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Matt B.



-Drink once when Marty swears or is called a 'chicken'
-Drink twice when Marty uses an “80’s term” and when he is called a ‘slacker’.
-Drink three times when Marty gets hit on by his mom (in the 50’s)
-Take a shot when he thinks everything is a dream
The Doc

-Drink once when the Doc says ‘Great Scott’ or calls Marty ‘Future Boy’
-Drink twice when the Doc talks in his whisper voice.
-Drink three times every time uses big, scientific words.
-Take a shot when one of Doc’s experiments goes wrong.
Biff & Co.

-Drink once when Biff says something incredibly stupid
-Drink twice when Biff messes up an old cliché
-Drink three times when Biff hits on Lorraine
-Take a shot when Biff runs into his old pal, manure.
-> ***BONUS*** If Biff’s posse says “Shiiiiiiiiiiit” finish your drink.
George McFly

-Drink once when George stutters (saying ‘um’ or ‘ah’)
-Drink twice when George tries to act ‘Cool’
-Drink three times when George doubts himself
-Take a shot when George stands up for himself
Lorraine (Baines) McFly

-Drink once when Lorraine contradicts herself (past/future)
-Drink twice when Lorraine hits on Marty (or acts flirty)
-Drink three times when Lorraine calls Marty, ‘Marty’ (and not Calvin)
-Take a shot when Lorraine contradicts her ‘old’ 1985 self


-Drink once when the Delorean makes it’s accelerating sound
-Drink once when the someone mentions the Hill Valley Clock-Tower
-Drink once when the Delorean hits 88 MPH
-Drink once when Marty kisses Jennifer
-Drink once whenever 'The Power of Love' is played