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...The assassins take in lads who are perhaps characterized by little but unusual swiftness, and cunning, and strength and skill, and perhaps a selfishness and greed, and, in time, transform this raw material into efficient, proud, merciless men, practitioners of a dark trade, men loyal to secret codes the content of which is something at which most men dare not guess...
-Beasts of Gor-

Hair that dipped between the shoulder blades, a pefect matching hue to the robe.
His Eyes were an errie pale gray, mixing in only faint a glassy blue color.
On his person, hid within each sleeve, a throwing blades and razor.
Within his robe lay twin daggers, long, single edge, garrot wire.
A lean frame of only some 55 stone, yet broad shouldered.
Swift, agile, his form of fighting differed from the rest.
A cross bow and quiver upon his back.
Fifty-eight horts even.

A sable Kur-hide cloak embraced the lean form.

..A killer..
..Caste, brothers, gold, steel..
..There was nothing else..

..Registered Assassin of the BlackCaste..
..Have fear, for the Kur hunts..
..Mark of the Black Dagger Displayed..

The training of the assassin is thorough and cruel.
He who wears the black of that caste has not won it easily...
-Beasts of Gor-

-OOC Notes-