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Duece is tha Gangsta , Step Daddy J Is Tha Pimp !

European Mafia's Debut Album !
European Mafia's 2 nd Album !!
European Mafia's 3 rd Album !!!
Game Related Album Number 4
Album # 5 : True Europeans 2
Album # 6 : 2003 Tha Unreleased Album !
Album # 7 : Tha Pimp And Tha Gangsta
Downlow Records My Space
Downlow Records
Downlow Records Soundclick MP3's
Peter Black
Peter Black Mp3's
Peter Black My Space
European Mafia Mypace
Crazy K My Space
JDJ Radio My Space
JDJ Radio
Jugovich Records Artists Links
Step Daddy J My Space
Step Daddy J Home
Step Daddy J Music
Step Daddy J Music On Bebo
Downlow Records Album Pictures

Brand New Downlow Records Albums For 2009 Out Right Now !!! :

IZK " Canada's Most Hated "


604 " 604 "


Keep It Hot , Keep It Street , Downlow Records 2009






Coming Soon ! :




J Da Rippa " J Da Rippa 3 Mentally Unstable "


Step Daddy J " Croatian Sensation "


604 " All Eye$ On 604 "


IZK " Tha Dictator "


Step Daddy J " Mama's Bad Boy "


Mista Mead " Revolution "


Step Daddy J " Double J "















How it be ? Downlow Records has been resurrected and it's back !! Check them out at . European Mafia ( known as E.M. on Downlow Records ) have 3 albums on Downlow Records history . With 7 on Jugovich Records , this gives EM 10 Albums !!! We running this yo !! 2008 is almost here so beware ! Duece and J !!












Hey wazzp ya'll ! Black Lagoon Records is in Full Effect in the brand new year of 2007 !! We've added a Peter Black Soundclick page at :

And we've also added a Peter Black My Space Web Page at :


Black Lagoon Records Is Definatly In Affect and 2007 will be the 1 st year for Peter Black's own record company : Black Lagoon


Also Jugovich Records is working on a new project/concept . We've alawys been fresh and done new things in the entertainment field . Well we set trendz and it's no different when it comes to the radio . We are introducing : Radio John Danijel Jugovic or shortned you can call it JDJ Radio !!

You can check out this cool new project by going to :

2007 are big days for Jgovich Records and Now Black Lagoon Records as well . Stay in touch ya'll !!

J-Child January.16'2007 Tuesday













European Mafia's 5 th album " True Europeans 2 " Out Now !! 14 Blazin' Tracks . Tha album is bangin , everey song is a hit !!




Stay tuned for more exciting news !!

J-Child 01/19/2006










































Friday September.23'2005 European Mafia's 4 th album " Game Related " is released !!!! Double C.D. , 33 songs , this album is full of hits !!! Duece and Step Daddy J came with the majical potion on this one here !!!


September.28'2005 Wensday 10:35 A.M.























Yo , that new EM is Out !! Fo Sho ! Brand New European Mafia album released Tuesday August.31st'2004 . This remarkable Album is a double C.D. with 33 Songz !!! Get this Crunk Downlow/Jugovich Shit !!!































. January.3'2003 European Mafia Update '


Happy New Years Playerz and Playettez ! May tha 2003 be as good or better then 20 Double Duece .

With Step Living in Brooks Alberta now , E.M. is still as strong as it's ever been ! European Mafia has met twice in the last 2 months and recorded many new great songs !

Durring the Thanksgiving Long Weekend of October 2002 , Step Daddy J came back to tha Richtown for 3 days and on Saturday he and Duece stayed up and partied all night long , making rhymes and reminnising about tha good times !

Then the next month , for Rememberance day , Duece came to Brooks Alberta and stayed with Step Daddy for 3 nights and 2 days ....

Friday night European Mafia performed at the Herritage Inn Hotel in Brooks Alberta ( right beside's Ezzies ) Step Daddy got drunk and passed out serveral tymes . His friends report Step Daddy was doing some Indescent Exposures while intoxicated , but Step doesn't remember anything .

Saturday and Sunday night European Mafia where in Medicine Hat . Chant Pon [ Asian Primetime ] was soposed perform as well but he was no where to be found ... But we all still had a great time .

Saturday Night we where rappen' at the El Roncho Motel . We did a lot of funney skits and a lotta disses on our enemies .

