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Earn money for keeping your computer switched on

Just follow the steps on the next page

EARN MONEY BY LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER ON Wow, talk about easy money! This is truly amazing. It’s easy to download. The main page of the site is not informative or too impressive, but it does make money and does not require any sponsoring, although you may invite others for faster profit. Once set up, you don't have to do anything, and you can track your income up to the second. You never have to pay anything at any time. I have been running this new program daily and have earned about $500 so far. Just under the amount where I am able to put in a request for payment. This is still a relatively unknown program, meaning there is still a lot of potential for you to get a lot of people signed up, before everyone joins when word gets out that it is paying. There is not a lot of information at the website, so I will explain to you EXACTLY how to do this program. The program works similar to “click on search engine and get paid” kind of programs, except for 2 things. 1) You don't have to click on any links--it's all run automatically in the background like an auto-surf. 2) It doesn't give you just one search engine that makes you money. Right now there are about 21 search engines that run within the program, which if you run your computer 24/7 you will make about $20 a day. In about a month they will be adding about another 200 search engines! At that point you'll make between $40 and $60 a day...just for being online. The potential to make a great deal of money is very evident. The way it works is that each search engine builds up a separate total of your surfing time. You have to reach an amount of $60 before you get paid from each separate search engine. If you had your computer running 24/7, with no referrals it would take you about 2 months to build up to $60 in each of the 24 now running search engines. $60 times 24 equals $1440! That's not bad for 2 months of doing nothing. Now figure what it would be going with the minimum of $40 per day when they add the 200 search engines. $40 times 224 equals $8960 !! Remember that's with no referrals! Step by step instructions on next page.

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