how much i feel for u. u mean everything to me n so much more. i love everything there is about you n i`m glad i found u.. meeting u was one of de greatest things that ever happened to me.. i may have not known at de time.. but u made me realize things i`ve never knew before. u`ve shown me what it feels like to be loved back in return n u make me feel so special coz i know there`s actually someone who really does care for me. i can`t remember ever feeling like this before. i never thought that i could feel this way for someone, but u proved me wrong.. coz i can n i do. nothing in this world can make me happier than u do.. what would i do without you? honestly.. i have no clue.. u mean the world to me. u give me happiness.. u give me love.. u give me a reason for waking up each morning. n each day i realize more n more that i love you. its funny how sometimes when we talk i still get those lil butterflies in my tummie n when i think of u i can`t do nething else other than smile. everyday i look forward to just getting a lil glimpse of u.. or just hearing ur voice on the line. u duno how thankful i am for having u in my life.. i still remember how before.. u were always there to listen when i really needed someone or to just give me a good laugh when i needed one.. n till today.. u still are always there, whether through the good times n the bad.. i`m hoping to share more good times n bad.. in other words.. more memories to share.. i just want u to know that there is nothing in this world that could ever keep me from loving u, no matter what it may be. n i`m starting to realize.. that i may love you.. maybe to soon, maybe to late.. only time can tell us. just remember that nothing in this world can ever compare to u. i love the times we share together n the things u do.. to the happiness u bring n the cures for my sadness. nothing can ever replace u becoz u`ve grown deep in my heart n i hope u`ll stay there forever.. no matter how far apart we may be.
your huNie

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