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Other Stuff
Guest Book

August 19/03

Crap. I took a while on this one. Well, nothing interesting to say at the moment, but I am posting some photos right now on the Pics page. So go there and check them out. Some are from Hornby/summer stuff, Canada Day, and others are from my cousin's wedding that I went to in Vancouver on the 9th. Werrrd y'all. .

July 28/03

Wow I'm finally going to get around to updating this motha. Actually I'm just gonna say a long goodbye. But first I have a random photo of the day. It's the best. Everyone should send this out on Valentines Day. I will be doing it. Check out this ROMANTIC PIECE OF ART. I'm going to my cabin tomorrow. It's in the Kootenays on a lake called Tie Lake. It's between Cranbrook and Fernie. I like to say that it's close to Fernie though... because Cranbrook is a bit of a hole. That's just my opinion though. I have some relatives from Cranbrook. My Uncle Wilford owns a mountain. Why? To hunt. To kill animals. It's his business. Yes. My ancestors are hicks. (sorry Wilf if you see this). Moving on... I have to catch my plane at 6:40 tomorrow and I have to be there an hour early. But no. I'm gonna be there a half hour early if I'm lucky. That means I have to leave my house at like 5:00. Which means I have to get up at like 4:00. So basically sleep is useless at this point. I guess I'll hit the sack though. Apparently there are some LARGE forest fires from Montana that have crossed the border near fernie all the way into Alberta. That's prety close to my cabin. It's pretty wack. I'm hoping I'll get a window seat on the plane, maybe I'll see some raging fires. Well I will put more stuff on later, I gotta go to bedddddddddd. byebye. SIGN THE BLOODY GUEST BOOK.

July 16/03

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. All four of them.. For some reason, my mouth is feeling more sore today. I've been enjoying my steady diet of Posicle Pete popsicles and Kraft Dinner. I guess I better load up on my pain killers. I feel like a zombie when I take them. They're called "Emtec-30's". Is it just me, or does that name remind of you some kind of a machine gun. A purely speculative thought. My mouth tastes like dead squirrels. It's pretty nice. Everyone likes being around my bloody mouth though. Today Katharine and Anna blessed me with some wonderful gifts and a card. They came from afar. The gifts were wrapped in this awesome baby wrapping paper. It is because of them that I feel no pain. Well, I have to go make dinner and drive to pick up Julie high on emtec-30's. JUUUUUUUST KIDDING..... I haven't taken any pills since 6:30 am. That's all for now folks.


July 9/03

Hey. Thanks to Julie, everyone where I work has my "partyboi" pic. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go HERE. AAHAHHA And no, I AM NOT wearing tighty whities in that photo! I thought the photo would be pretty self explanitory. I shoved my boxers up my ass like the guy in the film, Jackass. Moving on, how do you like my new title? It really fits into my page, but I need to work on originality. Check out this dork. He's sweet.

July 6/03

Has anyone ever tried to have cyber sex with you? Or better yet, have YOU ever tried to have cyber sex with anyone? Perhaps not, but I bet you have been victimized... even if you weren't aware of it.. It's happened to me before. I have been a victim. It's a well known statistic, that one out of every 3 college women will be a victim of cyber sex at some point during their undergrad. This fact is guaranteed. Do not venture into the dark allies of cyber space. Msn Chatrooms are bad, and Yahoo chatters hold nothing back. They play a whole different ball game. Not that I'd know.... hrr.. hrrr..... ok. Anyways, in order to protect yourself from sexually explicit sentences, you should make pre emptive sexual cyber strikes. Like this guy. I bet he has never been a victim. Check out these three cyber freaks. These unique individuals have been laid on the internet one too many times. Let's call our first guy/girl(?) Unisexella. A gorgeous human being. Her father invented unisex clothing. Specimen # 2 a.k.a Tracy. Don't be fooled by her relatively normal name and her mother-like features. She is the sickest of them all, and will stop at nothing for a piece of ass... or a piece of you, deep fried. There is nothing normal about this person. She would love to eat you in bit sized pieces. She also has a fart fetish. Onto bigger and better things... like PAULI. This guy is your average Paul with a twist. He's Pauli, and he's your typical cyber guy. He views the internet as his only hopes of getting sex. lots of sex. Sex with other people's wives. The internet allows him to be the high school whore that he always wanted to be. Thanks for tuning in kids. Bye.

July 5/03

Sorry no updates lately. I've been busy working-bringing home the bacon shall we say. SHALL WE SAY. Want to see the most unique website on the net? Something so unique, that it might shock you. It's no lie. It's shocking, and something that we can all relate to. Click HERE. Click it or don't read on. Click it. AHAHAHAH now you will have to delete your history so that your family doesn't think you have a poo fetish. AHAHAH. sick. bye for now. Today.

June 30/03

Alright, it's officially Canada day in 13 minutes according to my clock. I'm definitely looking forward to the much needed holiday. Today, however, I slaved away at my bank job. Everyone decided to rush in for last minute cash as if they have never heard of ABM machines. I guess everyone needed money for booze, which everyone was also getting at the last minute, as the liquor stores don't open on Canada day. Onto other things...I saw some pathetic guys at the liquor store that I used to know. They had not realized that the liquor stores were closed on holidays. I explained the situation, and they decided to not only buy drinks for tonight, but also for tomorrow night, and the next day. I have no more stories. Anyways, incase you didn't notice, I added a few things to this shifty little site. I have a guestbook which you have to sign... and a weird poll thing. Oh yeah, and and a counter. Finally, I just want to say.... sorry about the popups/ads... I know they're horrible and they give you internet rage. Honestly, I'll work on that. Click HERE for a photo of the best random guy of the day.

June 29/03

Yeah, so this is my first attempt at making a page. Hopefully it works out and maybe someone will look at it other than me. That would be grand. Yes, I understand that my little page here lacks originality, but don't complain. You should be amazed that I managed to get it up and running. Sweet, well check out the small amount of material that I have... I'll add more as time goes on... hopefully... don't count on it though.