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Chuck's Pittsburgh Trip Diary - April, 2004 - Page 10

Photos of Photos


I just love this photo of Alice as a little girl. She's about 9 or 10 years old here.

Here's a photo of the brother & sister duo of Ed & Alice McGee.




Here's portrait of a handsome man. This is my birth dad Carl Mastandrea in his doctor clothes. I think this photo was taken in the early 1970's.



The remainder of the photos on this page are from one of Buzz's photo albums that he brought over with him to Alice's house one evening. This photo here is part of the next photo on the right of Carl and and his siblings. [From front to back] Carl's older sister Helen, Carl, and his younger brother Buzz.


[From front to back] Carl's younger sister Antoinette and older sister Angie. This photo is the other half of the one on the left.




[L-R] Here's a photo of Buzz and Carl together on their farm in Castle Shannon, PA as kids.


Rose & Jake Mastandrea, Carl's parents & my biological grandparents. They were from Piaggine, Italy, in southwestern Italy.



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