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Everything You Wanted To Know About "The Great One"

Good Music That Matters

Humourous Imagery

Random Musings from the most brilliant mind this side of Stephen Hawking

The Andrew Ferrone Memorial Fund

Montreal: A Synopsis

Dimebag Epitaph

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. I try to put something new somewhere on here every day. Please come back and visit again. Sometimes you'll be shockingly surprised! (Page Last Updated: 01.31.2005)

Subject: The FAST TICKETS in the BEDROOM and Other Business.
From: Mr. RED, PORNO Supervisor
To: All Employees of GAY BEAR Inc.

It has come to my LIVING attention that the BEDROOM has been HUH LIVED HEY with FAST TICKETS. I am tired of dealing with HOPS employees and their FAST TICKETS. The BEDROOM is meant for CROSSING. It is not a CHEESE room.

On a more HOT note, I would like to RUN all of you for the COOL work you all did on the BLACK WALLET account. You should all be WHAT SLEPT.

Also, be sure to welcome ROSS, the newest member of the WEED department. They will be a SEXY SNOT to our family.

WHICH Yours,
Mr. RED, PORNO Supervisor.

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