Sunday we were rappen at the Medicine Hat Bus Terminal . Duece was drunk this time and he threw up , but unlike Step Daddy , Duece didn't pass out and he kept belting out wicked 5 C Rapz all night long !!


Step will back in the Rich for another Long Weekend Holiday in Early Febuary . Chronic Sypth owes Step Daddy Studio time so expect J-Child to invite Duece , Peter Black and D.J. Destruction in on for some recording ....


Check out the next European Mafia update for information on European Mafia's Third Album ... When it will drop and what it will be called ....

Call the Jugovich Records Hotline at 403-501-7076 for more rap 101 ....

Have a great 2003 !

Step Daddy J Janruary.3'2003

Peace !





Hey , Wanna Make Some REAL , REAL Dam Good MOney ? Then Come On Down To Jugovich Records and We'll help you make you dreams come true !! $ 11.35 To Start . If You Are Interested Then By All Means Go To : . Worken With Duece and Step Daddy J Could Neva Be Better !!






European Mafia Consists of Duece and Step Daddy J

Duece is concidered to be the best freestyle rapper in Richmond B.C. Canada . This boy can rap , and rap , and keep on going more longer then anybody else , rappen tight rhymes all from his head .

Step Daddy J is the original . He started rap in Richmond with his highschool 1996 classic " Croatian Game " . The rest is history . Step Daddy's company Jugovich records has 18 albums and one movie as of New Year's 2003 .

Duece and Step Met One April Day 2000 at Lansdown Mall in North Richmond while both trying to buy WWF Monday Night Raw Tickets . Well Both where out of luck on the ticked department ; Tickets Where all sold out , but T - Loc was ( Tim Lockman ) and Tim was hangen with Duece ; . Tim introduced Step Daddy J to Duece and from that faithfull early April Sunny Afternoon In April 2000 , Duece and Step Daddy J have been best friends and busten out rapz as the priemer rap group : European Mafia .



European Mafia currently has 2 Albums Out :

E.M. " True Playaz " Jugovich/Downlow # 0008 $ 12

E.M. " True Europeans " Jugovich/Downlow # 0012 $ 10

You Can Buy these albums for the above prices by mailing money to : Jugovich Records 9 Queens Way Court Brooks Alberta T1R 0P3

We Accept Check's , Cash or Money Orders . Simply mail us the money with you're return address of course , and we'll ship out tha goods ; tha dope ass C.D.'s !





Yo , check out some hard European Mafia tunez yo . Go to :

Once you hear these tunez ya'll , playaz holla back wit $ 10 to : Jugovich Records 9 Queens Way Court Brooks Alberta T1R 0P3 . We accept Cash , Checks or Money Orders . Please pay to : John Jugovic .





For more info call tha Jugovich Records Hotline at : 403 - 501 - 7076








Through July 2000 and April 2002 , European Mafia made hundreds and hundreds of songs . So far there are only two albums ; so you can be well shure that there are " a few " more albums to come in the months and years , and decades to come ....

With Hundred upon Hundreds of Rap Songs , EM will NEVER DIE !!!!









Ya'll RFeady 4 Tha New E.M. Album ?? European Mafia ' s 3 rd Album ; Called : " SICCC SICCC SICCC " Will Be Released Spring 2004 .

" SICCC SICCC SICCC " Will Be A Double C.D. Consisting of Tight Pimp - Flowed Gangsta Duece-sa-fied Raw Flavourz .

E.M.'s 3 rd Album will come out simutaneously with other Jugovich Record Albums ...

Due to Unforseen Mad Cow Problems we've been experiening here in Alberta , our Finances are much lower then expected . Therefore , we here at Jugovich Records Must Budget Our Money Accuratly and Accordingly . So We have choses to put out Peter Black ' s 2 nd Album : " Orange Roughfee " , " Nature Boy 2 The Movie Soundtrack " and The Movie " Nature Boy 2 " , European Mafia's 3 rd Album : " SICCC SICCC SICCC " , Duece's Priemere Album : " Duece Duece " and Lastly but Leastly Step Daddy J's 8 th Album : " JUGO StLyLe "

You Can Shurly expect all these Jugovich Records Albums to Be Released in the Spring of 2004 .








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