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Lincoln Rose Stables & Studios

Hi! My name is Marie B. and I love collecting, repainting and remaking Breyer model horses. Here at Lincoln Rose Stables & Studios, I have several services that I offer for you. If you like to collect models, have one that needs repainting and you want an LSQ paint job for a reasonable price, you have come to the right place. Please take a look around and stay a while.

I have a new yahoo group for updates on my remakes, as well as feedback from other customers. LRSS yahoo group

Recent Customs


Models For Sale

Model horse stories

My "Outdoor" Artwork

Repainting Tips

Show Results

If you would like to see a list of my prices, have an order, questions, or ideas please email me!

Important Update: 6/8/03

My pages are under major construction right now, so please bear with me as I make these important changes. Thanks!

Let me express my deepest apologies and empathy to all those who have lost loved ones in the Pennsylvania, Pentagon and New York wreckages and explosions. God Bless you and your family.

My Favorite sites

Breyerlover's message board
Elderberry Road
Roxy's Renditions--*Free* webpage graphics!
Graphics by Barbara
The Nieghsayer message board
Ha'aretz Daily