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My future plans (In order) - Last updated on: 05/29/02

- Open back up forever britney clique at a new location
- Open up a clique on the show 'Dark Angel'
- Redo 'Vanessa's Britney Picture Service'
- Open up a new site called '300 Britney and Justin Pics'
- Open up a another new site called '1001 Rare Britney Pics'

***My first three plans will be done by the end of summer***
**And the last two should be done around this time NEXT YEAR**


What Happened:
Today when I clicked "Save" EVERYTHING on the main page got deleted, How? I don't know. I really don't know what to do now because I don't have a layout and this sucks. I just need to think right now and decide on what I'm going to do cause I don't want to stay here (angelfire), Well I don't know if I'm going to shut down the clique or move. I really just don't know cause every time I update anything everthing on that page gets deleted and I'm sick of having to remake the pages over and over again. This has never happened to me before - Well I'll keep you updated - Vanessa - 03/01/02

What I'm going to do now:
I think I'm just going to open back up my award site (Popstar Awards 2002) than redo "Vanessa's Britney Picture Service" with a new layout and pages, than I'll work on moving the clique to a new server. I made an account at: www.angelfire.com/dc2/britney so I think I'll move the site there cause there's nothing really wrong with angelfire it's just this account. So I think (and hoping) the clique should be back up and running in three months. So if your member please keep the button on your site cause FBC is NOT CLOSING. - Vanessa - 03/03/02

Hey everyone my site popstar awards 2002 is now open you can visit the site by clicking on the button below. Now I'm going to start re-doing VBPS and when I'm done I will begin to move FBC to a new location - Vanessa - 03/09/02

Wow, I have not updated in a LONG time!!! Anyway I have decided to put off re-doing my other site 'Vanessa's Britney Picture Service' and open back up this clique first. I am now half way done moving FBC so, you guys can expect to see this clique open and running BY THE END OF JUNE!!! - I also added a list of my future plans (above), so please read it - Bye - Vanessa - 05/29/02

Email: vanessa_britney_site@yahoo.com

My other sites:

Vanessa's Britney Picture Service

Popstar Awards 2002



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CJCManagement.net: Website - Talent Search - Services - Forums
If you sign up for the talent search contest than please put 'Vanessa Andrews' in the Referred by box - Thanks