
She was underwhelmed, if that's a word
I know it's not, 'cause I looked it up
That's one of those skills that I learned in my school

I was overwhelmed, and I'm sure of that one
'cause I learned it back in grade school
When I was young

She said, "You is funny"
I said, "You are funny"
She said, "Thank you"
and I said, "Nevermind"
She rolled her eyes
Her beautiful eyes

The point is not the grammar
It's the feeling
That is certainly in my heart
But not in hers

But not in hers
But not in hers
But not in hers
But not in hers

We were talkin' about people that eat meat
I felt like an ass 'cause I was one
She said, "It's okay," but I felt like
I just ate my young

She is obviously a person with a cause
I told her that I don't smoke or drink
She told me to loosen up on her way to the L.C.

She skips her classes and gets good grades
I go to my courses rain or shine
She's passin' her classes while I attend mine

While I attend mine
While I attend mine
While I attend mine
While I attend

She wrote out a story about her life
I think it included something about me
I'm not sure of that but I'm sure of one thing
Her spelling's atrocious

She told me to read between the lines
And tell her exactly what I got out of it
I told her affection had two F's
Especially when you're dealing with me

I usually notice all the little things
One time I was proud of it, she says it's annoying
She cursed me up and down and rolled her R's, her beautiful R's

She says I'm caught up in triviality
All I really wanna know is what she thinks of me
I think my love for her makes me miss the point

I miss the point, I miss the point
I miss the point, I miss the point
I miss the point, I miss the point
I miss the point, Hey mister

Coax Me by Sloan

It all seemed to happen so fast,
Will you ever believe the way he passed away
I saw his widow speak on her fortune
She was feeling pretty apathetic

Coax me Cajole me X2
I drink concentrated O.J.
Can I think consolidated's O.K.
It's not the band I hate it's their fans,
3 cans of water perverts me.

Coax me Cajole me X3
And after he died
By rights she'd have cried
I gave mine away....X2
I saw a widow's speak on her forehead
It was full of lines and sinkers

Coax me Cajole me X3

   so take, take me home