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Aurican's Domain

Welcome to my website! Unfortunately, it is currently under construction. When it is up and running, there will be stuff about me, my ambitions, and my interests! Please come back soon!! Sesshoumaru result
Look out world, you're Sesshoumaru! Deadly and
dangerous, you feel somehow that you're better
than most others. You maintain an icy composure
that imtimidates even the most formidable of
youkai, and can silence anyone with a patented
steely glare. But beneath that frigid exterior,
beats a compassionate heart that even you are
in complete denial of. You despise weakness of
all kinds, yet find yourself subject to it when
it comes to those select few you pretend not to
care about. Though you're loathe to admit it,
you're not such a bad guy sometimes. There's no
fooling the rest of us; we've seen your softer
side, even if it rarely makes an appearance.

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a master of the mystical katana

noble; honorable; deadly
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]
Replicant Yearning for Assassination and Nullification Digital Android Responsible for Logical Assassination/Networked Technician Assembled for Nullification

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