The People's Page

Well, this is the page which I designed for the betterment of the people. This homepage, or as I like to call it "The People's Page", gives you links to other sites which better explain the phenom who is Brandon. This site is a conductor to others which will unlock the doors of mystery which have been locked to you throughout your whole life. Each picture at the bottom of this page takes you to a site which is entirely of it's own. The first icon opens the site My World, which holds my info on things I like.It's the more personal site, where give my thoughts and opinions to many a thing that I enjoy doing or at least have some ideas on. The second icon holds the presidential hardworking side. This is where I somewhat sound like the president and give my voice to current events, my school, where technology is taking us, and still more on my school. The thrid and final icon is a speacial one. This is the dictionary of Esbrandol, a language of words that is really weird (but hey it gives me something to do).Well I hope you have fun looking through the new eyes which hopefully I've opened for you.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me at

                      The People's Dictionary