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Castle Rooms

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When tears of angels float in the wind followed by feathers and blood; if only I could stop the pain and you could hear my cry... Stop now; take my hand and lead me past this world filled with pain and death, for the world is bound to end when tears of angels float in the wind followed by feathers and blood.

Castle in the Clouds

Woo, perhaps I'll finally add that links page, after I get some links. =P Hahaha... Anyways, you can see how rarely I update this damn thing, I treat it like a chore at times. Geez, this was supposed to be for fun... =P

Can you believe it? My background image is gone! So I'm changing around the colors of a lot of things. It involves a lot of looking around at my HTML and changing colors. Tres boring.

The Marquee tag was making loading slow for some people, so I removed it. =P

Site History

8/01/02~It's the new year, and I've decided to actually update some. =D I'll probably spend 15 minutes looking around then get bored. I really need more things to do on here, don't I? Nobody comes around here anymore...

15/12/01~I sure haven't updated in awhile, have I? Perhaps I should give it Christmas colors or something later. For now all I have is black and red. Mmm, colors of gothicism and blood. >=D

28/10/01~Worked on stuff. Added an htmlGEAR thing. Uploaded some pics for my links. ~_^ It's looking better. I guess I'll be done by next weekend or something. Which reminds me of all the homework I'm supposed to be doing! Eep!

28/10/01~Did a bunch of stuff involving adding a backround and all that. Overall I'm pleased with the result. I'm not done, however, as you can see by the fact that some of my other pages are still done using the basic design.