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The end of the world is near and signs are everywhere. I've always been interested in the idea of the end. Really i've seen the signs and have always known them to be evident but only till recently the signs have been blanetly obvious.
God has given man 6,000 years to try his own governments, philosophies, value systems, religions and forms of education. Humanly-devised ideas of men do not and cannot work in solving the world’s truly big problems. The 6,000 years is almost up. And, in the last 200 years or so, the world has changed dramatically—and rapidly. Events are speeding up in a way that has never been seen before.
There will be signs many signs and there have been just like the bible said. Click Here To see the signs for yourself. Because there have been so many. Just because not all of them are happening in the United States DOESN'T MEAN THERE NOT HAPPENING. Hell, no where in the bible was started or mention America, only in Rev. about the end of the world speaks of a great nation. So i'm not going to preach very much. Just give you some imformation.


The bird flu is coming and is very real. This is a disaster that will hit us like a firey wave. Summary -

Influenza A (H5N1) is an influenza A virus subtype that occurs mainly in birds, is highly contagious among birds, and can be deadly to them. Outbreaks of H5N1 among poultry are ongoing in a number of countries. While H5N1 does not "usually" infect people, human cases of H5N1 infection associated with these outbreaks "have" been reported. Most of these cases have occurred from direct or close contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces; however, rare cases of human-to-human spread of H5N1 virus may have occurred. There is no evidence of transmission beyond one person. Nonetheless, because all influenza viruses have the ability to change, scientists are concerned that H5N1 virus one day could be able to infect humans and spread easily from one person to another. Because these viruses do not commonly infect humans, there is little or no immune protection against them in the human population and an influenza PANDEMIC(worldwide outbreak of disease) could begin. Experts from around the world are watching the H5N1 situation very closely and are preparing for the possibility that the virus may begin to spread more easily from person to person. -- That posibility is highly likely being that most viruses mutate to adapt to there enviroment to survive.-- For more on the bird flu Click Here
The government is trying to calm the public, trying to make us beleive this is something that can be handled but it isn't. We don't have the time or the resources to create enough vaccines before this deadly virus hits. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING GUYS. If it doesn't hit this bird migration we just bought ourselves alittle less then a year that is all. Because it WILL come next season if not this one. This is what the government IS doing to try to avoid this oncoming Pandemic.

May 04 —

HHS Awards Contracts Totaling More Than $1 Billion To Develop Cell-Based Influenza Vaccine Press Release >> Vaccine Production in Cells >>

May 04 —
Fran Townsend, the President's Homeland Security Advisor, discusses the Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza on Ask the White House More >>

May 03 —
National Implementation Plan Released More >>

May 03 —
Avian Influenza Action Group to Coordinate U.S. International Effort More >>

May 01 —
Mississippi State Summit More>> This site is not yet finished, I have alot more work to do with it. I've only spent like an hour or so on it i got many more to come.