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Kootenay Metis Youth

Sorry long load time but worth it

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March 9th & 10th, 2002 - Cranbrook BC
Heritage Inn
Click on the picture to see a larger one.
bob Bob Kelly Teaching to light a fire the old way
bob Bob Kelly - story teller Introducing the Michif Museum
bob Josie Ahearn - story telling Ashtum Bob
Dehlia Sempere - Sash Weaving Teacher Weaving
Medicine Bag making Ojibway Dream Catchers
Marrisa Bennett - Talk about racism Norm Allard Jr. - Racism and the Brain
Weaving Weaving
Weaving Weaving
Red River Jig Yvonne - Jig and Traditional Dance Teacher
Red River Jig Traditional Dances
Beading Beading
Beading Beading
Beading Beading
Some of the Kootenay Metis Youth

Special Thanks to:
