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  Current* Projects

  1. Projects in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Schools for Girls, Self-reliance programs for Orphans, Distributions of food to orphans and the poor, Water Well Constructions etc...).
  2. Muhazir projects for those want to make Hizra to more pure land but need financial support.
  3 InshaAllaah

  Useful links Try .......
  Try 1. Projects in IEA
Try 2. IEA Watch

Under Construction

  The projects listed were running prior to the war in Afgansitan. Most of our projects were sponsored by SoS members and close sympathizers. We are not a fundraising entity. We do not allow anyone to collect money on our behalf, as our main work is da'wah for the application and protection of the Shariah. You can support our work by printing and distributing our web address, photos, web pages, telling others about our work and advising us.

Trainings + Courses (Contact main site Team)

Learn more from our main site at present

New Projects


Islam is always under the agression of Disbelievers. Allah (SWT) says: "And they will never cease attacking you, until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can." TNQ 2:217

For daily news,articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afganistanin go to

