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Galiano Pics!

Day Three...Tuesday the 16th.

Okay , I got my camera working! :)

Guess where we went for a hike today!

It's a pond...thank you CAtriona for taking this pic.

And we crashed the plane...Emilie offers coffee or tea, Ashley suggests that we fasten our seatbelts.

Look! we made it to the top of the mountain! Here we are toasting marshmallows on the fire that wasn't there!

And Ashley falls off the fence.

We didn't have cliff adventures today. This sign should have been there for yesterday's hike.

This is exactly how I feel. Let's just sit down in a heap.

Aaw...Emilie's pooped and she's reading! How sweet. My fingers are pooped.

So, this afternoon we went kayaking:

Ashley is so smiley! Adriel and Emilie are here too :) Boy there's lodsa waves.

So...Ashley tried rowing, but we eneded up going backwards. She looks good though eh?

Well, some people are really good at kayaking, and others are lucky to get in the right way around. Jess was lucky...

NEVER let Emilie take pictures!

I was the only one who could actually move the boat. I'm red and dish-eveled though.

Emilie is so cute! She wants to start a Byng team to kick some Kits' and Saints' butt!

They were filming Pirates of the Carribean II We saw orlando!
