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Well baby I miss you!!!Not a day goes by that I dont think about you
Today you were suppose to be here for me to hold, To kiss, to hug, to touch .. TO LOVE!!!

Don't cry for me Mommy,
I am right here.
Although you can't see me,
I see your tears.

I visit you often,
I go to work with you each day,
And when it's time to close your eyes,
On your pillow is where I lay.

I hold your hand and stroke your hair,
And whisper in your ear.
If your sad today Mommy
Remember I am here.

God took me home,
This we know is true.
But you'll always be my Daddy,
Even though I'm not with you.

I am Mommy's little boy,
We will never be apart,
For every time you think of me,
Please know I'm in your heart.

Rest in Peace my wee lil one!

Copyrights by Cassie @2005