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FLYING BC - January 2002
Here is the latest Nav CANADA Flight Information Centre (FIC) status update. It will make for quite a change in the way pilots gain access to our services. The Penticton FSS will provide airport advisory, vehicle control and weather observations only after the Kamloops FIC is up and running at full steam. Our plan at this time is to operate out of the airport tower on a 24 hour basis, eventually completely vacating the downstairs office. Weather Briefings and Flight Planning will only be available from the Kamloops FIC either directly or through the Kiosk which will be set up in the pilot area currently located at the base of the tower. Construction of the Kamloops FIC facility began on July 23, with the completion scheduled for June 2002. Systems and equipment installations will follow, and the FIC will become operational in October 2002. It will be a three story facility with the Airport Advisory Service operating from a 360
degree cab on top. Although the facility should be ready to accept Flight Planning and Weather Briefing services for their area by Oct 2002, the remote communications capability may not be available until 2003 or spring of 2004.

Nav CANADA announced that the Flight Service Stations in Montreal and Vancouver would be closed as part of FIC implementation. These two closures do not constitute a change in the level of service and therefore do not require an aeronautical study. The Montreal Flight Service Station will close in June 2002, when flight information services will be provided by the Quebec FIC. The closing date for the Vancouver FSS will be established as we develop the schedule for service transitions to the new Kamloops FIC. As a final note, the Office of Safety and Quality Management will be conducting the appropriate safety reviews of FIC implementation over the next two years.

Flight Service Specialists in Edmonton moved into the new Edmonton Flight Information Centre (FIC) yesterday evening, Tuesday, December 4, 2001 becoming the second FIC in to go operational following the Halifax transfer on September 17, 2001. Yesterday's transition occurred one week later than originally planned due to the need to resolve some equipment issues. The FIC continues to serve the current AOR of the Edmonton FSS at this time. Service transitions begin in January with the transfer of toll free phone services from Saskatchewan on January 8, 2002. The new FIC toll free phone number will also be implemented at that time. Additional service transitions will occur over the next year. The transition yesterday evening occurred smoothly, with no interruption in service. To ensure a smooth transition, staffing was maintained at both facilities for the first four hours of operation. The FSS facility will also be kept operational for a minimum of one week to cover contingencies.

Vancouver and Montreal
Edmonton Flight Information Centre Goes Operational
would like to welcome one new member to our club this month, and invite him to become active in all of our club activities. We'd like to see you out to as many club meetings / functions as possible, and get to know the other members. Make you membership worthwhile, and enjoy yourself at your club, and in aviation.
Welcome aboard!!
Wayne Christians
Quality Custom Homes & Design
Jim Ricciuti
Summerland, BC
Tel/Fax: (250) 494-1934 Cell: (250) 490-7859
Craig Brown, Manager Penticton FSS
Licensed Residential Builder and Commercial Contractor