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FLYING BC - November 2001
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THAT’S IT! for 2001, that is. Saturday, October 13 was the last young Eagles Day for this year. And what a successful day, and year, it was.
With great Okanagan weather gracing us once again, and with the help of all the volunteers...pilots, and ground support people...we managed to fly over 60 Young Eagles for the first time this year. It was definitely a busy morning, but again the laughs, screams, and smiles of all those Young Eagles made the effort worth every minute.
Our pilots now have flown a grand total of about 650 Young Eagles since we joined the EAA programme back in 1995...that’s an average of over 100 per year.
A special “Thanks” goes out to Ron Townson who has been the spearhead for our programme, and without his guidance and enthusiasm, we may never have reached the numbers which we have. And, there would have been over 650 Young Eagles from the Penticton area, who would never have experienced the thrill of flight.
Thanks also go out to all the pilots who have taken part this year, and past years as well, and who have generously donated their time and money to making a young person laugh and smile. You guys are awesome! well as Ron Townson, we thank Ron Kent, Herb Clapham, Mike Biden, Jim Ricciuti, Earl Warner, ‘Doc” Mandeville, Dick Nickel, Brent Atkinson, Diana Covert, Randy Ford, Ken Roberts, and Jim Munn....hope I’ve got all of you, and if I’ve missed anyone, please excuse my oversight.
And last, but definitely not least, the ground support people.....Brian Rutherford, Larry Taylor, Earl Warner (when not flying), Lance Ferguson, Albert Mahon, and especially Fred Way for his ground school programme.....THANK YOU SO MUCH! Without all of you, the programme would not run as smoothly as it has.
Last year a column appeared in Canadian Flight’s Affordable Flying suggesting that it would be a great idea to be able to get grounded pilots who still own planes together with pilots who have medicals but no plane to fly. COPA member Shane Zbrodoff from Calgary volunteered his time and company resources to make it all happen.
Shane’s company, The Pilot Project, is based in Calgary.
The company specializes in innovative computer solutions to customer problems. Shane is also a very keen recreational pilot and COPA supporter. The Pilot Project’s unique capabilities were an obvious match with COPA for this concept.
For the past year Shane and his staff along with COPA have been working on creating a website to match up pilots and planes so everyone can do more flying. The solution is
a web-based system found at .
The website is very easy to use and enables anyone looking for someone to fly with to find new friends in their area quickly and easily. This service is provided entirely free of charge to COPA Members!
The rules are simple: if you have a plane and would like more people to fly it then enter your aircraft’s information. If you are a pilot who is looking for a plane to fly then enter your own information.
This site is not intended to advertise commercial flying
rental operations, commercial time-shares or fractional ownership programs. It is designed for individuals to connect with other individuals.
Acceptable uses are:
COPA and The Pilot Project Offer a New
Free Service to COPA Members
An airliner was having engine trouble, and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing.

A few minutes later, the pilot asked the flight attendants if everyone was buckled in and ready.

"All set back here, Captain," came the reply, "except the lawyers are still going around passing out business cards."
A Little Humour