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Walk In Love
Ephesians 5:1,2
Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and
given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to
God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

The following group is for fellowship.
Wanna chat? Get to know the other members?
Then what are you waiting for?

Hello Dear Members! God Bless
I want everyone to realize that this group
is not just mine, it is everyone's! If you have
an idea or suggestion, please let me know.
This is your group! And I want everyone to feel
loved and appreciated! And you are!
May Christ be your guide today and always.

Committee's To Join

We have several committees available to join.
If you are interested, please let me know.

**Compassion Committee**
Sending emails to members who are in need
of prayer and a bit of uplifting and encouraging.

**Welcoming Committee**
Welcome new members.

**Helping Hands Committee**
Some members who do not participate, of course,
there are reasons.
But perhaps they do not feel like a part of the
group, or they are not as outspoken like some of
This committee will be in charge of getting in
touch with those who do not participate and giving
them a little nudge in the direction of fellowship!

**Recruiting Committee**
We will be making some graphics to leave in other
Christians guestbooks and will be inviting them to
join AOC. So, do you have some friends you would like
to invite, or have you seen some sites that you
really enjoyed?
Invite them to join us in fellowship


Do you have a
site that offers free graphic sets?
If so, let me know! I am going to be putting
up a page of all the talented folks here.
So send in those url's!

New Members

Here are the newest members to the group!
Be sure and give them a nice warm welcome!

Information Pages

Welcome Page
Statement of Faith
Member Sites
Member Photo's
Graphics for Guestbooks


*All chats and bible studies will be held here*
Bible Study/Fellowship Room

Message Forum
