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Flying Club Newsletter
January 2002
Volume II, Issue 9
COPA Flight 50
Yearly dues are due this month….. $30, don’t forget! Herby’s lookin’ for ya …

PFC Christmas Party a tremendous success!

Beach Party Fly-In 2002 to be decided on this month

Hope you like our new look for 2002
Herb Clapham received his ‘new’ crash helmet as a gift from Randy Ford, and wears it proudly at the dinner table!
Christmas Party & Dinner
Tremendous Success!
From all of us here at the Penticton Flying Club, to all of you, we wish you a HAPPY, PEACEFUL, PROSPEROUS AND SAFE YEAR in 2002.
Penticton Flying Club’s Annual Christmas Party and Dinner held at the Flight Deck Café on December 8 was the most successful yet. Attendance at our Christmas Party was 49 this year...our best ever, and from all accounts everyone had a wonderful time. From the backdrop of a real airport setting, to the fabulous food presented by Ingrid and her staff at the Flight Deck Café, to the “comic relief” of our Captain, Randy Ford (don’t give up your day job, Randy), the evening was most enjoyable. And actually, Randy did a pretty good job for his first ‘gig’ as a comedian.
Our gift exchange, along with the follow-up sniping of others gifts amongst us, with
priority going to the person with highest number drawn, was again well received. The higher the number, the higher the pecking order, so if your number was 48, you had a good chance of losing your gift to a lower number. Lots of laughs were created, and everyone had a great time. Everyone at PFC would especially like to say a special “Thanks” to the Flight Deck Café for their superb food and service, and for making our Christmas Party a most enjoyable, and fun vent. Thanks to all who attended, and we are looking forward to Christmas 2002, and another great Party.
‘Smilin’ Ron Kent sitting with Dick Nickel and Wendy after opening their exclusive Christmas gifts
Jim and Marni Sikler (front) enjoy their delightful gifts with Joe and Riza Semochko
Penticton, BC