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Brinton Cavis

Catena Island
Bonding Search
Fuereth sign's up for Cream Ansath's Flight - Visit Ansath Here

Name: Brinton Cavis (Brihn-ton Cave- iss)

Age: 28

Features: Thin, tan hair cut to ears, deep blue eyes. He has become thin from years of work and only enough food to get him by.

Update: Brinton is no longer too thin. He has gotten the proper amount of foor and nutrition. He has well-formed muscles and a cheerful personality.

Height: 6' 1''

Good Qualities: He cares for most people, those who do not try to hurt others.

Bad qaulities: He thinks all higher-status people are all angry and hate people below themselves. He doesn't realize how wrong he is. He does what the Lady and Lord Masters tell him to do without a seconds thought.

Update: Brinton no longer feels the way he did about higher-ranked people. He no longer does what people tell him to do (he listens to the Caerlady's commands as well as the Wing leader's commands, but he doesn't listen to anyone trying to boss him around) and can think for himself.

History: Brinton Impressed red Fuereth at Caer Catena at the age of nineteen. He is now 24 years old. Brinton signed Fuereth up for his first flight when Brtinon was 23 years old, and has now allowed Fuereth to be able to sign up for Gold Anastath's flight if they will accept his medium-sized red. Fuereth and Brinton went to Pern for a vacation and that was how Fuereth first met the golden beauty.
Update: Brinton's Feureth did not catch Gold Anastath, but that didn't bother Brinton in the least. He decided they should wait a while again before Feureth decided to enter another flight, and it's been three years.

Name: Fuereth

Age: Adult

Size: Medium

Color: Red

Flights entered total: 3

Flights won of the total: 1 - Green Delonyth's

Personality: Fuereth has a personlity like Brinton's only he is much more demanding and will insist that they do something until Brinton laughs and gives in. Feureth has participated in two flights.

History: Fuereth flew green Delonyth at Caer Catena and was very proud of the clutch he sired. When Brinton and Fuereth went to Pern, Gold Anastath caught his eye and he wants to fly her, if they accept him.
Update: Feureth was accepted at Dawnsisters Weyr, but he lost the flight. It's now been three years since his last flight and he has decided to try for the Cream Peryth, whom he much adores.