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Mike & Gisonda Band

03/06/05 - OK, so since my laptop apparently has problems with Angelfire, i've gotten a lot of updating done in a short period of time today. Lyrics are now up for Theme and Opportunity Doesn't Knock in the lyrics section, and either today or tomorrow the rest of the songs on Songs and Shit will be up. Also, more importantly, Mike and Gisonda Band has a show coming on March 11th, this coming Saturday! It will be in Pat's basement, and it is the official release show of the long awaited Songs and Shit. So come on down, hear some tasty music, then pick up a scrumptious album. Get in touch with me or Mike for more info on it. 01/16/05 - Its a new year, and with that, Songs and Shit, the best album probably ever, is finally done! As of now, there may be a show next break (not sure yet) which will be the release show. that way there is time for me to produce these mofos. If all goes well right now, the lyrics should be up for almost all of the songs. w00t... well, its about an hour later, and angelfire is sucking my dick, so i guess ill try again tomorrow

09/29/04 - I was bored after working for a while, so i went on ryan's e1337 picture site, and sorted through some random photos. I came across 5 that i thought would make excellent album covers. I am going to make a little poll, and i want people to get back to me (email on the bottom, or give me a message, if you didnt go here through my screenname its downeastrgisonda), on which they like. or if they all suck, thats cool too. anywho, click the COVER CHOICES selection in the links to vote.

09/27/04 - Just got back from class, and am doing a little bit of tweaking, so the only real change is the adding of the Shows link. check it out when your here, maybe some shitll be added on, like right now for exampleWINK

A Brief Description on each link:

Lyrics - Not only will this give you the lyrics to songs which have them, it will give you the history behind the creations of the songs, such as inspirations for the creations, and which ones were just totally random.

Past Updates - Pretty self explanitory. ill keep up the 4 latest posts at all time...all former posts can be found here though

Upcoming Mike and Gisonda Band Performances! - ill give you two guesses on what you can find here.

Past Updates
Upcoming Mike and Gisonda Band Performances!
