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Click here for more details
Click here to ask more info about the next lan on the : 10-04-05 - Player list will be posted soon.

Where, When and How?
The event will be held at Jason's house. When: 8:30am - 10pm on the 10th April 2005, Alot of time and effort.
I heard that i could download ?
Yes, you can download at the next LAN. A Direct Connect hub has been setup so we can do some legal trading of documents.. ok and music, movies, software and *hush hush* pr0n just remember to share all you got, there is a 1Gb limit on the network
What do i bring ?
You must bring $8, a bottle of drink (1.5-2L). The money is for pizza so no money means no pizza.
Computer & Gear
Please if you have been asked to bring your computer bring the following. Computer, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Powercables and any other periphials that you may need.

    Here are some of the rules of the event.
  1. No Smoking
  2. No Drinking
  3. Drinking near computers is not allowed, doesnt matter if it's yours theres still $2000 of computer either side of you
  4. No inviting friends in, 8 is all that are coming in and out of the house (to many items that can go missing)


Welcome to the Comp Zone, Last LANs comp was pretty poor so i have decided on the following games and maps for the event.

  • Counter Strike - download the map list
  • Quake 3 - Random Maps
  • Unreal Tournament 2003 - If we can get it to work
  • LAN FRAG Competition
    1. Wins 3 DVD's Including Game DISC
    2. (Wins Doom3 on 1 DVD or Movie) + MP3 Disc
    3. Wins a CD-R with 10 Hours of Various MP3s (Great for Ipods and Nomads) or Doom3

    Next LAN - Unknown